Thursday, November 29, 2012


Principles of Trans-Capitalist, Social Equity, #4 of 4Citizen Allocational Equity [as propounded by the E.A.G., the Equitist Advocacy Group]


Dear Reader,


Via unison with the new constitutional principles, rights, and properties, of --


-- the new constitutional equity principle of --


-- constitutes a key component of the proposed new political-economic system -- of the system of POLITICAL-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY -- that is the predicted successor-system to the present, self-destroying Capital-Equity-Only system of increasingly anti-democratic political economy.

This proposed constitutional principle of "CITIZEN ALLOCATIONAL EQUITY" may be summarized as follows --

'''Citizen Allocational Equity, [is the] social principle, and the social policy, of equitable locational, regional-geographical allocation of social property — of socially/publicly-owned means of social reproduction resources/funding — on a «per capita», or per human person located therein, basis. 

This may policy may be effected, in the proposed Equitist Social System, via the equitable allocation of 'socially-rentable' social property assets to the '"Social Banks"' operating in each region -- that is, to those particular kinds of Citizen Stewardship Cooperatives which qualify the business plans of, and which approve the allocation of, social property resources to the other kinds of Citizen Stewardship Cooperatives, to enable the implementation of so-qualified business plans of those other kinds of Citizen Stewardship Cooperatives.'''

Some greater detail regarding this principle follows [edited for clarity [I hope!] by M.D.] --

"Truly equitable distribution of, e.g., the public assets ceded, from the stock of global social property, in stewardship, to local and regional Citizen Stewardship Equity producers' associations, may involve, especially initially, from the point of view of the internationally base-elected A.I.D.P. [«Association Internationale des Directeurs Publiques»], compensatory and reparative elements, until the injustices of past capitalist-imperialist social auto-cannibalization of the capital-hinterland, including the former "Second World" and "Third World" regions of the globe, has been adequately redressed [if such reparative plans are adopted via popular referendum].

Such allocative equity, in any case, involves the solution of presently unsolved — and hardly even posed — problems of 'social-negentropy accounting' in the context of a 'meta-market' social system, in which mere monetary-valuations provide an even more inadequate metric of 'social-reproductive use-value' than they already do now, even still within the integument of the "capital-relation".

The nature of 'Citizen Allocational Equity' is thus that of an historical equity-principle, which targets an "ideal" of equal «per capita» regional allocation of socially-owned social negentropy, but which entails recognition that such an ideal standard becomes relevant only once an "equipotential" among all regions of the globe has been achieved with regard to life-opportunities.

There will remain a role for the constitutionally and juridically regulated and monitored 'Declarations of Peace and Prosperity' — replacing, and hopefully preempting and obviating the whole history of "Declarations of War", up to today — adopted by one global region, with respect to another, as part of the process of achieving the necessary compensatory and reparative allocations that constitute '''the correction of the past''' in terms of wealth-sharing and resource-sharing.

Such 'Declarations', and, even more so, their implementation, involves subtle applications of a mastery of human-social science — of the science of the catalysis of accelerated human-social self-development — that are all but beyond the ken of our current, capital-compromised and capital-corrupted civilization.

These 'Declarations' might involve something of what Marx envisioned, with respect to Russia, and with respect to the Russian Mir [village community], '''given a successful proletarian revolution in the West''', in his Preface to the Russian edition of the Communist Manifesto, and in his draft letters of response to Vera Zasulich."

For a fuller definition and discussion, see --

[especially Sub-Sections 5.c. & 5.d. in]. --








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as illustrated books by the F.E.D. Press, see --



















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Principles of Trans-Capitalist, Social Equity, #3 of 4Citizen Stewardship Equity [as propounded by the E.A.G., the Equitist Advocacy Group]


Dear Reader,

Below is my edited excerpt – edited for greater clarity [again, I hope!] – from a text by the Equitist Advocacy Group [E.A.G.] on their proposed new constitutional principle of Citizen Stewardship Equity.


Citizen Stewardship Equity, supersedes the "wage-labor", '''sold labor-power''', or '''alienated labor[-power]''' relation of/that is the core of, [industrial, or real-dominant] capital.

