Thursday, June 14, 2018

The essence of categorial, historical dialectic as seen by We of F.E.D.

The Key to Dialectic as We See It.

Dear Reader,

¿What is the key to dialectic -- the essence of categorial, historical dialectic -- as seen by We of F.E.D.?

It is that the second category, the «arithmos» of the second kind, is rooted in the first category/«arithmos».  Its units are sourced in an intra-duality, in a self-duality, in an immanent, internal opposition; in a ‘‘‘self-opposition’’’ -- in a potentiality or ‘‘‘energizing principle’’’ -- that is ineluctably inherent in, and present in, the first category, the «arithmos» of the units     /«monads» of the first kind, itself.

The second category is born out of, as a [self-]development of, the first category.

The second category is not inexplicably and arbitrarily posited from, as it were,  ‘‘‘outside the universe’’’ -- from some unexplained externity -- in absolute externality with respect to the first category.

The first category and the second category -- once it irrupts -- thus form the beginning of -- not, in gene-ral, a genetic, chromosomal genealogy, but, in gene-ral-- a meta- genealogy, an ontological lineage.  The first category is the «arché», the ultimate ancestor, in/of such a lineage of ontological kinds.

The first category, due to its own, intra-duality-driven development, beyond a certain threshold in that self-development, begets the units     /«monads» of the second category; disgorges and ecloses them.  This is ‘‘‘«[auto-]diairesis»’’’. 

Then, later, the third category is born out of the interaction of some of the units of the first category with some of the units of the second category; by the resulting fusion, or ontological hybridization, of some of the units of each of the first two categories.

The units       /«monads» of the third category/«arithmos»/kind -- the «arithmos» of the units       /«monads» of the third kind -- are ontologically different from, and more complex than, the units of the first category, and even the units of the second category, because its units       /«monads» are combinations of the units     /«monads» of the second category/kind with the units     /«monads» of the first category/kind.  This is ‘‘‘«synagôgê»’’’.

And this universal ‘«arithmos»[-of-monads     ] dynamics has its own «arithm[os]-êtikê»; its own ‘‘‘arithmetic’’’ -- ‘‘‘«dialektikê aritmêtikê»’’’.

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

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