Monday, August 23, 2021

Why I am a MarxIAN.

Why I am a MarxIAN.




Dear Reader,




I recently posted the following response to a Quora question: Why are you [a] Marxist?



I would NOT say that I am a “MarxIST, because the pseudo-Marxian, criminal and mass-murdering Leninist/Stalinist dictators falsely call themselves “MarxISTS”.


Marx also famously stated — once he saw where people calling themselves “MarxISTS” were headed — that If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.


But I do describe myself as a Marxian, because I see in Marx’s theory a world-historical breakthrough in human-social self-understanding, in social science, and in the theory of human social evolution/revolution, as well as in the envisioning of a higher successor system to the present, catastrophically-failing [state-]capitalist system.


Indeed, I seek to contribute to carrying-forward the unfinished work of Marx, and to the extention of that work, in a way which ‘‘‘assimilates all of the wealth of subsequent human-social development”’.


The dimensions of Marx’s work that I see as most needing carrying-forward and extention include —

(1) Making Marx’s dialectical methods of present system presentation, and of system-history reconstruction and ‘pre-construction’/future-prediction, accessible “to the common reader”, as Marx repeatedly stated that he hoped to do;


(2) scientifically hypothesizing the character of the predicted successor system to capitalism, including as neither anarchist/neo-primitivist/localist, or STATE-capitalist, but as a grassroots Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.


(3) Developing the, self-reflexive, Marxian theory of Marxian theory itself, including a Marxian account of why Marxian theory emerged in human history where and when it did, and theory as to why Marxian theory, in the semi-periphery of the capitalist world system, degenerated into MarxIST ideology, e.g., into the Lenino-Stalinoid/Trotskyoid ideologies attempting, so fatuously, to legitimate proto-state-capitalist and outright state-capitalist [e.g., contemporary China], state-bureaucratic ruling-class, mass-murderous, police-state tyrannies as “socialism in one country” or even as “communism”.

This includes also the impact of Marxian theory on the capitalist ruling class, on their own, self-deluded self-image and ideology, and on their ideology-engineering psy-ops to ideologically imprison and “divide-and-conquer” the majority class.


(4) Concretizing the “law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall” beyond the abstract core algebra of S’/((C/V) + 1), and into the full context of the World Market/Competition of Capitals, where it manifests as resulting from the charging-off, subtracted from gross-profits, of the capital-value depreciation of fixed capital plant and equipment, NOT due to “wear and tear depreciation” of that fixed capital, but due to its “moral depreciation” [Marx] — its competitive incompetence due to technological obsolescence depreciation against the more advanced, greater in productive force/-productivity capital plant and equipment of, especially, upstart new-entrant competitors, including in the semi-periphery of the capitalist world system, and what the capitalist geographical core ruling class turned into the “Third World”.

This law is the key to modern history, especially since the beginning of the ‘descendence phase’ of the capitalist world system, circa 1900 C.E.

The reaction of the capitalist ruling class to their discovery of this law -- in their experience of the ~1870 to 1890 "Great Deflation", and via the writings of Marx, Veblen, etc. -- is the key clue to the “mystery” of the “Thanos”-like horrors that they have imposed, in the 20th century, and are still imposing, to ever-worsening degree, in the 21st century to-date, e.g., their perversion of the grass-roots anti-pollution, anti-externalities movement, into a People Are Pollutionpseudo-movement, to help “justify” the mass murders that they have already carried out, and the even vaster, humanocidal mass murders that they are planning – and that they are already implementing, in stealth mode, even as I write these words.





For more information regarding these insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:
















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Critiques of Marxian Theory.

Critiques of Marxian Theory.




Dear Reader,




I recently posted the following response to a Quora question: What are some good refutations to Marx?


My experience has been that the phenomenon which the OP identifies — of people with no grasp of Marx’s theory trying to refute that theory based upon ignorance and hearsay — is overwhelmingly rife in our contemporary society, drowning out the voices of those who have actually learned Marx’s theory, and provided a critical affirmation, and an immanent critique, of Marx’s work.


