This blog addresses the fatal flaw at the core of capitalism as a system of human psycho-socio-political-economic collective self-reproduction, a flaw which ultimately renders it a self-DIS-organizing, self-destroying system -- as is becoming increasingly evident. It also details the successor system to capitalism, the new system that represents the higher, positive way forward for humanity: Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, or EQUITISM.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
F.E.D. Posts Dialectical Method, v. 2.0
F.E.D. Posts Dialectical Method, v. 2.0
Dear Reader,
FYI: Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.] has
posted version
2.0 of the major essay, by our co-founder,
Karl Seldon, entitled
‘Universal Algorithmic-Heuristic Dialectical Method’
to its web site.
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian and Marxian insights,
please see --
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of
many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of ‘dialectical art’
-- please see:
Miguel Detonacciones
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D.
Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D.
Office of Public Liaison.
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

“DOTS” SERIES -- “DOT” #12 of 12:
Dear Reader,
This series, entitled “DOTS”
-- as in “connect the dots” -- is intended to provide you with ‘evidentiary
excerpts’ from the many years of research, by Karl Seldon, initially, and,
later, by the Foundation, on the ‘‘‘lawful’’’
[as in “law-of-value”-‘‘‘lawful’’’] but secret global agenda and strategy of
the ‘descendence phase’ capitalist ruling class.
We plan to present these excerpts here, within this series, together with
their source references, usually without any commentary, by us, as to how we “connect” these “dots”, to give you, our reader,
the chance to make your
“connections” on your
We will, generally, set forth our ‘GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES’, giving our version of the interconnections of these “dots”, and our hypotheses to explain these “dots”, elsewhere. Some of our hypotheses such are already extant in past entries to
this blog. Only in the final few
blog-entries of this series will we comment on our views as to this vast interconnection.
“DOTS” Series [as in “connecting the dots”.] -- “DOT” #12 of 12:
“Nothing Left” vs.
Real Hope --
Opening Quotation -- from the
“Soviet” “Left”. The following quote is from Mikhail
Gorbachev, and leaves little doubt as to who his real employers have been, and
as to whose “party line” he upholds:
“...the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.” [ ].
Commentary. No doubt it is a vestige of Gorbachev’s “socialist” culture, and of his “socialist-humanist” upbringing, that lead him to want to spare a further 5% of humanity, and to call for only a 90% human population reduction, vis-à-vis a more “tough-minded”, “entrepreneurial” capitalist like Ted Turner, who wants to murder all 95%. [Note: Ted Turner, “nevertheless”, “generously donated” to Gorbachev’s organization].
“...the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.” [ ].
Commentary. No doubt it is a vestige of Gorbachev’s “socialist” culture, and of his “socialist-humanist” upbringing, that lead him to want to spare a further 5% of humanity, and to call for only a 90% human population reduction, vis-à-vis a more “tough-minded”, “entrepreneurial” capitalist like Ted Turner, who wants to murder all 95%. [Note: Ted Turner, “nevertheless”, “generously donated” to Gorbachev’s organization].
In his courageous 2012 book Merchants of
Despair: Radical
Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of
Anti-Humanism, Robert Zubrin, founder of the Mars Society, in his
chapter 10, entitled “The Betrayal of the Left”, wrote as follows --
[from pp. 125-127]:
“The American left has a proud history of struggle to
advance the human condition. It fought
for Independence and the Bill of Rights, against slavery and child labor, for the eight-hour
day, the minimum wage, factory and mine safety, public schools, rural
electrification, and the right to organize unions.”
“It militantly opposed Nazism, some of its members
going so far as to volunteer to fight Hitler in Spain long before the rest of
the country got involved. During the
1960s, it was in the forefront of the civil rights movement and led the effort
to stop the Vietnam War. Many of its efforts
are universally acknowledged today as great contributions to America.”
“Others remain controversial. It certainly has not always been right.”
