This blog addresses the fatal flaw at the core of capitalism as a system of human psycho-socio-political-economic collective self-reproduction, a flaw which ultimately renders it a self-DIS-organizing, self-destroying system -- as is becoming increasingly evident. It also details the successor system to capitalism, the new system that represents the higher, positive way forward for humanity: Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, or EQUITISM.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

AMERICANS: “Stick to Your Guns”! -- GLOBAL
Dear Reader,
urge our American readers to “stick to your guns” -- that is, to resist any
further unreasonable encroachments upon, in particular, the Second Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution, the ‘“Right of U.S. Citizens to Bear Arms”’ amendment, a
key component of the U.S. Bill of Rights.
This means, in particular, resisting so-called “commonsense”
calls to exclude from access to fire arms, all U.S. citizens whose names are
listed in the FBI Terrorist Screening Center’s “No Fly List”, the list by which
certain citizens are excluded from access to commercial air travel in the
United States.
No due process of law, no judicial review, let alone any review
by a jury of citizen-peers, places “checks and balances” upon which names are
entered into this “No Fly List”, and which names are taken off of it. These decisions are entirely a matter of fiat
by the U.S. ‘“proto-secret-police”’ bureaucracies.
Theoretically, those bureaucracies could declare any
American who desires to own a fire arm as, ipso facto, a “domestic
terrorist”, and enter that citizen’s name into their “No Fly List” for that
reason alone, without any legal recourse for the citizen-victims of that
declaration, effectively repealing the Second Amendment of the U.S Bill of
Why do we so strongly urge Americans to hold onto their
Second Amendment -- and to hold onto their guns?
because we want to urge Americans to engage in murderous, idiotic -- and
suicidal, morally, if not also corporally -- assaults on the
ever-more-Rocke-Nazi-subjugated U.S. federal government!
because we want the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ plutocracy, and its black-ops agencies, to
continue to try to bludgeon the American people into accepting de facto
repeal of their Second Amendment rights, by slaughtering Americans’ children,
and others, in “mass shootings”, committed by CIA MK-Delta/MK-Ultra programmed
assassins, who are -- conveniently for the black ops agencies, to avoid
detection as such -- programmed to murder
themselves, right after they have completed their assigned mass murders of others!
We urge Americans to “stick to their guns” because we detect
that the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ plutocracy is terrified of American citizens' gun ownership, no
matter how unorganized and miniscule is the fire-power of the people, relative
to that of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-controlled police and army organizations.
The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ plutocracy appears to be so irrationally
terrified by their nightmares, and by their ‘daymares’, of armed populist retribution
for their crimes -- for the massive crimes against humanity that the
‘Rocke-Nazis’ have already perpetrated, and for the even more massive crimes
that they are planning to perpetrate [see, for
example: http://capitalismsfundamentalflaw-wayforward.blogspot.com/2013/03/plutocracy-publicly-proclaims-planned.html
], that they will delay imposing their
planned police-state in the
United States until the American people are all but totally disarmed. And, once the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have snuffed out
the last embers of liberty and democracy -- and of the working/middle-class
combativeness upon which they depend -- in the U.S., the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ will
feel free to quickly and completely obliterate the last remnants of liberty and
democracy -- and of working-class combativeness -- in the rest of the world.
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ irrational fear of an armed U.S. populace
is a “return of the repressed”; a symptom of their deeply-repressed guilt for
their unexampled reign of ultra-criminality.
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ are doing everything they can to “disarm”
the American people in other ways -- e.g., cognitively, by stealthily engineering
the exponentially increasing epidemics of autism and Alzheimer’s disease in the
U.S., via corporatist ‘pseudo-foods’, and via pharmaceutical ‘pseudo-medicines’, including thiomersal-
and squalene-, etc., -adulterated ‘pseudo-vaccines’, as well as by means of their
older, ‘stealth humanocide’ epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
and CIA-orchestrated drugs addiction, not to mention their
genomically-engineered, "population control" ‘designer disease’, AIDS.
