Thursday, May 27, 2021

Marx's 'Psychohistorical Materialism'.

Dear Readers,

I just posted, to a Reddit query entitled "What is Historical and Dialectical Materialism??", at --

(1) What is Historical and Dialectical Materialism?? : communism101 (

-- the following response:

" "Historical Materialism" and "Dialectical Materialism" are not Marx's terms. They are terms associated with Leninist and Stalinist ideology." 

 "As can be gleaned, starting at least from Marx's Theses on Feuerbach, Marx's theory is no "Materialism" in the sense of an actually Idealist, 'Matterist' ideology, holding that the Abstract Idea of Matter predominates over all other Abstract Ideas, or in the sense of a "Mechanical Materialism"." 

"Marx's theory is better described as a 'Psychohistorical Materialism', because Marx always takes the human psyche into account in his theorization of human-social [meta-]evolutions/-revolutions." 


"That is why Marx devoted most of his works to the [dialectical, immanent] critique of prevailing ideologies -- why his treatise Capital is subtitled "A Critique of Political Economy"."

"That is why Marx asserted, in his "Economic-Philosophic Manuscripts" of 1844, that the history of human industry, as it objectively exists, is an open book of the human faculties, and a human psychology that can be sensuously apprehended."

"That is why he asserted that '"theory itself becomes a material force"' once it has seized the hearts and minds of the majority class."

"That is also why Marx asserted, in his Grundrisse, "The recognition of the products [by the wage-worker as that worker's] own, and the judgement that [the wage-worker's] separation from the conditions of [the wage-worker's] realization is improper -- forcibly imposed -- is an enormous awareness, itself the product of the mode of production resting on capital, and as much the knell of its doom as, with the slave's awareness that he cannot be the property of another, with his consciousness of himself as a person, the existence of slavery becomes a merely artificial, vegetative existence, and ceases to be able to prevail as the basis of production." [Nicolaus, p. 463, overall italics added]."

"Marx's 'Psychohistorical Materialist' theory is best regarded as arising from a dialectical synthesis of -- via an immanent critique of both -- Mechanical Materialism and/versus Hegelian Dialectical Idealism."



"Woke"-ism: Orwell's "NewSpeak" Prediction Coming True.

Dear Reader,

I just posted the following comment to a piece entitled "A woke joke, the quackademics who want to cancel Darwin and Newton" at --

A woke joke, the quackademics who want to cancel Darwin and Newton | The Conservative Woman --

and I wrote there --

"Make no mistake: these "politically-correct", "woke" jokes are the beginning of the "thought control" and "thought policing" that Orwell predicted in his novel 1984, in the U.K. and beyond, and the beginning of the end of human liberty in the West."

"It is a huge mistake to believe that these free-speech-censorship, "cancel-culture", proto-totalitarian initiatives have anything to do with any real left-leaning, pro-people politics." 

"The U.S./U.K. ruling class ruling faction, which we call 'The Rocke-Nazis', has hijacked what was left of any revolutionary Left to serve their "divide-and-conquer" strategies, and their accelerating implementation of an Orwellian "NewSpeak" police state." 

"That ruling class faction has also publicly announced their objective of a "95%" human population plummeting, to be accomplished by 'Global Warming Austerity' and a succession of 'Eric Pianka Plagues', leading to a New/Final Dark Age, in which the power of this ruling class faction will, "at last", be "secure" against the democratic aspirations of the majority class worldwide, and against the accelerating 'technodepreciation' of their capital assets."

"We urge those who "have eyes to see" the big picture of this 'Rocke-Nazi' global pogrom/program to consider allying with those fighting for 'Political ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY', including Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica."

I recommend likewise to you, dear reader!








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Comment on the Leninist Ideology as Degeneration of Marxian Theory, Just Posted.

Dear Reader,

I just posted a comment in response to the opinion piece entitled --

"Official Marxism in India disappearing in sync with global trend: The crisis of Marxism the world over surfaced in the late twentieth century. The fault doesn’t lie in Marx, but in so-called Marxist parties." -- at -- 

-- an article with which I heartily concur.

That comment may be lost, if the moderators fail to publish it.



Comment on the Need for a 'Marxian Theory of Marxian Theory Itself', just posted.

 Dear Readers,

I just posted the following comment --

"You are, I hold, quite correct in supposing that there must be a 'self-reflexive moment' to Marxian theory -- a 'Marxian theory of Marxian theory itself' -- and here I use the term 'Marxian theory' in place of "Dialectical Materialism", and of "Historical Materialism", because Marx did not use these terms to characterize the theory that he birthed, and because "DIAMAT" is more a dogmatic "Matterist"-idealism of the abstract idea of "Matter", a re-ideological product of the pseudo-Marxian and ultra-criminal mass murderer, Joseph Stalin. The Leninist pseudo-Marxians will not admit this 'self-reflexive moment' of Marxian theory, because they want to maintain their fraudulent 're-ideologization' of Marxian theory as a tight little catechism, upholding their dictatorial power. A thorough-going Marxian theory of Marxian theory' would also reveal the predictable degeneration of Marxian theory, in the semi-periphery of the global capitalist system, into a new state-capitalist ideology: Leninism, and all of the horrors that followed from it."

-- to a Reddit Question, "Can the method of dialectical materialism explain dialectical materialism's own emergence?", at --

(1) Can the method of dialectical materialism explain dialectical materialism's own emergence? : askphilosophy ( . 



Comment on Asimovian "Psychohistory", Just Posted.

Dear Reader,

FYI:  I just posted the following comment --

"For those who see that the present ruling plutocracy is planning a “95% reduction” of Earth’s human population, leading to a global New/Final Dark Age, I urge you to ally with those who are working to develop not a fictional but a real psychohistory here on Earth: Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica."