“Its economic prescriptions have often been
incompetent and its long willful blindness
to the evils of [“]Soviet[”] communism [Ed.: I.e., Stalinist state-capitalism] was shameful.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“It was very disturbing to many American leftists when
people started showing up at their meetings in the late 1960s insisting that
they take up the cause of population control.
This was a complete break from the left’s traditions and commitments.”
“Since the days of Henry George and Friedrich Engels,
American leftist had always been vehemently opposed to Malthusianism, which they
correctly understood as a
conceived for the purpose of denying the just aspirations of working people.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“But now, descending upon the meetings of the Students
for a Democratic Society (the grab-bag organization for Sixties campus
radicals) came the acolytes of Paul Ehrlich.
Instead of The Grapes of Wrath, they carried copies of The
Population Bomb. Instead of voting
rights for minorities, they wanted to give them abortions. Instead of ... “Power to the people,” their
slogan was “People pollute.” [Ed.: or even “People ARE Pollution”].
“At first they met resistance. The Marxists rushed reprints of their
founding fathers’ ant-Malthusian tracts back into publication. ...The Christian radical Richard Neuhaus,
pastor of the Lutheran Church of St. John the Evangelist in Brooklyn and
founder of National Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam, wrote an entire
book blasting Ehrlich and the [“]ecology[”] movement for their flagrant antihumanism.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“Entitled Defense
of People: Ecology and
the Seduction of Radicalism, the book
makes poignant reading today, recalling as it does the waning moments of an era when the left stood up
for human beings.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
[pp. 128-129]:
“But neither...the elegant polemics of Neuhaus, nor even the cries of
outrage from the left’s own...heroes could hold the line against a massive
public-relations campaign that was transforming the entirety of America’s
intellectual atmosphere.”
magazine, the flagship high-gloss mass-circulation gold standard for radical
politics, devoted an entire issue to [“]ecology[”], including as its cover
story “Eco-Catastrophe”, the Paul Ehrlich predicting the death of
the ocean and even the exhaustion of Earth’s oxygen supply unless forceful measures were taken immediately to suppress population and industrial growth.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“In parallel with the promotions of the Ehrlich cult,
Hugh Moore and William Draper stepped up the work of their Campaign to Check
the Population Explosion, distributing hundreds of thousands of pamphlets and
placing dozens of full-page ads in major newspapers signed by Nobel Prize
recipients and liberal luminaries demanding immediate action to stop the
“population explosion”.”
“Building on this, Moore and his media consultants
conceived the project of launching population control as a mass movement by
making it the central plank of a “National Environmental Teach-In’, or “Earth
Day” nationwide rally on April 22, 1970, orchestrated by Wisconsin Senator
Gaylord Nelson... . No expense was
spared on this
party for the new anti-human
movement.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“[pp. 130-132]:
Large corporate donations flowed in to help the organizing effort, which
was seen in some establishment circles—including that of President Nixon—as an
excellent way to divert radicals from less convenient activity. As Earth Day approached, it became apparent
that it was going to be a very big affair.
Rather than be left on the sidelines of the new [“]radicalization[”], leaders of the various left-wing
organizations decided to “go where [“]the people[”] are at” and jump on the band wagon.”
“In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels
had called upon the working class to take power -- not to stop the industrial
revolution unleashed by capitalism, but to carry it further.”
[Ed.: i.e., to carry far further the sustained growth of
human-societal self-re-productivity, meaning the further growth of the
‘Meta-Darwinian Fitness’ of the human species -- “the growth of the social
forces of production” [Marx].]
“But now, embracing the Malthusian cause, America’s leftist leaders
offered the services of [“]socialism[”] as the most efficient agent for imposing zero-growth.”
i.e., catastrophic negative
growth of the global human economy and population.]. [Ed.: Emphases added].