However, for as long as Americans “stick to their guns”, the
worst of the Rocke-Nazis’ planned police-state, concentration/extermination camps
[“Eugenics” camps] pogrom may be held back for a little longer.
Miguel Detonacciones
The following BLOGWIDE
DISCLAIMERS apply, in particular, to this post --
Friday, January 15, 2016
BLOGWIDE DISCLAIMER IV.: ‘Hypotheticality’.
BLOGWIDE DISCLAIMER IV.: ‘Hypotheticality’.
Dear Reader,
Below is the text of the fourth
of the several standard disclaimers, that we have decided to make explicit,
starting in 2016,
and that apply to all blog-entries in this blog -- past, present, and future --
as well as to all of the activities of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of
their ally, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica.
The disclaimer below addresses the issue of the ‘Hypotheticality’ of all entries to
this blog, unless
they are indicated to be deductive
proofs, derived via explicitly stated axioms, or postulates, and their
text(s) surrounded by ‘Proof-Assertion Brackets’... .
Miguel Detonacciones
and the anonymous members of the Equitist Advocacy group, are, indeed, seeking,
advocating, and working for worldwide social revolution -- if only by
non-violent, majoritarian, rule-of-law means -- in the sense of a profound
of human social-relations-of-social-reproduction ontology, including a change
in the root social relation of production [Marx] of
modern society, from the present
[state-]capital/wage-labor/capital-equity-only social relation of production,
to the social relation of production
of ‘generalized equity’ -- the root of ‘Political-ECONOMIC
DEMOCRACY’, or ‘Equitism’,
implemented via the juridical establishment, and enforcement, of the three
newly-discerned, fundamental human rights, of ‘Citizen Externality Equity’, ‘Citizen Birthright Equity’, & ‘Citizen Stewardship Equity’.
The original
content that we generate, and post to this blog, e.g., in pursuit of the
above-stated goals, consists entirely of our hypotheses, which you may regard as merely
our personal opinions, except that we
endeavor to present,
here, only those opinions of ours that we believe to
have scientific,
and/or psychohistorical, utility.
What is the utility of a scientific hypothesis?
In exceptional cases, that utility is to grow from an hypothesis into a full-fledged
scientific theory, e.g., through a progression of
evidence-gathering and/or
experiment which does not
result in the falsification
of the initial
Generally, however, the utility of an hypothesis is, e.g.,
via its
evidentiary and/or
experimental falsification,
to lead the way to a better
on the generally long road to theory full-fledged.
There are two
exceptions to this general rule of scientific/psychohistorical ‘hypotheticality’ in this blog.
Exception #1 is the ‘ITINTO’ series, which is intended as “comic
Exception #2 is constituted by any
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a postulate and/or a definition, and/or by another principle/rule of inference,
of the system of
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which the ‘assertedly-proven’
belongs [if proven],
given that all of
the axioms and/or of the postulates and/or of the definitions, and/or of the other principles/rules of inference, invoked in that proof, are explicitly given within the same
blog-entry in which the proof
is asserted.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

DISCLAIMER III.: Attribution.
Dear Reader,
Below is the text of the third of several standard
disclaimers, that we have decided to make explicit, starting in 2016, and that apply to
all blog-entries in this blog, past, present, and future, as well as to all of
the activities of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of their ally, Foundation
Encyclopedia Dialectica.
The disclaimer below addresses the issue of fair use,
credit-giving, and attribution in general, for all original content of this
Miguel Detonacciones
and the anonymous members of the Equitist Advocacy group, are, indeed, seeking,
advocating, and working for worldwide social revolution -- if only by
non-violent, majoritarian, rule-of-law means -- in the sense of a profound
of human social-relations-of-social-reproduction ontology, including a change
in the root social relation of production
[Marx] of modern society, from the present [state-]capital/wage-labor/capital-equity-only
social relation of production, to the social
relation of production of ‘generalized equity’
-- the root of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’, or ‘Equitism’, implemented via the
juridical establishment, and enforcement, of the three newly-discerned,
fundamental human rights, of ‘Citizen Externality
Equity’, ‘Citizen Birthright
Equity’, &
‘Citizen Stewardship Equity’.
