¿What is
the key to dialectic -- the essence of categorial, historical dialectic -- as seen by We
of F.E.D.?
It is that the second category, the
«arithmos» of
the second kind,
is rooted in the first category/«arithmos». Its units
are sourced in
an ‘intra-duality’, in a ‘self-duality’, in an immanent, internal opposition; in a ‘‘‘self-opposition’’’ -- in a potentiality or ‘‘‘energizing principle’’’ -- that is ineluctably inherent in, and present in, the first category, the «arithmos» of the units /«monads» of the first kind, itself.
second category is born out of, as a
[self-]development of, the first category.
second category is not
inexplicably and arbitrarily posited from, as it were, ‘‘‘outside the universe’’’ -- from some unexplained ‘externity’
-- in absolute externality with respect to the first category.
first category
and the second category -- once it irrupts -- thus form the beginning of -- not, ‘in gene-ral’,
a genetic,
chromosomal genealogy,
but, ‘in gene-ral’ -- a ‘meta- genealogy’, an ontological lineage. The first category is the «arché», the ultimate ancestor, in/of such a lineage of ontological kinds.
The first
category, due
to its own,
‘intra-duality’-driven development, beyond a certain threshold in that self-development,
“begets” the units /«monads» of the second category; disgorges and ‘ecloses’ them. This is ‘‘‘«[auto-]diairesis»’’’.
Then, later,
the third category is born out of the interaction of some of the units of the first category with some of the
of the second category;
by the resulting fusion, or ‘ontological hybridization’, of some of the
units of each of the
first two categories.
The units /«monads» of the third category/«arithmos»/kind -- the «arithmos» of the units /«monads» of the third kind -- are ontologically different from, and more complex than, the units of the first category, and even the units of the second category, because its units /«monads» are combinations of the units /«monads» of the second category/kind with the units /«monads» of the first category/kind. This is ‘‘‘«synagôgê»’’’.
universal ‘«arithmos»[-of-monads ] dynamics’
has its own «arithm[os]-êtikê»; its own ‘‘‘arithmetic’’’ -- ‘‘‘«dialektikê aritmêtikê»’’’.
FYI: Much of the work
of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is
available for free-of-charge download via --
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica
Officer, F.E.D.
Office of Public Liaison
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