“In his 1941 classic [song], “Roll On, Columbia, Roll
On”, leftist balladeer Woody Guthrie had sung the praises of hydroelectric dams
whose “power is turning our darkness into dawn.” No more. Henceforth
the role of the peoples’ [“]tribunes[”] to tell their clients that the time had come to turn out the
lights.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
“Many on the left were appalled by the betrayal. One of these dismayed individuals was Allan
Chase, and old-school left-wing journalist who had cut his teeth exposing Axis
operations in Latin America during the 1940s.
In his magisterial book The Legacy of Malthus: The Social Costs of the New [“]Scientific[”]
Racism, written a few years later, Chase gives some sense of the disgust
he and others like him felt as they watched the travesty unfold:
“By 1970, thousands of earnest and idealistic
Americans of all ages were swapping their “End the Killing in Vietnam” buttons
for more [“]modish[”] buttons bearing the words “People Pollute.” [Ed.: or “People ARE Pollution”]. The greatest peace movement ever created in
America, a coalition of young people powerful enough to have driven Lyndon
Johnson out of public life in 1968, now committed hara-kiri on national network television in the
name of the revival of Malthusianism. . . .”
“But Chase’s cri de coeur was of little
avail. The left
had sold out.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
its legions of writers, organizers, and demonstrators would be at the disposal
of the Malthusians.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
genocide would be “progressive.” [Ed.: Emphases added].
Series Summary Commentary.
Capitalism itself is the core of the mortal threat to the power of the core, legacy capitalist ruling class, and also to all capitalist ruling classes, throughout the globe. It is also the core of the hope of liberation for humanity’s vast-majority non-ruling class.
Overall Summary. The
[pseudo-]”Ecology” movement is just the Rockefeller Faction’s “Eugenics”
movement re-named, re-cloaked, and escalated, from a campaign for multiple,
“local” genocides, to a campaign for global -- “95%” -- “humanocide”.
The Science that Integrates these
DOTS. There remains a far bigger mystery -- far
bigger than that of the sudden reversal of stance on Nazism by the U.S./U.K.,
‘Rockefeller Faction’ ruling class, circa 1939: a far bigger mystery that we have not here so
far addressed.
This is the mystery of what extreme threat to their
power was so extreme -- was extreme enough -- to have driven, and to
still be driving, by now several generations of that ruling class faction to
consistently, and ever-more extremely, pursue the most extreme agenda of
“eugenics”, the agenda of exterminating “95%” [cf. Ted Turner, et al.] of the
human race.
The threat that a rising Germany posed to the U.S./U.K.
ruling faction’s global power, and to all of the hyper-perverted “perks” of
that power, and the even greater threat that the rise of a German/Russian
alliance would likewise have posed to that power and to those “perks”, far more
dangerously than the threat of the rise of Germany alone, might be regarded as
a relatively “external threat” to the U.S./U.K. core of the
ruling faction.
However, that threat essentially ended with the
integration of Germany into the core of the E.U., and yet, the extremity of the
‘humanocidal’ policies pursued by that ruling faction has only deepened since
that integration.
But the “core” geographical regions of original
industrial capitalist development should not be abstractly extracted from the
“lawful” development of the global capitalist system as a whole, and of its
world market, which includes the geographical periphery and semi-periphery of
that development, and of that world marked.
Otherwise a vast misunderstanding of that global and self-globalizing
system will be produced, as a consequence of that fallacious abstraction.
Instead, the co-rising of Germany and Russia was
always but one more example of a threat to legacy ruling class power, a threat
to the global reach of the ruling class of the original core regions of
industrial capitalist development, that arises as an internal
threat, inside the expanding global capitalist
system, given the inherently uneven progress of capitalist industrialization,
that “lawfully” creates a capitalist core, semi-periphery, and periphery to
that development in the first place.
The problem of the rise of Germany and of Russia forms
but one special case of that general threat, to legacy/core ruling class power,
of the rise of the semi-peripheral regions, and of the entire peripheral
region, of capitalist development itself, into capitalist industrialization.