My view is that Marx’s work has significant gaps, that lead to practical tragedies, in the following areas —

(1) not having provided a clear, scientific anticipation of the “economic base” and the “superstructure” of the “society of associated producers” that he foresaw, and sought, hence also;


(2) not clearly distinguishing between state-CAPITALISM and the “society of the associated producers” that he both foresaw and sought, e.g., not writing about what would likely happen to Russia if the scenario he described in his letters to Vera Zasulich was NOT achieved;


(3) not living long enough write the book he kept promising to Engels and to Joseph Dietzgen on his dialectical method, made “accessible to the common reader”;

(4) not living long enough to complete even the “Capital” treatise of his planned 6+-treatise “Critique of [Capitalist] Political Economy”, i.e., the treatises on the Landed Property social relation of production/class, on the Wage-Labor social relation of production/class, on the modern Nation-State, on Bi-Lateral Foreign Trade between Nation-States, and on the World Market and Global Crises [& the resulting Wars and Revolutions, etc.], which would have placed his crucial “Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall” in the concrete context of the competition among capitals, and at the heart of the causation of global capitalist crises.


But, HEY, did you expect Marx to do everything in the realm of theory, and of the critique of capitalist ideologies, that humanity needs in order to rise to the next higher level of human flourishing?


Marx expected that others would continue the work that he had begun and way-showed.


Alas, the — albeit predictable — state-capitalist dictatorships and pseudo-Marxian state-bureaucratic ruling-class ideologies of the Leninists side-tracked the whole Marxian movement until the circa 1989 fall of “Soviet” Stalinism.


But the Marxian movement, under two-flank attack by both the “People Are Pollution”, ‘humanocidal’ ruling class of the [increasingly also state-]capitalist “West”, and the pseudo-Marxian, state-capitalist “Marx”IST dictators of the “East”, has as yet barely begun to resume, let alone to re-advance, the work of Marx’s actual theory.





For more information regarding these insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:
















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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On Marx’s “Theory of Capitalism”.


On Marx’sTheory of Capitalism.




Dear Reader,


I recently posted the following response to a Quora question: What is Marx’s Theory of Capitalism?



Marx’s four-volume treatise, entitled Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, sought to lay bare the [political-]economic law of motion of modern [i.e., of capitalist] society.


Marx did indeed have what should be called a “theory of capitalism”.


In a nutshell, Marx showed how “the growth of the social forces of production” — ~ of social productivity; of the rate of social reproduction — incentivized by the capitalist profit motive itself, eventually attacked capital as dominant “social relation of production”, in the form of accumulated fixed capital value, technologically devaluing it due to its technological-competitive obsolescence, in a way that reduced periodic profit-rate in each accounting period in which techno-devalued fixed capital-value was written-off against gross profit.


This is Marx’s famous, crucial “law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall” when placed in its concrete context of the competition among capitals.


Marx’s general theory of human social evolution/-revolution holds that the “social relations of production”, such as “the capital-relation” in modern society, begin, in each epoch of human social development, as catalysts for further growth of “the social forces of production”, i.e., of human-societal self-reproductivity.

However, as this process unfolds, those “social relations of production” necessarily turn into constraints that break, brake, and even begin to reverse that productive-force growth.


This then leads to an era of increasing crises whose higher outcome, if achieved, is a social revolution that sprouts the seeds of a higher social relation of production that had already been forming within the old society — a new social relation of social reproduction that resumes and furthers the growth of the societal self-reproductive self-force of humanity for another epoch of social evolution.


Marx’s “Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall” is just the capital-relation-specific, capital-epoch-specific case of Marx’s general ‘‘‘law of human-social evolution/revolution’’’.





For more information regarding these insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:
















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





Please post your comments on this blog-entry below!











Tuesday, August 17, 2021

New Dialogue on 'Rocke-Nazi' GLOBAL POGROM/"PROGRAM", captured from the internet.

New Dialogue on 'Rocke-Nazi' GLOBAL POGROM/GLOBAL "PROGRAM"

captured from the internet.

Dear Reader,


 I just found and captured the following dialogue from the internet, a dialogue that I think might be of interest to you --

D1: "NOT JUST "RED NECKS" -- "Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID." -- DAILY MAIL.  © Provided by Daily Mail

Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID.

People with a PhD are the most hesitant when it comes to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
Researchers surveyed just over five million US adults in an online survey, with 10,000 reporting that they were educated to PhD level.
The report showed a surprising U-shaped correlation between willingness to get a Covid vaccine and education level - with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated.
Of those surveyed, 20.8 per cent with a high school education were reluctant to get the shot, and 23.9 per cent with a PhD were against it.
But the least skeptical of the shot had a Master's degree - with only 8.3 per cent of that group being vaccine hesitant.
The researchers did not offer an explanation as to why so many people with PhDs were vaccine hesitant, and the paper noted that 'further investigation into hesitancy among those with a PhD is warranted'.
The report said: 'To our knowledge, no other study has evaluated education with this level of granularity, which was possible due to our unusually large sample (of over 10,000 participants with PhDs).'