The original content that we generate, and post to this
blog, e.g., in pursuit of the above-stated goals, comes under the general
‘omni-copyright’ grant, to all persons, that applies to F.E.D.,
and Equitist Advocacy group, original content in general --
1999+. Copyright to original portions of these
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Please feel free to reproduce original content from this
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But also know that we prefer the non-attribution option, for psychohistorical
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We, the authors, seek hereby to further neither our monetary
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What we want, money cannot buy.
We hope, with your help, to build a better us, and to help
to do our “infinitesimal” part in building a better universe [“infinitesimal”
differences can matter, as nonlinear dynamics demonstrates].
More monetary wealth will not buy that betterment.
More political power cannot impose it.
More fame would mainly distract from our pursuit of it.
We hope that you have chosen, or will choose, to build a
better you.
We hold that this choice entails the profoundest
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We also hold that such choices belong to you alone.
We wish to share, with you, the forthcoming conceptual
We will rejoice, and we will be compensated, if you teach us
in turn, help us to correct our errors, and thus to advance the common-wealth
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We also request our readers’ forgiveness in the areas of our
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We, the authors, are not publicly accessible, but will
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We want not that our existences, let alone our egos, should
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We therefore happily forego personal credit, and, by thus
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thereby, hope also to retain more lifetime for the continuation of this work.
Friday, January 08, 2016
BLOGWIDE DISCLAIMER II.: Political Violence.
BLOGWIDE DISCLAIMER II.: Political Violence.
Dear Reader,
Below is the text of a second of several standard
disclaimers, that we have decided to make explicit, starting in 2016, and that apply to
all blog-entries in this blog, as well as to all of the activities of the
Equitist Advocacy group, and of their ally, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica.
The disclaimer below addresses the issue of political violence
as a means of social change.
Miguel Detonacciones
and the anonymous members of the Equitist Advocacy group, are, indeed, seeking,
advocating, and working for worldwide social revolution -- by non-violent,
majoritarian, rule-of-law means -- in the sense of a profound change/expansion of human
social-relations-of-social-reproduction ontology, including a change in the root
social relation of production
[Marx] of modern society, from the present [state-]capital/wage-labor/capital-equity-only
social relation of production, to the social
relation of production of ‘generalized equity’
-- the root of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’, or ‘Equitism’, implemented via the
juridical establishment, and enforcement, of three newly-discerned, fundamental
human rights, of ‘Citizen Externality
Equity’, ‘Citizen Birthright
Equity’, &
‘Citizen Stewardship Equity’.
However, we of F.E.D., together with the anonymous
members of the Equitist Advocacy group, reject the initiation of political
violence as a method of social progress.
Nonviolence is a key to the effectiveness of efforts for social improvement, because political violence corrupts its initiators, converting them, even if their violence is “successful”, into but the new incumbents of the very evil that they had intended to overthrow, thus resulting, for them, in a defeat which could not be more total, and a new defeat, and debacle, for humanity as a whole.
Nonviolence is a key to the effectiveness of efforts for social improvement, because political violence corrupts its initiators, converting them, even if their violence is “successful”, into but the new incumbents of the very evil that they had intended to overthrow, thus resulting, for them, in a defeat which could not be more total, and a new defeat, and debacle, for humanity as a whole.
Commentary. Of course, the ultra-corrupt, ultra-self-degenerated
‘socio-psychopaths’ of the ruling, Rocke-Nazi plutocracy, will resort to
mass-murderous political violence whenever they feel that their political
power, and its “perks”, are the least bit threatened, IF THEY THINK THAT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT,
OPPOSITION TO THEIR RULE, no matter to them that this “threat”
arises via legitimate, constitutionally-protected free speech, free press, and
lawful, nonviolent assembly for the redress of grievances, e.g., to support
Equitist legislative and constitutional reforms.
