Friday, August 16, 2024

NATO Summit Courts Nuclear War.



Rocke-Nazi-Owned NATO Courts Nuclear War/Species Suicide.











Dear Reader,


The recent NATO summit declared Ukraine as on an “irreversible path to full…NATO membership”.


Such membership would destroy Russia’s nuclear deterrent, even by the “nuclear blackmail” mere threat of placing NATO nuclear missiles in Ukraine, giving Russia just seconds to launch any retaliation if those NATO nuclear missiles were launched against targets in Moscow, etc., forcing Russia either to surrender to Rocke-Nazi, humanocidal rule, or to launch an even more desperate pre-emptive attack on Ukraine that would bring on a Third World War between Russia and NATO.


That NATO summit also declared China to be an enemy of this “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” – although China is nowhere near the North Atlantic – stating that China poses “systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security”.


NATO nuclear missiles in Taiwan, or U.S. nuclear missiles there, backed by another alliance, ostensibly to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, would likewise cancel China’s nuclear deterrent, forcing the Chinese government too to either surrender to Rocke-Nazi, humanocidal rule, or to launch a pre-emptive attack on Taiwan that would likewise likely bring on a, nuclear, Third World War.


¿Why are the Rocke-Nazis deploying NATO to threaten nuclear war?


Because the Rocke-Nazi oligarchy feels compelled to take this risk.


They are, as it were, wedged between a Rock[e-Nazi necessity] and a hard-to-face nuclear war.


They cannot carry out their “people are pollution” global ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ pogrom – of “95%” human population extermination –

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. (

-- unless they first have control of both Russia and China, and are thus enabled to impose their, unprecedentedly mass-murderous, pogrom – under cover of Global Warming Austerity – in Russia and China too, concurrently with their imposition of it on the rest of the world.


The whole point of their ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ agenda is to keep them in power – to prevent productive-forces-growth-induced ‘technodepreciation’ and rising global majority-class education and prosperity from wiping out both their capital and their ruling divide-and-conquer ideologies, thus dethroning them.


But if they impose productive forces/industrial collapse/‘‘‘humanocide’’’ --

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: Part 1: ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Rogues Gallery Series. ‘‘Collapsing Industrialized Civilization’’. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. (

-- on the U.S./U.K., and on continental Europe, etc., much further than they already have, without doing the same to Russia and China, then the Rocke-Nazis will lose their power anyway, because Russia and China would then simply waltz-in, to the Hellywood-style post-apocalyptic landscape that the Rocke-Nazis would by then have created in the rest of the world, and take over, liquidating the Rocke-Nazi enemies of humanity in the process.


So, as the Rocke-Nazis see it, they have to be in a position to kill-off Russia and China at essentially the same time that they kill-off the rest of us.


DANGEROUS:  If their rumored “self-sufficient” underground cities are near enough to completion, then the hyper-deludedDoctor Strangeloves” of the, powerful, outer fringe of the Rocke-Nazi oligarchy may opt for nuclear war, as a quick way to accomplish their – long delayed, long frustrated – ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ objectives








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --









For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see




















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!















Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 













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Rocke-Nazi-Owned NATO Courts Nuclear War/Species Suicide.











Dear Reader,





The recent NATO summit declared Ukraine as on an “irreversible path to full…NATO membership”.


Such membership would destroy Russia’s nuclear deterrent, even by the “nuclear blackmail” mere threat of placing NATO nuclear missiles in Ukraine, giving Russia just seconds to launch any retaliation if those NATO nuclear missiles were launched against targets in Moscow, etc., forcing Russia either to surrender to Rocke-Nazi, humanocidal rule, or to launch an even more desperate pre-emptive attack on Ukraine that would bring on a Third World War between Russia and NATO.


That NATO summit also declared China to be an enemy of this “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” – although China is nowhere near the North Atlantic – stating that China poses “systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security”.


NATO nuclear missiles in Taiwan, or U.S. nuclear missiles there, backed by another alliance, ostensibly to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, would likewise cancel China’s nuclear deterrent, forcing the Chinese government too to either surrender to Rocke-Nazi, humanocidal rule, or to launch a pre-emptive attack on Taiwan that would likewise likely bring on a, nuclear, Third World War.


¿Why are the Rocke-Nazis deploying NATO to threaten nuclear war?


Because the Rocke-Nazi oligarchy feels compelled to take this risk.


They are, as it were, wedged between a Rock[e-Nazi necessity] and a hard-to-face nuclear war.


They cannot carry out their “people are pollution” global ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ pogrom – of “95%” human population extermination –

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. (

-- unless they first have control of both Russia and China, and are thus enabled to impose their, unprecedentedly mass-murderous, pogrom – under cover of Global Warming Austerity – in Russia and China too, concurrently with their imposition of it on the rest of the world.