It encompasses -- after the public's enactment of the Equitarian Reform/Revolution -- the constitutional rights of each working adult, to membership in, and to 1-person/1-vote 'economic suffrage' within, the 'producers' councils', or 'stewards' councils', that would then democratically manage the socially-/legally-/constitutionally-favored producer's cooperative enterprises.

It includes the new constitutional right to share in the profits-of-enterprise of any such producers' cooperative in which that citizen works, with partial rights of collective use / disposition over the socially-owned means of social reproduction ceded, in stewardship, but not in local ownership, to these producers' cooperatives / local producers' associations, under the collective/democratic control of their base-elected 'stewards' councils', in continuous negotiation with these enterprises' own 'externality-equities' property-holding 'publics' boards', as part of Equitarian Society's «aufheben»-negation / conservation / elevation of market-based checks-and-balances regarding the pricing and quality of the goods/services supplied to the citizen-consumers by these enterprises, using equitably-allocated, socially-owned means of social reproduction.

This newly-emergent 'Stewardship-Equity social-relation-of-production' is expected and intended to increasingly supplant the likewise «aufheben»-conserved/constrained/elevated '''wage-labor''' / private-capital social-relationship-of-production [cf. the model of "Economic Democracy" comprehensively constructed and defended by David Schweickart in his book Against Capitalism [Cambridge University Press, NY:  1993], as well as in his book After Capitalism [Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., NY: 2002], to which we are indebted, in part, for key aspects of the conceptual derivation of this crucial sub-principle, and 'socio-ontological «species»', or 'social relations of production «species»', of 'generalized equity'].  . . .

MarxJoint-Stock Capital-Equity as the Perfected Form of Capital, Transitional to 'Democratic Communism'.

In the context of this subject-matter, it is profoundly informative to see what Marx actually had to say, in the very core of his written works, about the immanent emergence — from out of the heart of the capital-relation itself — of the core social relation of production of 'democratic communist' society, in the transition from capital-relation-based society to 'democratic communist' society, in volume III. of his «magnum opus», Capital  --

"The general remarks, which the credit system so far elicited from us, were the following: ...

III. Formation of stock companies. Thereby: ...

3) Transformation of the actually functioning capitalist into a mere manager, administrator of other people's capital, and of the owner of capital into a mere owner, a mere money-capitalist.

Even if the dividends which they receive include the interest and the profit of enterprise, i.e., the total profit (for the salary of managers is, or should be, simply the wage of a specific type of skilled labour, whose price is regulated in the labour-market like that of any other labour), this total profit is henceforth received only in the form of interest, i.e., as mere compensation for owning capital that is now entirely divorced from the function in the actual process of reproduction, just as this function in the person of the manager is divorced from ownership of capital. ...

In stock companies the function is divorced from capital ownership, hence also labour is entirely divorced from ownership of means of production and surplus-labour.

This result of the ultimate development of capitalist production is a necessary transitional phase towards the reconversion of capital into the property of producers, although no longer as the private property of the individual producers, but rather as the property of associated producers, as outright social property.

On the other hand, the stock company is a transition toward the conversion of all functions in the reproduction process which still remain linked with capitalist property, into mere functions of the associated producers, into social functions.

This is the abolition [one-sided translation of the German core-"dialectical" word «aufheben» -- M.D.] of the capitalist mode of production within the capitalist mode of production itself, and hence a self-dissolving contradiction, which «prima facie» represents a mere phase of transition to a new form of production.

It manifests itself as such a contradiction in its effects.

It establishes a monopoly in certain spheres and thereby requires state interference.

It reproduces a new financial aristocracy, a new variety of parasites in the shape of promoters, speculators, and simply nominal directors; a whole system of swindling and cheating by means of corporation promoting, stock issuance, and stock speculation.

It is private production without the control of private property. ...

The co-operative factories of the labourers themselves represent within the old form the first sprouts of the new, although they naturally reproduce, and must reproduce, everywhere in their actual organization all the shortcomings of the prevailing system.