If even a
tin-pot ‘servant-dictator’ like Bashar al-Assad will bomb and shell his own
cities, and exterminate his own citizens, just to hold on to his power, just
think what the Rocke-Nazis -- the ‘meta-Nazi’ rulers over hundreds of such
‘servant-dictators’, world-wide, throughout this ‘descendence-phase’ of modern
history -- will do, to hold on to their, far greater, power!
But let us keep in mind the first successful revolution
against totalitarian state-capitalism in Terran human history -- the revolution
against its Stalinist version, of pure-state-bureaucratic-ruling class
state-capitalism, in the Russian “Soviet” Union, and elsewhere, in much of
Eastern Europe, circa 1989.
Russian Stalinist state-capitalism became one of the most
vicious, mass-murderous dictatorships in history, rivaling the Rocke-Nazis in
its sheer ‘horrificity’, and contending against the Rocke-Nazis for world
domination, immediately after the two powers had jointly eliminated the
previous such contender: the
‘Franken-Dictatorship’ -- the former
Rocke-Nazi ‘servant-dictatorship’
-- of Nazi Germany.
And yet, such was the populist plurality of the circa 1989 popular movement
against the state-capitalist police-states in Russia/Eastern Europe,
that the secret police, and the army, were paralyzed, unwilling to risk major
repression against so massive a movement.
Thereby, the popular overthrow of these ultra-vicious
state-capitalist regimes was accomplished with almost-miraculously-little
political violence.
It was only after
that largely non-violent overthrow, with the Rocke-Nazis still UNoverthrown in the rest of the
world, that the Rocke-Nazis -- terrified of the popular movement toward
democracy in these former state-capitalist police-states, and determined to
corrupt and destroy their revolutions, and to “make an example of” these
peoples -- of the Russian people especially -- and to ‘terroristically’ warn
any other such populist movements intent upon overthrowing Rock-Nazi
‘servant-dictatorships’, and/or any of the new dictatorships-then-in-the-making,
in the remaining “Third World”, “Second World”, and “First World” nation-states
-- that the Rocke-Nazi ‘Meta-Nazis’ sent in their “social shock therapy” social
torturers, from the Rocke-Nazi “owned” University of Chicago, and elsewhere, to
engineer accelerated contracted
social reproduction in those former Stalinist states, to create
Weimar-Germany-like hyperinflation, and other “fascism-generating” conditions
of social horrendousness, imposing a Rocke-Nazi “Eugenics” death-spiral on the
Russian population, to unleash the Rocke-Nazi owned global mafias on Russia
especially, and to impose a corrupt, “ex”-KGB, re-state-capitalist, police-state regime on the
Russian people, and similar “austerity” and repression upon the rest of formerly-Stalinist
Eastern Europe.
[The resulting Yeltsin/Putin “ex”-KGB state-capitalist ‘servant-dictatorship’
at first seemed to toe [and to tow] the Rocke-Nazi line,
but is lately showing signs of becoming a new Rocke-Nazi ‘Franken-Dictatorship’,
like the Hitler ‘Franken-Dictatorship’ before it, turning on their Rocke-Nazi
former/would-be masters, and seeking world domination in their place. But this may turn out to be more show than
Nevertheless, despite the horrific mass torture and mass
murder visited upon the Russian people in particular, by the Rocke-Nazis, as
retribution for their democratic, nationalist aspirations, the Rocke-Nazi
‘Weimarization’ of Russia failed to achieve a fully Fascist
‘servant-dictatorship’ there, and new populist revolts by democratic
nationalists continued to break out, in other parts of the world, even under
the theocratic state-capitalist terror-regime of Iran, as well as in Russia,
against the new Putinist state-capitalist police-state.
These revolts surged, most recently, especially in the
Middle East, as “Arab Spring” populist, democratic nationalist revolts spread
from Tunisia to Egypt, to Libya, to Bahrain, to Syria, and beyond.