The paper also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less. In all. around 25 per cent of adults were hesitant at the start of the year, gradually falling to 17 percent by May.

There has been a universal assumption among many that education level negatively correlated with vaccine hesitancy - more educated people are more likely to receive the vaccine.
But researchers also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less.
By May, reluctance to get vaccinated held constant in the most educated group - those with PhDs.
'Those with PhDs were the only education groups without a decrease in hesitancy,' the paper read.
It attributed their 'refusal or reluctance to be vaccinated' to 'slowed vaccination uptake, potentially prolonging the pandemic'.
Researchers concluded that the most educated people in our society - the people certified to become doctors and treat the virus - are not only the most hesitant about getting vaccinated but are also the least likely to change their minds about it.
The paper noted that other hesitancy risk factors included 'younger age, non-Asian race, having a PhD or less than high school education, living in a rural county with higher 2020 Trump support, lack of worry about Covid-19, working outside the home, never intentionally avoiding contact with others and no past-year flu vaccine'.
But vaccine hesitancy among American adults plummeted during the early months of 2021 and the paper showed that around 25 per cent of adults were hesitant at the start of the year, gradually falling to 17 percent by May.
Reasons for vaccine hesitancy vary, according to the survey.

The biggest drops were among black and Hispanic populations - decreasing by as much as half - and people with a high school education or less."

D2: "YES

It's the whole problem of the bourgeoisie all over again, the tyranny of the middle and upwardly mobile. 

It is the same with other developmental lines, especially psychological. 

People want to be smart and respected so they support and aim to be included in the mediocre managerial class and escape their lower class or less developed status. 

But the higher ranges of education and class give one a broader perspective. 

In some circles of developmental psychology and sociology, they claim that the post-normative, post-"rational" levels tend to integrate all the previous pre-normative and mid-range levels and so can appear to some average people as being "irrational", when really they just have a more deeply integrated kind of intellect, what Philosophers used to call "Reason" as opposed to just the easily acquired intellectualism that bait the lower classes into believing in their wisdom"


 D1: "Unfortunately, the unchecked power experienced by some factions of the "higher", ruling class, despite enormous educational advantages, leads to their self-perversion, and their from-childhood inculcation with Eugenics ideology, and with the idea that majority class human beings are just sub-human, UNTERMENSH 'capital-fodder', to be exterminated if they aren't generating surplus-value/profit for that ruling class faction, or if they threaten to enact popular/populist global democratization, together with these "higher" class individuals' service-less life-styles, always taking, never giving, leads to a deep misery in those plutocrats, which they express as mass-murderous hyper-sadism."

D2: "yes, but this is part of the dangers of uneven psychological (and social) development. Higher intelligence can by itself breed a kind of sociopathic mindset. I really like the way this is explored in Star Trek:Deep Space9, with their laws against genetically engineered humans since they led to eugenics wars, with the enhanced becoming sociopaths convinced of their superiority. I love the episode that shows how the enhanced humans' calculations, however accurate within a context, neglected to consider the infinite variability of human freedom.

Our elites want to engineer a closed system with little freedom because that is the only way their autistic control-models will work in predicting and controlling society, but they need to be shown that it is not the best way forward. Humanity must win its freedom and prove it can handle it."

D1: "Yes, but calling these plutocrats "elites" is falling into the ideology of those plutocrats, which includes the abnegation of the majority of human beings. 

Those plutocrats are not "elite". 

Rather, the reverse: They are the mass-murderous, ultra-criminal scum of the Earth!"

D2: "But this is the problem the episode puts forward: if you have power that determines the fate of a whole galaxy with trillions of lives at stake, and no matter what you do, many people are going to die, do you choose the path with the lowest numbers of death and most positive outcome when the centuries of consequences are taken into account? Even if it is a more restrictive path? Or do you give freedom a shot even if it risks a greater tragedy? If anything right now, it is the "safetyism" and confidence of our so-called elites that needs to be challenged."

D1: "You assume that the ruling oligarchy is in a situation of millions of people dying, due to causes beyond their control, and that they seek to minimize deaths, when, actually, their policies and machinations are the direct cause of these millions of otherwise unnecessary mass deaths already, and they, in fact, judging from their own bloodcurdling public statements, seek to maximize, not minimize, further billions of deaths in the future that they are planning. 