But the antithesis between capital and labour is overcome within them, if at first only by way of making the associated labourers into their own capitalist, i.e., by enabling them to use the means of production for the employment of their own labour [the E.A.G. names this transitional form 'workers' capital[ism]' -- M.D.].

They show how a new mode of production naturally grows out of an old one, when the development of the material forces of production and of the corresponding forms of social production have reached a particular stage. Without the factory system arising out of the capitalist mode of production there could have been no co-operative factories.

Nor could these have developed without the credit system arising out of the same mode of production.

The credit system is not only the principal basis for the gradual transformation of capitalist enterprises into capitalist stock companies, but equally offers the means for the gradual extension of co-operative enterprises on a more or less national scale. ...

The capitalist stock companies, as much as the co-operative factories, should be considered transitional forms from the capitalist mode of production to the associated one, with the only distinction that the antagonism is resolved negatively in the one, and positively in the other. ...

The credit system appears as the main lever of over-production and over-speculation in commerce solely because the reproduction process, which is elastic by nature, is here forced to its extreme limits, and is so forced because a large part of the social capital is employed by people who do not own it, and who consequently tackle things quite differently than the owner, who anxiously weighs the limitations of his private capital in so far as he handles it himself.

This simply demonstrates the fact that the self-expansion of capital based on the contradictory nature of capitalist production permits an actual free development only up to a certain point, so that in fact it constitutes an immanent fetter and barrier to production, which is continually broken through by the credit system.

Hence, the credit system accelerates the material development of the productive forces and the establishment of the world-market.

It is the historical mission of the capitalist system of production to raise the material foundations of the new mode of production to a certain degree of perfection.

At the same time credit accelerates the violent eruption of this contradiction — crises — and thereby the elements of disintegration of the old mode of production.

The two characteristics immanent in the credit system are, on the one hand, to develop the incentive of capitalist production, enrichment through the exploitation of the labour of others, to the purest and most colossal form of gambling and swindling, and to reduce more and more the number of the few who exploit the social wealth; on the other hand, to constitute the form of transition to a new mode of production.

It is this ambiguous nature, which endows the principal spokesmen of credit from Law to Isaac Pereire with the pleasant character mixture of swindler and prophet."

[Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy [vol. III], '''The Shapes Taken-On by the Reproductions-Process of/by Capitals Overall''', Chapter XXVII, "The Role of Credit in Capitalist Production", International Publishers Co., Inc. [NY:  1967], pages 435-441]

In a letter to Engels [Marx to Engels; April 2, 1858, in MEW 29, page 312, reproduced in Rubel on Marx: Five Essays, Cambridge University Press [NY: 1981], page 216, emphasis added by M.D.], Marx writes of the planned structure of his critique of the political economy of the system of «kapitals», with even greater explicitude regarding the transitional character of the emergence of the "share capital" «species» of Capital-in-General, i.e. the "capital equity stock" «species» sub-category, of the social relation of [social re-]production «genos» category called "capital" --

"Capital is divided into four sections.

1. Capital en général [in Fr.] (This is the material of the first brochure).

2. Competition or the reciprocal action of the many capitals.

3. Credit, where capital appears as the general element in opposition to the
many capitals.;

4. Share capital as the most perfect form (assuming the character of communism),
together with all its contradictions."

What are we to make of these positings, by Marx, of capital equity stock, and of its '''shareholder democracy''', or '''stockholder democracy''', as a close kin to '''the associated mode of production''', and to "communism"?

An Historical Helix of Human-Social Democratization, Spanning the Epoch of
Capital as Dominant Human-Social Relation of Production.

The incipient political democracy and civil liberty that early, competitive, ascendant-phase capitalism asserted, initially against its feudal and Absolute-Monarchical rivals, can only be restored in a higher form, and preserved from otherwise total destruction by the predictable late, decadent-phase form of that same capitalism, by means of advancing that initially merely political democracy to a politically-and-economically democratized, actualized democratic political-economy.