Left unimpeded,
the industrial development of this non-core region of the capitalist global
system would typically present competition, to the core ruling class’s legacy
fixed capital plant and equipment, from the latest, cheapest, most
technologically advanced, most productive
capital plant and equipment, combined with initially lower wage labor
costs. In that combination, this
competition would quickly lower the world market prices of industrial products,
and thereby drive down the profitability of, and soon bankrupt, the core legacy
industries, devaluing their obsolescent capital plant and equipment to scrap
value, and overthrowing the economic, capital base of the power of the
geographical core ruling class, while fueling the rise of a new, successor
industrial capitalist ruling class in the periphery and semi-periphery.
The core, U.S./U.K. ruling class initially “solved”
the problem of this threat to their power, as we noted earlier in this series, by
massively reversing and otherwise impeding “normal” capitalist industrial development throughout the periphery -- via, in key part, the 1913-imposed income tax,
as a way to get the working class, and the lower capitalist class, to pay for
the arms shipments, and the “perks”, etc., necessary for the reversal of
industrial development, and for the
suppression of productivity growth, and of scientific and
technological advancement in general, throughout the periphery, by means of
comprador military dictatorships, ‘servant dictatorships’ -- servants to their
legacy ruling class paymasters, brutal, progress-reversing dictators to their
own people.
But, at length, that “solution” has failed.
Especially since circa 1989, industrialization
has “taken off”, albeit to varying degrees, in the “B.R.I.C.S.” -- in China, in
India, in Brazil, in South Africa, in Russia -- despite the “best efforts” of
the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ to destroy or pervert that progress.
And, as a consequence, the working class, overall, globally,
is rising, despite the Rockefeller Faction’s “successes”, especially since circa
1989, in reversing the progress of, and in destroying the lives and the
livelihoods of, the working classes in the U.S. and the U.K.
All over the world, ‘working/middle classes’ are
rising. And such middle classes have a
tendency to, over time, demand reforms that lead -- ultimately irresistibly --
toward popular sovereignty and popular democracy -- unless those millions of
new skilled and educated people can be quickly eliminated, e.g., by ‘The Eric Pianka Plague’.
But even this account plays way too much into “external
thinking”, placing the threat that motivates and that drives the core,
Rockefeller ruling faction’s “eugenic”, ‘humanocidal’ plans as if “outside” the
capitalist core, in other nations, in “semi-peripheral” regions, and in
“peripheral” regions.
In truth, the threat that drives the ‘Rockefeller
Faction’ to ‘humanocide’ resides right in the very heart of the core region of
capitalism, and that threat is inherent in the development of capitalism
Capitalism itself, “their” system, is the core threat
to its capital-owning ruling class, throughout that system, but most powerfully
of all in the legacy region of its geographical origin and core.
Capitalism itself is the core of the mortal threat to the power of the core, legacy capitalist ruling class, and also to all capitalist ruling classes, throughout the globe. It is also the core of the hope of liberation for humanity’s vast-majority non-ruling class.
The ideological, political, policy, and economic
reaction to the, for them, madness-inducing discovery of this fact, by the
industrial/financial capitalist ruling class itself, after its zenith of “triumph” against the Southern, slave-holding agricultural/latifundial
capitalist ruling class in the U.S. Civil War, in the late 1800s, especially
during the twenty long years of “The Great
Deflation” of ~1870
to ~1890 -- of which you have probably not ever heard even
the slightest peep -- was the reaction that led to the historic split and to
the internecine war within the capitalist ruling class, between the
‘Rockefeller Faction’ sand the ‘Roosevelt Faction’; it was the reaction that created the ‘descendence phase’ of
the global capitalist system, reversing, e.g., the “Hundred Years’ Peace” of its
‘ascendence phase’; that created
the “Third World”, that led to two “World Wars” of unprecedented
destructiveness, that lead to Nazi and to fascist state-capitalism in general, as
well as to Stalinist state-capitalism, and that has led, ultimately, to the
paradoxical ‘capitalist anti-capitalism’
and ‘human anti-humanism’
of the present,
still ruling, and ever more ‘humanocidal’, ‘Rockefeller Faction’ of the
‘descendence phase’ ruling class.