Remember, these are the 'Meta-Nazis' who put the mere Nazis, and other fascist state-capitalist dictatorships, into power leading up to WWII, and these 'Meta-Nazis' plans [see, e.g., Texas Academy of Sciences "Scientist of the Year" Dr. Eric Pianka's call for an aerosol-spread Ebola virus to kill off > 7 billion human beings "to save the planet" [i.e., to save Rockefeller power]] make their mere Nazis look like boy scouts in comparison.  

With populations plummeting all over the "First World" -- Japan, France, the U.K., Germany, etc. -- have you swallowed their lie about "overpopulation" being the only real problem, HOOK, LINE & SINKER?"

D2: "not at all. I am just thinking structurally. While taken as a whole, their policies might be considered a major determinate factor in the state of the world, they cannot act as one except when their interests align. No one actor or small group of actors can act too counter to the rest without losing most power over the situation. We are all born into conditions we inherit from others, including "elites". They may have power to nudge things this way or that, but they have no power for radical change except along lines that have support among other power blocs and have the conditions prepared by previous historical actors, elite, or otherwise. The world is a chaotic war zone of powers beyond anyone's control or complete understanding. Global warming and covid may be mostly propaganda narratives, but they are also a complex system of factors being harnessed by multiple actors for various ends that are converging on a technocratic system because that is a stable attractor that many elites prefer to all out war. The former Nazis groups especially learned the lesson from ww2. They were already the ones forming alliances with the U.S. and preparing for a longer game than the crude weapons of conventional war and the disastrous weapons that were then becoming possible."

D1: "Your above-described "structural" methodology is commendable in a world of highly-fragmented power groups with relative parity of power and influence among them. 

Even when such a world consolidates into a few major, dominant power groups, such a methodology, if rigorously pursued, might lead to a realization of that consolidation. 

But your assessment, above, seems to fabulously underestimate the degree of power-consolidation achieved by the dominant UK-US ruling faction -- the 'Rockefeller faction' -- since their liquidation of the 'Roosevelt faction' [e.g., of the Kennedy brothers] in the 1960s, and since their reign free from power-challenge from the Stalinist Soviet Union after 1989. 

The entire "Western World" -- The U.S., the U.K., Canada, Western and much of Eastern Europe, Australia, Israel, etc., etc. -- and much of the Third World as well, have aligned with the Global Warming Austerity plan, and with near-mandatory COVID-19 [deadly] "vaccine" vaccination requirements. 

Even China is paying lip-service to Global Warming Austerity, albeit delaying action on their part beyond the foreseeable future, perhaps hoping to "wait it out" until the "West" has weakened itself by that austerity to the point where they can "opt out" before damaging their people and economy with that hyper-austerity. 

Yes, there is a danger of war, even of nuclear war, between the "West" and China and/or Russia, each of  the latter being already arrayed in partial opposition to the 'Rockefeller faction's' "People Are Pollution", 'humanocidal' policies. 

But that means that there are 3 major power-groups, not the hundreds of fragmented power blocs that you seem to see.  

I think your assessment that a post-capitalist "technocratic" global feudalism is a "stable attractor" is dangerously wrong. 

If the 'Rockefeller faction' succeeds in exterminating 95% of the global human population, as their agents have repeatedly semi-publicly stated as their policy, then I think that the extinction of the human species becomes the outcome with overwhelming probability.  

E.g., one little asteroid, and their "new aristocracy" would be charred-black toast, along with the rest of what would be left of humanity after their 95% extermination thereof."

D2: "I didn't say there was any definitive number of groups.  It all depends on the scale of analysis.  Two or three multi-national level blocs I think is correct, but there are a lot of other factors and levels of power at work in this world.  We are all helping to determine this world, but there is only so much any of us can do when so many people at all levels are aligning with this trajectory we are talking about.  But within the general trajectory there is a deeper game we can all have a profound effect on that will determine the trajectory of this planet further down the road.  Also, since I think the most powerful of the breakaway-civilization groups has very advanced technology, and an interest in keeping this planet viable, I don't think we need to worry about asteroids."

D1: "You're a real "Gamblin' Man" . . . -- placing your hope for humanity's survival of the machinations of very concrete, identifiable, well-recorded 'humanocidal' actors on (a) hypothesized "breakaway civilization(s)", which may not even exist!"