We hold that the way to achieve this begins with an extension and generalization of "stockholder democracy" into '''stakeholder democracy''', in a "publics" sense; that is, by way of a constitutional institutionalization of Equitarian, externality-equities-based economic democracy; a public and popular economic democracy that was absent as such throughout the capital epoch, seeded only in that democracy among capitalists — among the holders/owners of 'internality-equity' — that is immanent in the principles and practices [however often honored in the breach] of joint-stock company "stockholder democracy"."


'Citizen Stewardship Equity' is designed to gradually supplant and supersede the capital-relation, by superseding the wagéd-labor and salaried-labor relationships, the latter, forming the core of the capital-relation as predominant social relation of production.

This requires the overcoming of the capital-essential exclusion of the majority of the population, the producing class, from access to, and decision-making regarding the uses of, the means of [social-self-re-]production.

That is, it requires the constitutionally-mandated granting of "stewardship" access to such means of production, as social property, by self-organized collectives of citizens -- who may be non-owners of any capital whatsoever -- under the following precise conditions.

This new «species» of social equity rights entails the constitutional empowerment of each citizen to participate in the co-formation of, and the democratic, 'one steward, one vote' co-conduct of the production and of the democratic self-management of, localized, enterprise-level, associations of producers [i.e., socialized producers' cooperatives] on a 'one citizen, one vote' basis.

This means that each such citizen-producer would be empowered to act as a co-steward of that part of the total social property — in the form of, e.g., production plant and equipment — granted, and '''rented''', to that citizen's qualified producers-association, as collective self-employer, by a local, public, social bank, itself also a 'Citizen Stewardship Equity' co-stewardship association/cooperative, democratically self-managed by its own citizen-producers, also as collective self-employees.

This 'Citizen Stewardship Equity' right would include the right of each such citizen co-steward of such social property in-use to to distinct streams of personla income -- (1) an equal share in the net profits of enterprise generated by that cooperative association of producers, as well as to (2) a — perhaps unequal, perhaps skills-proportional — base-salary in return for the collectively required productive participation in, and contribution to, that association for production, as democratically decided by the assembly of the co-stewards of that cooperative enterprise.

Payment of those profit-shares and base-salaries to themselves by those co-stewards, would depend upon their productive contribution, and also upon their collective success in finding fellow-citizen customers for their product/service output, fellow-citizens/customers willing to pay a price sufficient to fund that salary and that profit-sharing, and for whose patronage they would face competition from other socialized stewardship cooperatives, as well as from remnant capitalist enterprises."

Mis-use of such social property -- of property held not in local collective or individual/personal ownership, but only in stewardship, by such a socialized producers' cooperative -- by the stewards of that stewardship cooperative, in the sense of its use contrary to that stewardship cooperative's business plan, as originally approved -- or as amended, by negotiation, and re-approved -- by the funding social bank, would constitute a misdemeanor against society.

Such would constitute a kind of "embezzlement-in-kind" of social property; a kind of diversion, usurpation, or unconsented-to, unsanctioned, unlawful re-allocation, by a small part of society, of social property, i.e., of property belonging to, and intended to be used so as to benefit, all citizens, and provided, by all citizens, for use by smaller collectives of citizens, only in accord with constitutional and statutory provisions -- such as social bank qualification of, authorization of, and allocation of social property means of production to ["funding" of], qualified producers' collectives business plans, plans, that in the judgement of the social bank collective, will be profitable for, and otherwise beneficial to, the social bank collective, the stewardship cooperative collective, and the rest of society -- provisions designed to insure that social property will be used only in ways net beneficial to society at large; to society as a whole; to all citizens.

For full article, see –

For more about the detailed workings of 'Citizen Stewardship Equity' Rights, see Section 5 in –








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --



For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as illustrated books by the F.E.D. Press, see --



















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Principles of Trans-Capitalist Social Equity, #2 of 4Citizen Birthright Equity [as propounded by the E.A.G., the Equitist Advocacy Group]


Dear Reader,

Below is my edited version -- edited for greater clarity [I hope!] -- of an E.A.G. text on the topic of their proposed Citizen Birthright Equity human-social-constitutional principle:


That principle of the human-social generalization, or humanity-wide "universalization", of equity-holding, to all social citizens, and of an "onto-dynamasis" beyond the kinds of such equity presently in existence, to birth new kinds -- e.g., including "Externality Equity" — the heart and «arché» of the new "human-social-relations-of-production ontology" whose totality the E.A.G. denotes by E [intended as a "dialectogram" symbol connoting the successor human-social-relations-of-production system to the present, globally-failing [state-]capitalist system:  the successor system that is founded upon what the E.A.G. calls the "Generalized Equity" social relation of production -- M.D.], denoting the new, Capital-relation-superseding social relation of [social re-]production — does not end with the collective, public-democratic "property-ization" of "externality equities" as described in my previous blog-entry.