But, to understand this “mystery”, of the
‘humanocidal’ degeneration of the ‘descendence phase’ ruling faction; to
understand, that is, the ‘‘‘psychohistorical’’’, ‘‘‘socio-political-economic
law of motion of modern society’’’; to understand how “the capitalist system
itself is the core of the mortal threat to the power of the core, legacy
capitalist ruling class, and also to all
capitalist ruling classes, throughout the globe.” -- to understand the
‘‘‘psychohistorical’’’ “lawfulness” and, hence, the ‘‘‘psychohistorical’’’ predictability,
of this degeneration of the ‘descendence phase’ ruling class, involves insights
that have remained inaccessible for the majority of Americans, as well as for
other national political majorities.
That understanding presupposes insights into the
innermost, hidden dynamics and ‘meta-dynamics’ of the global, world-market,
capital-centered system of ‘socio-political-economy’, which the deliberately --
by ‘Rockefeller Faction’ policy -- “dumbed-down” education of most Americans
ever since their 1960s coup d’état against the ‘Roosevelt Faction’ leaves
them ill-prepared to engage.
Engaging that depth of self-understanding of human
society, i.e., of ourselves, requires a kind of thinking that goes
beyond our perpetual practice of “personal thinking”, of thinking about
ourselves and about our family-members and friends as if in abstracted
isolation from the rest of society, of humanity, of history, and of the
cosmological totality.
Grasping the solution to the mystery of the
persistent, multi-generational, growing will of a tiny fraction of humanity to
kill off “95%” of the rest of it/us, requires a kind of ‘multi-personal thinking’, or even
of ‘omni-personal
thinking’ -- identifying humanity as a whole as a natural system, and as a natural unit, with objective as
well as subjective reflection upon its global life-activity.
I will not attempt to engage, herein, that level of
insight into the deep ‘‘‘socio-political-economic-psychohistorical’’’ dynamics,
and ‘meta-dynamics’, of ourselves as
global humanity.
I will not even attempt to address the day-to-day
economic dynamics of the growth of productivity in the global capitalist
economic system once fixed capital plant and equipment becomes the predominant
component of total accumulated capital-value.
Instead, I will offer one example that is of such a
dramatic nature as -- perhaps -- to induce in you a feeling for the “stakes”
that have motivated the abjectly power-addicted plutocrats, the Nero-like,
Caligula-like “Doctor Strangeloves” of the ruling, ‘Rockefeller Faction’ of the
‘descendence-phase’ ruling class to plot the vastest mass murder pogrom in all
of human history, a mass murder that, if
“successful”, will lead to the collapse of the ‘Meta-Darwinian Fitness’ of the
human species, and to the extinction of that human species, and of all life on planet Terra.
¿What would happen, to the core of ‘Rockefeller
Faction’ power -- to the ‘Global Dictatorship of Petroleum’ -- if, e.g., some
rising, new middle-class member; some educated, technically-skilled, garage or
basement “tinkerer” -- in the U.S., in China, in India, in Brazil, in Russia,
in South Africa -- consummated the Farnsworth/Bussard “Electrostatic Inertial
Confinement” [EIC] fusion reactor design [Philo Farnsworth and Robert Bussard
having died suddenly, before they could do so, soon after their respective
successful “proof-of-concept” tests of their respective EIC fusion reactor
designs], e.g., for a ‘near-zero-radioactivating’,
beta-particle-[electron]-releasing-only, fuel regime, like the Boron-Helium III
fuel regime, and propagated the knowledge of that successful fusion reactor design
around the world, before
“a little accident” could be arranged for her or for him?