D2: "not at all.  I place no hope or fear on anybody.  If there are asteroids coming and you are correct that we are really just a bunch of repressed wage slaves victimized by humanocidal capitalists, capitalists with a deep military-technology state which we all know has had basically unlimited funding for over half a century to plan for extreme scenarios, and yet it somehow has not developed any solution for asteroids, then there is nothing I am going to be able to do about it.  In fact I would welcome an asteroid if that is really the kind of empty material universe I am in.

All kidding aside, I don't base my worldview on statistical guesses about the kind of world I inhabit.  I form my views from doing my best to understand what is going on and what I can best do to make the world a better place.  It is an analog and immanent process, not a fixed or discretely organized war game with winners or losers.  That means having faith, not in the truth of one view over another, not with an eye to specific outcomes as the calculating-control and doubt-driven intellect does, but that the universe is essentially a meaningful place, where there are reasons for everything, where our views not only determine the outcome of the game but can change its very nature.  Faith in the potential to make new connections and new realities makes for a life of creative joy in the game, and can overcome the anxious power of those minds trying to predict and limit the game to ease their anxiety and achieve a derivative power from the world."

D3: "If you tell me that you experience mystical events, and that they make your life more meaningful, then I am not going to argue with your reported experience, even if I have no such experiences to report of my own.  

However, most people with whom I have discussed the StarGate series of series tell me that they think that that series is [science] fiction.  You seem to think that that series of series' stories approximate actual fact.  And that is not a mystical question, but a practical question.  

On a practical plane, I think that we face an imminent threat of forced vaccination, coerced by legal mandate, at a time when the immediate AND DELAYED lethal effects of the mRNA "vaccines" are slowly coming to light, despite censorship.  

For example, there is a recent, 3-page, peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, by J. Bart Classen, MD, showing how the mRNA "vaccines" can induce proteins folding into pathologic prion configurations, even years after these "vaccines" are administered --

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease (

Given that imminent threat, there are still things that we can do to help avert a decree or legislative enactment via Oregon Gov. Brown, as soon as the FDA -- fallaciously -- approves the mRNA vaccines with "Regular" and not any longer just 'Emergency' approval, and as soon as the "winter cold and flu season", and the next coronavirus "variant" hits, things we can do that could save the lives of ourselves, our families, our friends, and many others, in Oregon.  

We can launch the fourth petition campaign for a RECALL ELECTION against governor Brown-Out. 

The third recall campaign against gov. Lockdown-Brown, in June of 2020, fell short of the needed signature count by less than 3,000 signatures.  

I think that the de facto orders, by gov. Brown, for Oregon businesses to go bankrupt, and for Oregon employees to be fired/laid-off, and the other depredations that she has visited upon Oregon and Oregonians, even just since 2020, could garner AT LEAST another 3,000 signatures endorsing her recall.  

Even if such a campaign did not succeed, but only asymptotically approached success, it might provide an, otherwise absent, "check and balance" that might stay her hand, if she "loves" her power, and wants to hold onto it.  

That's a practical step, within our power, that might help to save countless Oregonian lives, and might set an example inspiring other states to emulate, just as the RECALL ELECTION against California governor Nuisance may be doing already!  

Meanwhile, I recommend this ~5 minute YouTube video, which I think will go down in history -- if humanity prevails -- and which shows, once again, that "Davids" can win battles against "Goliaths".  

In this video, Rand Paul, in a U. S. Senate hearing, implicitly indicts Anthony Fauci for Crimes Against Humanity --"

D2: "Thank you.  I will check these out.  But just to clarify: I wasn't making any mystical claims, nor dismissing practical actions (except maybe about meteors haha).  I was just describing the difference between having hope/desire for some end and having faith that whatever happens we can make the most of it.  But that doesn't preclude action.  Action in fact becomes liberated from short-sighted goals.  Just as you said, even if these measures "fail", the more these important perspectives grow and gain wide attention, then there still will be important effects that will bear fruit, if not now, then at some point in the future.  Biology is still waking up from its dogmatic slumber, still shaking off the dogma of early science that relegated it to mystical ideas of purpose or else subjected it to reductive models that cannot handle the complexity of nonlinearity.  Hopefully humanity will learn soon how to handle complexity and meaning without reducing them to the dogmas of mechanistic causes (simple origin) or purposive finalism (simple ends)."


For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:
















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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