Bringing 'The Seldon Project' "Down to Earth" -- Opening Dyad of
a Potential New Internet Dialogue.
Dear Reader,
I just replied to the post at --
-- as follows:
“Dear seldon_1,
I like your proposal, and I know some people who evince a remarkably
similar ethos to yours, co-founded by someone using the nom de plume
“Karl Seldon”.
They are collectively known as Foundation Encyclopedia
All of their -- voluminous -- writings toward a, “0-->I
Kardashev jump”, “Global Renaissance”, and toward an averting, or at least a
foreshortening, of what they see as our looming “New/Final Dark Age”, is
available for free download [except for the three books that they have
published so far].
You might consider contacting them, to see if they and you
are resonant enough to form an alliance to further your project.
Their main web site’s URL is: .
Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica may be contact via: ...
Their version of the Hari-Seldonian “Psychohistorical Equations” is available via the following link --
Their version of the Hari-Seldonian “Psychohistorical Equations” is available via the following link --
Meantime, I will post this comment, and a link to your
proposal, in a blog-entry, so that some of my many readers may learn of your
proposal, some of whom might not otherwise run across “this corner of reddit”.”
I have appended the reddit post to which I responded below,
for your convenience --
Psychohistorian seeking team of Seldon-esque coders and data scientists to
build a 'digital Terminus.' No potential for profit, only the potential
satisfaction of a small role in increasing our 0-->I odds. (self.INAT)
submitted 9 days ago * by seldon_1
‘Equitist Political-ECONOMIC
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