It extends as well to the social generalization of the proprietorship, initially, of '''internality equities''' – capital equity stock and other traditional capital assets -- by all citizens, by means of a policy of "Citizen Birthright Equity Endowments" per an amended, expanded, "constitutionalized" Bill of Social Rights & Responsibilities.

This new «species» of equity – Citizen Birthright Equity -- also flows from principles of "human-social risk management", of "economic-systemic-risk management", and of "human-social self-investment".

It means that every child born into "Equitarian Society", is granted, «ipso jure», at birth, by virtue of fundamental constitutional right, a taxes-funded/social-rents-funded equal sum of capital equity stock, comprised, initially, of small portions of all publicly-issued stocks, bonds, and other capital assets meeting legislated standards, as well as, more and more, of extant social property income streams, designed as an integrated social/individual risk management trust-fund, and as a unified, "omni-portable", globally-portable "social safety net", as a socially-constrained individual property of every new-born citizen.

This new constitutional right, in this sense, makes every baby born into human society a ```trust-fund baby'''.

[The slavish mentality drummed into the minds of many people by the capitalist plutocracy's mass media, and by their general ideologies-manufacturing operations, and by their submissiveness-maintenance operations in general, preconditions the response, to this proposal, and to any similar proposals, for many, to:  "WE JUST CAN'T AFFORD" any such principle.

Only crumbs from the Lords' Tables go to the commoners!

Well, "we" can apparently "afford" TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in unlimited bailouts for those very Big Pig Wall Street Banks that engineered the present global economic collapse and global contraction of social reproduction!

"We" evidently can "afford" forking over the U. S. Taxpayers' U. S. Treasury – the wages and salaries repossessed via taxes by the ruling class from their workers' incomes, a veritable new form of surplus-value -- to the very swine who carried out the plutocracy's planned global economic collapse, to help these swine to consolidate even further their concentrated ownership of U. S. banking, by bankrupting their former, smaller competitors, so that these same Big Pig Banks can buy-out – with taxpayer dollars – those former, smaller competitors, who they bankrupted not only via their collapse-engineering, but via the "regulations" passed to "reform" the practices that allowed them to engineer this collapse, as the reward to these Big Pig Banksters for their services-rendered, thereby, to the 'Roche-Nazi'/'Rothe-Nazi' plutocracy; the very swine who confiscated the home-purchase down-payments of millions of Americans, and who drove millions of Americans out of their homes, and on to the streets, and who robbed millions of Americans of their life savings, of their pensions, of their 401(k) assets; who shipped our factories and our jobs overseas -- also using the money we pay in taxes to pay for their Bankster's flagrantly-exorbitant bonuses, and to lobby [i.e., BRIBE] Congress and the Executive branch to pass no laws or regulations that would prevent them from committing the same massive crimes, and the same massive theft, all over again, next time with even greater ease, and on an even larger scale, and to lobby [i.e., BRIBE] the judiciary to render no rulings or convictions that would hold them accountable for their massive crimes against humanity, as well as to pay for the elephantiasis of the "Defense" Budget, so that Halliburton and the rest of their Oil/Military-Industrial Complex can continue useless, stealth-genocidal wars, to rape both the U. S. Taxpayers, and the peoples of the "Third World" -- a "Third World" that they and their hired servant-dictators created as such in the first place!

"We" can apparently "afford" TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to finance such utter waste and such utter social toxicity and criminality.

BUT – NO! –"WE" CAN NEVER "AFFORD" TO DO SOMETHING TRULY OMNI-BENEFICIAL WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS -- like use part of them to give every child born a real chance in life!