-- to Dossier - Asimov, the learnings of the Foundation and the Robots - World Today News ( .



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

‘The Haunted Human Mind’.

The Haunted Human Mind.


Dear Reader,


Ideology – in Marx’s sense – positively abounds today, more than ever before!


Mystification – including ideology in all of its kinds – is chiefly a matter of ‘‘‘haunted mind’’’, of a human mind filled with, and vampirically preyed upon by, imaginary, fictitious entities of its own construction, or, at least, of its own continual reproduction.  

It is a matter of human minds cluttered with reifications, hypostatizations, projections and fetishes – minds haunted by ‘pseudo-subjects’, really dead mental objects, thus self-reducing those live humans themselves to ‘pseudo-objects’, as if themselves dead; hiding those minds real ‘subject-ivity’ from themselves.


Such minds, haunted by ‘pseudo-agents’, hide from themselves the real agents. 

Such minds are haunted by ‘pseudo-agents’ which have no real, actual, sensuous counterparts in the external world, except as the rituals enacted by those who believe in those ghosts, thus suppressing their own «geiste»!





Please post your comments on this blog-entry below!







For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:












Miguel Detonacciones,

Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council,

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.










Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ “New World Order”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.

The Rocke-Nazi’ “New World Order.  GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


Dear Reader,


The “New World Order”, touted by  the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction of the capitalist ruling class of the U.S./U.K., both as ruling ideology, and as ruling class power-structure, is the ultimate, and ultimately ultra-horrific, decay-product of the ‘descendence phase’ of global [increasingly state-]capitalism.


The successful defeat of this ideology and power-structure by the majority of the rest of humanity requires that humanity’s largely non-violent, rule-of-law-observing and preserving transcendence of the capitalist system as its primary pre-condition.


George Orwell, in his novel 1984, so brilliantly and so vividly described the horrors of the ruling class plan for this “New World Order”.


In the process, Orwell described the overall shape of this “order” – a global system of state-capitalist police-state national dictatorships, arrayed in ever-shifting inter-nation alliances, and engaging in unending Malthusian, mass-murderous inter-alliance warfare.  This world would be, of course, a '"eugenicly"' depopulated world, maintained in its depopulation, e.g., by that unceasing Malthusian warfare.


The secretly ‘Rocke-Nazi’-appointed dictators of each state-capitalist nation-state are to be “responsible”, to the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, for having their own people “under their thumbs” -- all in totalitarian terror beneath their police-state rule – but also, and on the contrary, to be abject servants to the U.S./U.K. ‘Rocke-Nazi’ “Uber”-rulers, who will have all of these national dictators held, in turn, in terror, under the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ global “thumb”.



How do you like the prospect of that future?






Please post your comments on this blog-entry below!







For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --




For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:












Miguel Detonacciones,

Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council,

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.










Monday, May 10, 2021

Capitalism’s ‘Descendence’ Phase: An Excerpt. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


Capitalisms Descendence Phase:



Dear Reader,

Beginning in the late 1800s, after the revelation, for the capitalist ruling class, of the ~1870 to ~1890, ~20-year “Great Deflation”, with its falling prices in nearly every consumer commodities category, and more, and falling profits, induced by accelerating industrial capitalist productivity growth, i.e., induced by an accelerating “growth of the social forces of production” – which had been predicted by Karl Marx, circa 1857+, as a deadly problem for the capitalist system, and with the writings of Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, and others under ruling class review, a new faction of the U.S./U.K. capitalist ruling class coagulated.


This new ruling class ruling faction we call The Rocke-Nazi faction, due to the dominance of the Rockefeller Crime[s-Against-Humanity] Family in that faction.


In the late 1800s and early 1900s, this ruling faction began a massive campaign of interventions, against competitive capitalism, against the interests of the U.S. working class, and against history – against the historic rise in ‘the human-social forces of human societal reproduction’ – against the global progress of the human species.


This massive campaign of interventions included the engineering of the Rockefeller “Eugenics” ideology of mass extermination; of the deadly-side-effects drugs-promoting AMA, together with the suppression of dietary and naturopathic healing traditions; of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, creating a controlled hyperinflation ever since, thereby continually lowering wages; of the 1913 Federal Income tax, forcing workers and small business people to pay for the Rocke-Nazireversal of the growth of the industrial productive forces in the capitalist system’s “semi-periphery”, via Rocke-Nazi-controlled ‘servant/military dictatorships’ installed there, thereby creating the “Third World”; and of the mass exterminations of World War I, starting in 1914. …


Moreover, these 20th century catastrophes, all manifesting the hostility of the capitalist ruling class ruling faction to any further growth of the general social forces of production, were among only the early outcomes of this Rocke-Nazi intervention. …


Long before the public airings of the vicious Italian Fascist, German Nazi, etc., “Great Depression” ideologies, the Rocke-Naziswere well on their way to engineering those ideologies, especially via their ultra-vicious “Eugenics” ideology for the mass extermination of humanity. …


Hitler’s 1939+ turn from Rocke-Nazi Servant-Dictator to Rocke-Nazi Franken-Dictator – turning against his Rockefeller/U.K. Royal Family Dr. Frankenstein Masters -- led to a discrediting of the “Eugenics” ideology, which Hitler invoked in his Holocaust and in his regime’s exterminations of tens of millions of Slavic people and Russian people.


So today, the Rocke-Nazi heirs don’t talk so much about “Eugenics” anymore.


They have two new names for their planned 95% extermination of the human race'Global Warming Austerity' and Pandemics -- the latter of which we call 'The Eric Pianka Plague'.



Please post your comments on this blog-entry below!






For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --




For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:







Miguel Detonacciones,

 Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council,

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.