True to form, the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have moved to
‘maximally-violentize’ these “Arab Spring” revolutions -- to help discourage other peoples from moving for democracy in their own nations, and to try to discredit the very concept of democratic revolution -- and to massacre the masses
there, via their ‘servant-dictatorships’ all over the Middle East, and
especially via the theocratic state-capitalist police-terror-state of Saudi
Arabia, and to pervert these revolutions into the formation of new “Islamic” totalitarian theocracies, or to convert
them into mere ‘servant-dictator-succession’ processes, as in the succession of
aging military ‘servant-dictator’ Mubarak, by new, younger military
‘servant-dictator’ al-Sisi, in Egypt, accompanied by the jailing, torture, and
mass-murder of yet another new generation of democratic nationalists.
Only a
populist, majoritarian, and therefore non-violence-capable movement for socio-political-Economic
Democracy in the U.S., and in the U.K. -- the bastions of Rocke-Nazi
global rule -- can, by neutralizing the Rocke-Nazis’ power to massacre such
movements elsewhere, make it possible for socio-political-Economic-Democratic
movements to succeed in the rest of the world.
Wednesday, January 06, 2016

I.: Political Power.
Dear Reader,
Below is the text of one of several standard disclaimers,
that we have decided to make explicit, starting in 2016, and that apply to all blog-entries
in this blog, as well as to all of the activities of the Equitist Advocacy
group, and of their ally, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica.
The disclaimer below addresses the issue of possible
political power motivations in our work.
Miguel Detonacciones
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
and the anonymous members of the Equitist Advocacy group, are, indeed, seeking,
advocating, and working for worldwide social revolution -- by non-violent,
majoritarian, rule-of-law means -- social revolution in the sense of a profound change/expansion of human
social-relations ontology, including a change in the foundational social relation of production [Marx] of
modern society, from the present [state-]capital/wage-labor/capital-equity-only
social relation of production, to the social
relation of production of ‘generalized equity’
-- the root of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’, or ‘Equitism’, implemented via the
juridical establishment, and enforcement, of three newly-discerned, fundamental
human rights, of ‘Citizen Externality
Equity’, ‘Citizen Birthright
Equity’, and ‘Citizen Stewardship
However, we are not so seeking, so advocating, and so working
with a view to, or with any motive of, attaining political power for
We all, collectively and individually, renounce the seeking,
the holding, of political power.
The entire membership of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of
Encyclopedia Dialectica,
are committed to the principle that the Equitist Advocacy group, and/or Foundation
Encyclopedia Dialectica,
will never “take state power”.
No member of the Equitist Advocacy group, or of Foundation
Encyclopedia Dialectica,
shall serve as an official of international, or of ‘meta-national’, of
unitary-republic national, or of federal-republic national, or of provincial/state, or of
local, county, or municipal, government.
If -- as we fully intend -- populist movements, and/or political groups, committed to the enactment and implementation of ‘Equitarian’ revolutionary reforms, and to their enabling legislations, referenda, plebiscites, and/or constitutional amendments, are democratically elected to office, and form governments, no member of the Equitist Advocacy group, or of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, shall serve as an elected official, or as an appointive official, in any such government.
Instead, all members of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, shall remain outside of any such government, and shall mobilize, as a group, to support that new government, by (1) publicly criticizing all tendencies, revealed by the actions of that new government, to abuse its power, to descend into corrupt practices, to undermine democratic rule, the rule of law, the sovereign power of the majority of the people, or the protections of the human rights and civil liberties of the people, including for political minorities, and other minorities, as well as by (2) publicly endorsing the legitimate ‘Equitarian’ measures that this government enacts by due process of law, as well as by (3) suggesting additional/other such measures.
If -- as we fully intend -- populist movements, and/or political groups, committed to the enactment and implementation of ‘Equitarian’ revolutionary reforms, and to their enabling legislations, referenda, plebiscites, and/or constitutional amendments, are democratically elected to office, and form governments, no member of the Equitist Advocacy group, or of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, shall serve as an elected official, or as an appointive official, in any such government.