The capital-value of the global petroleum drilling and
transporting and refining infrastructure, the value of that vast capital plant
and equipment, and of the stocks and bonds premised upon it, and the
capital-value of petroleum itself, and of the mineral rights to the landed
property from which underground oil pools can be accessed, would plummet
The perpetual, deepening indebtedness of
“non-oil-producing” nations of the world would be on its way to its blessed end.
Every nation that has water -- thus that
has people able to live within its territory -- for the more standard fusion
fuel regimes, would be able to rapidly replace its fossil fuel energy base with
a far more powerful, far cheaper, water-fueled fusion energy power base; with
an energy base based upon water itself, H2O, a substance far more difficult to
monopolize than petroleum -- or uranium.
The economic base of the power of the Rockefeller
plutocracy would evaporate almost overnight.
The legacy capitalist ruling class would be overthrown
by their “own” system, by the incentives to accelerating scientific,
technological, productivity progress that are inherent in any industrial capitalist system,
incentives whose unimpeded actualization drives an even
secular fall in the general rate of profit/rate of “return” on capital plant
and equipment, due to the accelerating technological obsolescence depreciation,
consequent scrapping, and write-off against gross profits, of largely unamortized, ever-less-amortized,
capital plant and equipment.
After a certain historical point in the accumulation
of fixed capital-value, and of its predominance as a component of total
capital-value, further growth of the fixed-capital-incarnated productivity --
the “productive force” -- of fixed capital extinguishes more old, obsolescent
fixed-capital-value, that must be subtracted from gross profits, than it
creates new capital-value, adding to profits.
The net result is a secularly falling rate of profit, unless this
process is impeded in ways
which lead to the recurring, worsening episodic outbreak of profits-collapsing
The deep and deepening divide between the “Left” and
the “Right” , world wide, and especially in the U.S., is the Rockefeller
Faction’s greatest divide-and-conquer asset, and weapon, using us to block each
other, keeping us at each others throats, thwarting our efforts to escape the
“New/Final Dark Ages” undertow of ‘Rockefeller Faction’ rule.
An old book entitled The German Ideology
noted that, in every epoch, the ideas of the ruling class are the ruling
ideas. ¿How many among the non-ruling-class
articulators of ideas can resist the temptations of the power and the “perks”
offered by ruling class concentrated wealth in return for adhering to the
ruling class “party line” -- or can withstand ruling class attempts to enforce
impoverishment upon those who articulate ideas that the ruling class does not
The ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas -- except when their reign is nearing
its end, and when they are beginning to lose their grip on rule, as well as
beginning to lose their grip on sanity.
I think that the hyper-murderous “Doctor Strangeloves” of the
‘Rockefeller Faction’ eminently
so qualify.
I believe that any further socio-political-economic
progress requires a prior re-unification of the electorate. It requires a majority of our polity united
in opposing the
“humanocidal” plans of the ‘descendence phase’ plutocracy -- of the
‘Rockefeller Faction’ -- and proposing
a re-establishment of liberty by means of a progression from a failing political-only
democracy, whose checks-and-balances have been subverted by ruling class
hyper-concentrated wealth and ‘legalized bribery’ [“lobbying” with “campaign
contribution”, etc., graft], to a popular movement for a new, higher system of political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.
Only by a new “hybrid” of “Left” and “Right”, a
dialectical “complex unity” of the best features of traditional ‘conserve-ism’
and ‘progress-ism’, can we gain “escape-velocity” from out of our
present, ruling-class psycho-engineered
“divide-and-conquer” pit, up into a restoration of democracy, of popular
sovereignty, of actually-working checks and balances, and of human rights
adherence, with nobody
“above the law”.
In a sense, such a movement is a conservative
movement, aimed at restoring and then sustaining representative democracy,
constitutional rule of law, and civil liberties/human rights.