The trouble with slaves, in terms of their own good, is that they tend to develop a slave mentality:  the only thing that they ever think can be "afforded" is more "caviar" for their slave-masters.

Such slaves may go ahead and "live" on their knees, kissing slave-master-butt, for all of their "lives", if that is their masters' "preference" -- thus "validating" the "marginal utility" of their slave masters' "theory of marginal utility".

Others would rather "kick slave-master butt", and "throw the baggage out"! -- M.D.]

In the immediate aftermath of a popularly-imposed, Equitarian Constitutional-Reform/Revolution --

Citizen Birthright Equity means per capita citizen net assets, in place of today's plutocracy-mandated, malignantly growing per capita citizen net liabilities; the share of each citizen in plutocracy-incurred public debt [a way by which the plutocratic minority finances its destructive imperial enterprises, the "foreign" branch of its global "stealth genocide" operations [conveniently also killing-off many of the children of America's own producing class, inducing our poor to kill-off the poor of other nations, and vice versa!] -- the plutocracy's required '''permanent war economy''' via taxes – in fact, by plutocracy-prostituted feneral-legislature-coerced "consumption" of military "goods" by the public, foisted upon the non-super-rich majority by the plutocracy and its abject prostitutes, the pathological-liar "politicians", who serve that plutocracy's every whim, and who never wittingly truly serve the public, the majority of the electorate, despite their habitual pledges that they will to do in the future, and despite their habitual claims to be already doing so].

* Moral Hazard Mitigations. The mitigation of the massive "moral hazard" potential of this proposed Citizen Birthright Equity social policy will require that there be many "strings attached", restricting the uses of this public investment in each citizen-person by that person, and by various parents or guardians and heirs of that person, at various stages of that person's expected life-history, and beyond.

Each social equity-endowment trust-fund must therefore remain a partially-social property; a legislatively-constrained, "statutorially"-constrained, only-partially-individual/-personal/-private property.

* Principles of Universalized Inheritance and of Universalized Birth-Advantage.
This policy of "universal advantage" / "universal inheritance" / "social inheritance" -- of the "universalization" of capital/equity ownership / social property ownership / inheritance, as a partial remedy for the viciously self-amplifying hyper-inequalities of plutocratic-minority capital-advantage and capital-privilege; a ```social risk management''' policy designed to achieve an «aufheben»-negation of some of the socially-recognized systemic risks of the predecessor, «Kapitals»-system -- envisions a unification of the fragmented and otherwise inadequate – inadequate both in quality and in quantity -- «Kapital»-epoch legacy of "social safety net" provisions.

If not, in the beginning, birthing every baby with a "golden spoon", or even with a "silver spoon", in her or his mouth, every baby would be born with at least a "stainless steel spoon in his or her mouth".

These unified provisions would address the management of the social risk of the «aufheben»-"contained" but also of the «aufheben»-"retained" elements of capital-profit-based economics, plus of the new, Equitarian system, as well as of the universal risks of which human social life is, generically, in all human epochs, the heir.

Under the constitutional requirement of Citizen Birthright Equity, human society's collective portion of equal initial social investment in each individual citizen, by social right of birth [as distinct from the presently persisting, vastly unequal family investment in / inheritance of each child, resulting from, e.g., the unequal fruits of achievements, and/or from the "robber-baron" robberies, by that child's ancestors], and the partially age-based, and tests-of-knowledge-based, constitutionally- and legislatively-restricted allocation of each child's birth-right equity trust-fund to use-access for that citizen, would be legislatively designed to meet the expected, standard costs of foreseeable life-history events, including --

* Basic Education -- primary school, trade-school, college, professional, and basic ```life-long learning''', including major re-training in the event of radical skills-obsolescence/skills-"techno-depreciation", etc.;

* Major Medical Care -- for "normal", plus for at least some classes of "catastrophic", illnesses;

* Initial Home Purchase -- down-payment assistance for young adult first home personal property acquisition;