Instead, all members of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, shall remain outside of any such government, and shall mobilize, as a group, to support that new government, by (1) publicly criticizing all tendencies, revealed by the actions of that new government, to abuse its power, to descend into corrupt practices, to undermine democratic rule, the rule of law, the sovereign power of the majority of the people, or the protections of the human rights and civil liberties of the people, including for political minorities, and other minorities, as well as by (2) publicly endorsing the legitimate ‘Equitarian’ measures that this government enacts by due process of law, as well as by (3) suggesting additional/other such measures.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
ITINTO: The P[lutocracy]BS Rockefeller Hour.

ITINTO: The P[lutocracy]BS Rockefeller Hour.
This just in: The International Truth In Naming
Tribunal [ITINT] has just issued a Court Order [ITINTO],
requiring that the U.S. television broadcasting network known as PBS -- presently
named the “Public Broadcasting System” -- immediately change its name to “The
Plutocracy Broadcasting System”, and that its nightly news program, presently
named “The PBS News Hour”, immediately change its name to “The Rockefeller Hour”,
so that its new name, in full, is changed to --
“The P[lutocracy]BS Rockefeller Hour”.
Miguel Detonnaciones
Hypothesis. The Truth-in-Naming Tribunal has not yet published a full account of its reasoning in promulgating this court order. However, I wish to venture the following hypothesis as to the primary reasoning behind this decision.
The Rockefeller Foundation recently became a major continuing funder of the PBS News Hour.
Circa 23 September 2015, the "PBS News Hour's" recurring feature, "Science Wednesday", began to reveal the "People Are Pollution", 'Humanocidal' "Iron Fist" behind the gossamer veneer of the new Rocke-Nazi-engineered neo-pseudo-Religion of Nature-Idolatry and Misanthopy, which they are using in the hopes of duping the working/middle classes of the U.S., the U.K., and Western Europe, etc., to, not only "shoot themselves in the foot", but to shoot themselves all over, and to shoot themselves to death -- to commit suicide -- by embracing the Rocke-Nazis' planned 'Global Warming Austerity'.
'Global Warming Austerity' is a key component of the way by which the 'Rocke-Nazis' plan to achieve their 'humanocidal', "Eugenics" goals, if the American people vote for the "Democratic" Party in the upcoming Presidential/Congressional elections, by making life unaffordable for the majority of Americans, e.g., through the escalation of energy prices, and of other prices of products and services whose production involves energy use -- virtually the entire economy.
Of course, if the U.S. voting majority embraces the "Republican" Party "alternative", then the 'Rocke-Nazis', who "own" both parties, will achieve the same 'humanocidal' goal by the wholesale repeal of the U.S. social safety net -- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps, and all the rest -- so that the U. S. federal government will supply only CORPORATE Welfare in the future.
But 'Global Warming Austerity' is clearly the Rocke-Nazis' preferred pathway to their "95% population reduction" goal, as articulated, by their spokes-servants, as quoted in the following earlier blog-entry herein --
The "News Hour" segment referenced the following on-line essay, by a News Hour "science" journalist --
-- entitled "As a scientist, is the pope dodging the biggest contributor to climate change?".
Now the big reveal of the real 'Rocke-Nazi' "eugenics" agenda, behind their global "climate change" prevention juggernaut: the "biggest contributor" to "climate change" is, of course "human population", so that, to fight "Global Warming", "we" need to impose global "population control".
This article contains watered-down pronouncements from 'Rocke-Nazi' spokes-servant, and would-be global mass murderer, Paul Ehrlich. The News Hour spokes-servants no doubt felt that their viewers were not yet ready for the full viciousness of [Nazi-]Dr. Ehrlich's actual views.
In more candid moments, "Dr. Strangelove" Ehrlich wrote the following about his hoped-for, hyped-for global "population control" regime --
“A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people.... We must shift our efforts from the treatment of symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”
[ http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1479057 ].
