The transcript of "Exchange
#1" in a new, 'multi-exchange' dialogue on extended Marxian
Dialectics, has recently been posted to the website, as a new entry within
Aoristos's Blog.
I have also posted this
transcript here, below, for your convenience.
Miguel Detonacciones,
F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison
Exchange #1: Dialogue on F.E.D. Dialectics. 21MAY2015.
I1: Please tell
me: Who or what is the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica? What is
the nature of your work, and what do you hope to accomplish by it?
I2: Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica is an
organization for the conduct of ‘‘‘universal labor’’’, as defined by Karl Marx
[Capital, volume III, Chapter V, Economy Through Inventions, NW [NY: 1967], p. 104].
named, by his term “universal labor”, the conduct of the kind of human labor
that, as distinguished from, but also as interconnected with, “cooperative
labor”, and with ‘‘‘particular labor’’’, discovers new universal principles,
principles that, potentially, advance the productivity of cooperative labor,
and enhance potentially all ‘‘‘particular labors’’’. It thus includes, in particular, the labors
of scientists and inventors.
easiest way to define Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica is to say that it is
the organization for the development, the eventual publication, and,
thereafter, for the continued updating of Encyclopedia Dialectica.
this is also the least revealing definition.
more revealing way to define the Foundation is to address the resonance that we
intended in naming it so -- the resonance, and the analogy, between the
fictional world of Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation Heptalogy’, and the real world of
contemporary global terran humanity.
described a fictional world in which a galactic scale human civilization was
declining, whose culture in general, and whose science and whose ethical
values, in particular, were in a nose dive, headed for a dark age, for 30,000
years of barbarism.
fictional Foundation, even using its new scientifico-mathematical tool called
“psychohistory”, had only just enough resources, given the already advanced
state of decay of that civilization, to deploy seeds of a new civilization --
enough to reduce that dark age interregnum of agony to a single
millennium. The compilation and
publication of that fictional Foundation’s “Encyclopedia Galactica” was a key
element in the accelerated catalysis of the rise of that new galactic
civilization, preserving the long accumulation of human culture, of art, of
science, and of invention -- of human knowledge -- that would otherwise be lost
in the descent into that dark age.
intensions of our actual Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica are analogous to
those of Asimov’s fictional “Foundation Encyclopedia Galactica” [for a galactic
scale civilization], but at the planetary scale of planet Earth. Our contemporary global civilization writhes
in a complex contention of tendencies that portend a first global renaissance, and tendencies that portend a
new, likely final dark age.
is our intension, in concert with like-minded others, to do all that we can to
avert the actualization of those tendencies in the form of a new dark age here
on Earth, and to catalyze their actualization, instead, in the form of global
renaissance, or, if it is too late to avert a new dark age actualization, to
act to help minimize both the severity and the duration of that dark age -- to
avert its finality.
real Foundation is equipped with the newly-discovered tools of the dialectical arithmetics, and of their algebras, and with
the principles of a successor field to classical science, which we too call “psychohistory”, or, more specifically, ‘psychohistorical
dialectic’ -- a ‘meta-science’ which aims always to take into account, not just
the cognitive content of the theories that we humans create, but also the «mentalité»,
the culture, the ideology [in Marx’s sense], in short, the ‘‘‘phenome’’’ of the theorizers, in the evaluation of old
theories, and in the formation of new -- including through
dialectical-scientific explanation of said «mentalités»
themselves, as part of the ‘[meta-]evolution’ of the ‘‘‘human phenome’’’ as a whole.
hold that we can achieve these aims, in part, through a revival, and through a
‘‘‘[trans-]modernization’’’, including through a ‘mathematicization’ [in a
manner which also ‘co-transforms’ mathematics], and through an empirical
‘scientification’, of the dialectical tradition -- in the Occident, the
tradition from Heraclitus to Zeno to Socrates to Plato to Aristotle to Hegel to
Marx and Engels [to name only its principal developers] -- which, until the
post-1900, descendance phase of capitalist civilization set-in, was the
widely-acknowledged leading tradition of philosophy, of philosophical
systematics, of philosophical logic, and of social science
[at least].
goal, in short, is, via this revival of the dialectical tradition, to catalyze
an accelerated advance in ‘‘‘universal labor’’’, including in the sciences of
‘‘‘human Nature’’’ and of ‘‘‘extra-human Nature’’’ alike.
as we have come to see, the primary barrier to further human
scientifico-engineering advance -- to ‘re-advance’ in the conscious, democratic
social engineering of new human-social “relations of production” [Marx], and in
the infrastructural engineering of the new “forces of production” requisite to
those new social relations, and to global, human-social renaissance -- is “The
Nonlinearity Barrier”.
Barrier is a deeply conceptual, philosophical, and affective barrier, not a
simply “technical” Barrier.
we have found it to be none other than ‘The Dialectics Barrier’, in its
mathematical disguise.
another way, our work is that of the immanent critique of
the prevailing, crippling ideologies, in Marx’s sense, that can
be foreseen, by ‘psychohistorical dialectics’, to afflict the ‘‘‘human
phenome’’’ in the advanced-descendance phase of its global capitalist social
formation, the predictable final phase of humanity’s “pre-history” [Marx],
whether that “prehistory” ends in the globally liberating life of ‘political-ECONOMIC
DEMOCRACY’, or in “the mutual ruin of the contending classes” [Marx and
means to resume the work -- of the immanent critique of contemporary ideologies, and of the
dissemination of the positive fruitions of those immanent, determinate,
dialectical negations -- that Marx and Engels began, but left far from finished
as of the times of their deaths.
scope of this resumption includes -- and without the slightest concessions to
the fraudulent claimants to Marx’s and Engels’s legacy; to the
psychohistorically predictable, dictatorially corrupted, totalitarian ideologies
of Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc., etc., ad nauseam --
the clarification of Marx’s ‘psychohistorical materialism’, of his dialectics, of the
“dialectics of Nature” paradigm, opened especially by Engels, of the “law of
motion of modern [i.e., of capitalist] society”, and of the lawful self-induced
demise of that global capitalist/world-market system [including the clarification
of the ‘the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall’, and of the
‘intra-duality’ of capital, as ‘self-expanding value’, versus as
‘self-contracting value’], the ‘psychohistorical materialist’ explanation of
‘The Modern Ideology’ in its entirety, i.e., of the pervasive «mentalité»
of capitalist humanity -- its benefits, it pathology, and its remedy -- and the
extention of Marx’s immanent critique of the
capitalist-ideology-vitiated social science of “economics” [of capitalist
“political economy”, “classical” and “neo-classical” alike], to an immanent
critique of all fields of modern science, theoretical and
applied/engineering alike -- of modern science in its totality, including, and,
indeed, starting with, the immanent critique of mathematics and of mathematical
logic, via the immanent critique of ‘infinitistic’ set theory, a critique whose
positive fruition takes the form of a ‘mathematics of nonlinearity’, i.e., of a
‘mathematics of dialectics’, in ways which enable new fundamental advances in
the human-social forces of expanding human-societal self-re-production, and,
last, but far from least, the detailed dialectical derivation of the essential features of the higher successor system to the
present, capitalist, system, for the organization of human-social reproduction,
which we call ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’,
‘‘‘Generalized Equity’’’, or ‘‘‘Equitism’’’.
Encyclopedia Dialectica, and the other publications and
communications of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, are intended to serve as
catalysts, and as seeds, toward all of the developments detailed above, seeds
of a new, human-species-wide, ‘‘‘human phenome’’’, fit for the task of transcending
human prehistory, with the human species in tact.
‘Equitist Political-ECONOMIC
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