* Entrepreneurship Opportunity -- public "venture capital" funding for first small business launch [for businesses launching below the legislated threshold employee-count at which Citizen Stewardship Equity requirements begin to apply], or for first producers-cooperative launch [for those aspects of such launch costs that are constitutionally, or "statutorially", not fundable by social bank grant -- whether social-rent-payment-requiring or not -- to qualified Citizen Stewardship Equity producer cooperative start-ups];

* Unemployment Insurance -- for cases of economic downturns, entrepreneurial bankruptcies, producers'-cooperative bankruptcies, etc.;

* [Re-]Training -- for redressing "techno-depreciation", or "technological obsolescence-depreciation", of ```human capital''', or for funding the acquisition of that minimum level of "human skills-negentropy" needed to qualify for Citizen Stewardship Equity producers' cooperatives opportunities;

* Retirement -- partially replacing [the increasingly plutocracy-gutted/plutocracy-repealed] employer pension, employer 401(k), personal IRA, and Social Security programs.

Costs of social failures by the individual -- e.g., of welfare livelihood-support in the cases of extended, perhaps non-economic-downturn-induced unemployment, or of incarceration costs in cases of criminal conviction(s) -- would be borne out of that citizen's Citizen Birthright Equity trust fund, even up to its near-exhaustion in extreme cases of criminality, thus also forming a further dis-incentive to such failures.

[Economic downturns may continue to occur, irregularly, during the period of the ```formal domination''', or of the merely ```formal subsumption''', of the capital social-relation-of-production by the rest of the emergent social-relation-of-production of "Generalized Equity".  However, any immanent social processes described in terms of a ```social dynamical law''' of such downturns is expected to be increasingly ``socio-ontologically'' distinct from the immanent social process which drives the iterated irruption, with ever-escalating amplitude, of escalating-duration periods of contracted social reproduction '''social depression''' within the "descendant-phase" sub-epoch of the ```real domination''' of, and of the more or less exclusive social rule of, the "capital-relation", and of its agents and personifications, the concentrated-capital-owning plutocracy.].

This unification, with each citizen as cost-concerned customer, given the "voucher-like" personal stake of each citizen in the conservation, and expansion, of the principal of each one's Citizen Birthright Equity social trust-fund, would "re-marketize" social welfare provision, and "re-competitivize" the pricing of medical and other social welfare services, and, thus, "re-incentivize" the exercise of cost-efficiency and cost-discipline in their production, de-incenting the "take it for granted" moral hazard of present, "free-of-charge", state-bureaucracy-produced, or state-bureaucracy-subsidized, ```social welfare''' provisions.

The policy of "Citizen Birthright Equity Endowment" of every citizen-child raises questions of the disposition of such endowments in the event of termination of pregnancy, averting the birth of a new citizen, by right of the mother.

Parents must not be " incentivized" to ```profit''' monetarily from their children's social trust-funds, though, even so, the financial worries and burdens of parenthood would be significantly mitigated by this policy, even countervailing against the extreme amplification of the "demographic transition" presently evident, in part, in advanced capitalist nations' growing tendency toward negative rates of human population growth [as one moment of their growing tendency to "contracted social reproduction"].

The "Citizen Birthright Equity" policy would not constitute a direct financial incentive to never abort a fetus.

However, the high social valuation of each and every life implicit in social adoption of this Citizen Birthright Equity policy suggests a certain social resolution to the prevailing "right-of-choice" versus "right-of-life" social conundrum, a conundrum which presently forms an apparent antinomy, but which we see, rather, as yet another dialectical "self-antithesis", or "self-duality", within the prevailing social concept of right, a social concept of right which cries out for dialectical, immanent critique.

This "intra-duality" has been opportunistically exploited, manipulated, and amplified — in anti-dialectical, rigid, frozen, mutually-absolutist "either-vs.-or" fashion — by the "Meta-Nazi" plutocracy's "ideologies-engineering" operations, so as to foster and reinforce the protracted social strife of both sides of a diametrically opposed, antagonistic, seemingly "irreconcilable" social antithesis, thus serving as yet one further tool for the "Meta-Nazis' " ideology-based divide-and-conquer subjugation of the majority -- of the "producer-class"; of the vast majority of the public. ...".

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