Ever since Rockefeller sources have become more prominent in the roster of "News Hour" funders, and since two of the "News Hours" principals -- Judy Woodruff and Margaret Warner -- have been inducted into the [Rockefeller "owned"] "New York Council on Foreign Relations" -- a major institution mediating Rockefeller-faction control of the U.S. federal government -- the "PBS News Hour" has become, more and more, the "PlutocracyBS Rockefeller Hour", and its "Science Wednesday" feature has become, ever-increasingly, a conduit for 'Rocke-Nazi' ideology, including pro-'Global Warming Austerity' propaganda.
Hence, in my view, the ITINTO decision.
Hypothesis. The Truth-in-Naming Tribunal has not yet published a full account of its reasoning in promulgating this court order. However, I wish to venture the following hypothesis as to the primary reasoning behind this decision.
The Rockefeller Foundation recently became a major continuing funder of the PBS News Hour.
Circa 23 September 2015, the "PBS News Hour's" recurring feature, "Science Wednesday", began to reveal the "People Are Pollution", 'Humanocidal' "Iron Fist" behind the gossamer veneer of the new Rocke-Nazi-engineered neo-pseudo-Religion of Nature-Idolatry and Misanthopy, which they are using in the hopes of duping the working/middle classes of the U.S., the U.K., and Western Europe, etc., to, not only "shoot themselves in the foot", but to shoot themselves all over, and to shoot themselves to death -- to commit suicide -- by embracing the Rocke-Nazis' planned 'Global Warming Austerity'.
'Global Warming Austerity' is a key component of the way by which the 'Rocke-Nazis' plan to achieve their 'humanocidal', "Eugenics" goals, if the American people vote for the "Democratic" Party in the upcoming Presidential/Congressional elections, by making life unaffordable for the majority of Americans, e.g., through the escalation of energy prices, and of other prices of products and services whose production involves energy use -- virtually the entire economy.
Of course, if the U.S. voting majority embraces the "Republican" Party "alternative", then the 'Rocke-Nazis', who "own" both parties, will achieve the same 'humanocidal' goal by the wholesale repeal of the U.S. social safety net -- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps, and all the rest -- so that the U. S. federal government will supply only CORPORATE Welfare in the future.
But 'Global Warming Austerity' is clearly the Rocke-Nazis' preferred pathway to their "95% population reduction" goal, as articulated, by their spokes-servants, as quoted in the following earlier blog-entry herein --
The "News Hour" segment referenced the following on-line essay, by a News Hour "science" journalist --
-- entitled "As a scientist, is the pope dodging the biggest contributor to climate change?".
Now the big reveal of the real 'Rocke-Nazi' "eugenics" agenda, behind their global "climate change" prevention juggernaut: the "biggest contributor" to "climate change" is, of course "human population", so that, to fight "Global Warming", "we" need to impose global "population control".
This article contains watered-down pronouncements from 'Rocke-Nazi' spokes-servant, and would-be global mass murderer, Paul Ehrlich. The News Hour spokes-servants no doubt felt that their viewers were not yet ready for the full viciousness of [Nazi-]Dr. Ehrlich's actual views.
In more candid moments, "Dr. Strangelove" Ehrlich wrote the following about his hoped-for, hyped-for global "population control" regime --
“A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people.... We must shift our efforts from the treatment of symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”
[ http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1479057 ].
Ever since Rockefeller sources have become more prominent in the roster of "News Hour" funders, and since two of the "News Hours" principals -- Judy Woodruff and Margaret Warner -- have been inducted into the [Rockefeller "owned"] "New York Council on Foreign Relations" -- a major institution mediating Rockefeller-faction control of the U.S. federal government -- the "PBS News Hour" has become, more and more, the "PlutocracyBS Rockefeller Hour", and its "Science Wednesday" feature has become, ever-increasingly, a conduit for 'Rocke-Nazi' ideology, including pro-'Global Warming Austerity' propaganda.
Hence, in my view, the ITINTO decision.
Monday, January 04, 2016
My Campaign.