The whole point of their ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ agenda is to keep them in power – to prevent productive-forces-growth-induced ‘technodepreciation’ and rising global majority-class education and prosperity from wiping out both their capital and their ruling divide-and-conquer ideologies, thus dethroning them.


But if they impose productive forces/industrial collapse/‘‘‘humanocide’’’ on the U.S./U.K., on continental Europe, etc., much further than they already have, without doing the same to Russia and China, then the Rocke-Nazis will lose their power anyway, because Russia and China would then simply waltz-in, to the Hellywood-style post-apocalyptic landscape that the Rocke-Nazis would then have created in the rest of the world, and take over, liquidating the Rocke-Nazi enemies of humanity in the process.


So, as the Rocke-Nazis see it, they have to be in a position to kill-off Russia and China at essentially the same time that they kill-off the rest of us.


DANGEROUS:  If their rumored “self-sufficient” underground cities are near enough to completion, then the hyper-deludedDoctor Strangeloves” of the, powerful, outer fringe of the Rocke-Nazi oligarchy may opt for nuclear war, as a quick way to accomplish their – long delayed, long frustrated – ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ objectives. 








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --









For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see




















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!














Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 





Free of Charge Download of Book PDF,%20DPCAIT_,_Part_1_,_%27THE_MISSING_BLUEPRINTS%27_,_begun_22JUL2022_Last_Updated_08AUG2023.pdf



Hardcover Book Order












Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Part 01: Reviving the Real Marxian Movement Series. What Will It Take?







Part 01: Reviving the

Real Marxian Movement Series.



What Will It Take?








Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Encyclopedia Dialectica discourses on key components of the Mission of F.E.D..








The text below addresses what we see as necessary moments for a resumption of the real Marxian worldwide movement, for the next leap forward and upward in humanity’s progress.








Seldon –


Below, our basic considerations on what we believe it will take to revive the real Marxian movement, a worldwide movement for Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, and for the development of a new WORLDVIEW for a UNITED HUMANITY – for the kind of Human Phenome capable of reproducing, and of expandedly reproducing, Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, in the wake of the debacle of ‘Lenino-Stalinist’, police-state state-capitalism.”


“We believe that this project begins, not with the continuation of a catechistic worshipping of Marx’s words as some kind of “Holy Writ”, but with an immanent critique of Marx’s theories, such as he continually conducted himself, aiming at an immanent extension of his work, ‘‘‘assimilating all the wealth of subsequent development’’’, and at filling in the gaps in that work.” 


“1.  Laying Our Cards On The Table.  Development of a detailed definition, national constitutional framework, and statutory templates for Socialism as national Political-Economic Democracy, in the emerging context of a global federation of economic-democratic nation-states.”


“2.  Developing a Detailed Program and Strategy for an electorally-based, non-violent transition to Political-Economic Democracy in each nation-state where and as this movement emerges.


“3.  Resumption of the Marxian Critique of the ideology-permeated science of Capitalist Political-Economics.  General Model of Global Capitalism, applied to and tested against actual human history to-date, including the history of the period since Marx’s life, and to the emergence of Fascist and Stalinist national state-capitalist dictatorships, and the degeneration and ruination of Marxian Theory in the fraudulent Lenino-Stalinist “[pseudo-] Marxist ideology for state-capitalist ruling classes.  Metric for Social-Productive Force.  “Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall” concretized to the content of World Market Crises and the Competition  of Capitals.  Drivers of the transition from the ‘Ascendence Phase’ to the ‘Descendence Phase’ of the capitalist system.” 


4.  Concrete Marxian theory of ‘Descendence-Phase’ capitalist ruling-class factions, their strategies and agendas.  Addressing the question “What drives the U.S./U.K. ruling to extend their war against the further growth of the industrial forces of production to the point of targeting the population of the majority class for an extinction-risking, ultra-draconian reduction, using their “people are pollution” ideological perversion of the global, grassroots anti-pollution movement.” 


“5.  A Statement of Norms, Standards, and Missions for Marxian, Non-Violent Revolutionary Organizations, and of the Dialectical Concepts of ‘Revolutionary Reforms’ and of ‘Programs of Transition’ from ‘Descendence-Phase’, Self-Degenerating State-Capitalism to Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.”



“6.  Dialectical Method and Modern-most Science-Based Unified Theory of the Dialectic of Known Cosmological Natural History, Human History Included – concretely defined, delineated, and codified, in a clearly-stated, usable account, openly-debated and continually updated.” 



Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica will never claim – or even desire – some kind of monopoly on this work, or any kind of papacy-like, “Papal Throne Infallibility”.  Rather the reverse.” 



“Especially because of the, ultra-sordid, mass-murderous Leninoid dark side of history, falsely associated with the Marxian movement, this movement should, we hold, become ultra-sensitive to, and ultra-thorough about combatting, any recrudescences of dictatorial tendencies’ that it detects internally, in its organizations, and inside its individual participants.” 



“Your thoughts?








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --








For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see



























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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