Dear Reader,
FYI: On behalf of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, and of their ally, the Equitist Advocacy group, I am conducting a campaign across the internet, to call netizens' attentions to what we believe holds the solution to the present, and extremely perilous, impasse of our global civilization.
The text that I am employing in this campaign is, approximately, the one that is posted below [the generic text, given below, is varied, to some degree, depending upon the specific context of its posting].
Here's my wish to you for a revolutionary New Year!
China is a state-capitalist police-state dictatorship, ruled, despotically, by the upper state bureaucracy itself, as national ruling class.
The U.S. is a state-capitalist police-state dictatorship in the making, via a corporatist "M&A Buyout/Hostile Takeover" of the U.S. federal government by the bribery/blackmail/extortion/-assassination operations of the lobbyists, corporate-prostitute office holders, corporate-prostitute candidates, etc., of the mega-corporate banking/oil oligopolies, which also forms the core of the emerging, anti-humanist, supra-national ruling class.
SAVE FOR POPULIST INTERVENTION, totalitarian, genocidal state-capitalism is the "lawful" destiny of all contemporary nation-states -- that is the upshot of the socio-political-economic "law of motion of modern society", i.e., of capitalist society: modern humans, acting, collectively, in the form of competitive capitalism, and, especially, in the form of the competitive-capitalist ruling class, turn that form of capitalism -- gradually, then suddenly -- into 'humanocidal' state-capitalism.
This is because capitalist competition compels capitalists to continually increase the "productive force" of their fixed capital -- ultimately, this "productive force" is the 'Meta-Darwinian' "fitness"-increasing self-force of the expanding self-reproduction of the human <<species>> -- but, within capitalist competition, increasing productive force destroys [obsoletes] that capital, ultimately -- as, by accumulation, fixed capital eventually becomes the dominant component of total capital -- destroying more old capital-value than the new capital-value it creates, by reinvestment of net profit gains due to increased productive force ["higher productivity"] -- this is capitalism's fatal flaw.
For a new model of the higher successor system -- one that definitely requires populist intervention -- to this present socio-political-economic system, of Orwellian, inter-trading, continually inter-warring, increasingly state-capitalist nation-states, increasingly destroying human productive force in wars and in the gargantuan "military-industrial complexes" that organize and manage this systematic waste of productive force; nation-states not yet quite completely "under the thumb" of a Malthusian, '"Eugenicist", "People Are Pollution", 'humanocidal' supra-national ruling class -- the higher successor system named 'Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY', or '''Equitism''', founded upon three newly-discerned fundamental human rights, of 'Citizen Externality Equity', 'Citizen Birthright Equity', and 'Citizen Stewardship Equity' [kudos on the latter to Dr. David Schweickart] -- including draft enabling legislation, and draft constitutional amendments, for the implementation of this higher socio-political-economic system, see --
-- and the 'Capitalism's Fatal Flaw and the Way Forward' blog.
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Saturday, January 02, 2016
ANNOUNCEMENT: Public Release of Volume 0 of Encyclopedia Dialectica is planned for this year.
Release of Volume 0 of Encyclopedia Dialectica is planned for this year.
Dear Reader,
The General Council of F.E.D. stated, yesterday, that public release, by the F.E.D.
Press, of volume 0 of Encyclopedia Dialectica, is now scheduled to occur during 2016.
The specific title of this initial volume of Encyclopedia Dialectica, volume 0, is Encyclopedic Dictionary of Foundation Theory.
Their overall plan for this four volume Encyclopedia is --
Volume 0.: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Foundation Theory.
Volume 1.: Ontological Categories of Level 1 of the F.E.D. Universal Taxonomy.
Volume 2.: Ontological Categories of Level 2 of the F.E.D. Universal Taxonomy.
Volume 3.: Ontological Categories of Level 3 of the F.E.D. Universal Taxonomy.
I will keep you posted, via this blog, regarding the development toward publication of this initial volume of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica's planned multi-volume universal encyclopedia, to be entitled Encyclopedia Dialectica.
Miguel Detonacciones,
Voting Member,
Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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