But, in the other sense of its dual sense, it must
also be a movement for sustained progress, beyond even the last, highest peak
of liberty and of democracy achieved during the best days of the ‘ascendence
phase’ of our present social system.
Thus, I am not
proposing any one-sided resurrection of the “Old” Left, to counter and overcome
the prevailing ‘Rockefeller [pseudo-]Left’ whose ‘whore-ific’ genesis
Robert Zubrin so clearly characterized above.
I believe that the only way forward for us is by way
of a dialectical synthesis of “Right” and “Left”, beyond the ruling-class divided and ruling-class conquered state of our polity at
Achieving such a synthesis will not be easy. Such a synthesis, in its first emergence,
will be opposed by both
the “Left” and the “Right”. It will
succeed only if it gradually grows so as to attract more and more new adherents,
formerly of the “Right”, and formerly of the “Left” alike, until it achieves
Below I have linked you to a video-recorded dialogue
in which was presented a system of ideas toward achieving a higher
form of democracy, which we call the ‘equitarian system’. I have also, below, linked you to a slide
deck which presents this ‘equitarian’ system in more systematic detail.
Perhaps you can improve upon these ideas, and/or other
ideas of your own discovery, toward a positive way out of our present and
on-going ‘descendence-phase ruling class’ peril, that of their planned ‘final solution to the humanity problem’
-- e.g., the ‘Eric Pianka
Somebody better, or we are -- or “95%” of each of us
is -- quite literally, “toast” -- to be roasted alive in a global ‘second holocaust’ far more destructive and
devastating than was even the
Rockefeller/Nazi ‘first
The entire human race is at risk of extinction from
the Rockefeller Faction’s “final solution”.
If they succeed in killing off “95%” of us, they will, in fact, succeed
in killing off all of us -- themselves included.
I have linked you also, below, to a bravely if
somewhat naively narrated ruling class document, a -- NASA! -- plans
presentation document, explicating the Rockefeller Faction’s vision for their ‘final solution to the humanity problem’
The late Julian Simon
outraged the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ plutocracy in the 1980s and 1990s by
systematically and scientifically debunking their lies, and their hired liars,
in the areas of population growth, economic growth, technological progress, and
‘econo-ecological’ well-being, possibly at the cost of his own life.
He documented, in the final
section of his book Population Matters,
and for only the years 1979 to 1981, the massive, multi-million dollar payola of the major ‘ideology-engineering’
institutions of the ruling, ‘Rockefeller
Faction’ oil/banking plutocracy -- i.e., of the global ‘Dictatorship
of Petroleum’ -- which that ‘conspiracy of the privileged’
expended in order to shape and control their ‘Earthist’ anti-humanity movement,
turning many once grass-roots anti-pollution movement organizations into their
wholly-“owned” ‘whoreganizations’
Evidence: Some “Foundation” Grants to “Environmental” Organizations, 1979-1981
Grand Total:
Funding from Rockefeller Institutions: $9,201,810
Funding from Two Other Institutions of the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ Plutocracy: $13,985,301
Funding from Rockefeller Institutions: $9,201,810
Funding from Two Other Institutions of the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ Plutocracy: $13,985,301
of Funding
Received (1979-1981)
Population Council
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Population Council
Aspen Institute
National Resources Defense Council
Rockefeller Family
Population Resource Center
National Center for Policy Institute
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Environmental Policy Institute
Rockefeller Family
Northern Rockies Action Group
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
New Alchemy Institute
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Conservation Law Foundation of New England
Rockefeller Family
Center for Law and Social Policy
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Sierra Fund Legal Defense Fund
Rockefeller Family
International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis [Club
of Rome]
Wilderness Society
Rockefeller Family
International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis [Club
of Rome]
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Aspen Institute
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
Rockefeller Family
Zen Center [San Francisco]
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Natural Resources Defense Council
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
National Audubon Society
Rockefeller Family
Conservation Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Citizens for a Better Environment
Rockefeller Family
Zero Population Growth Foundation
World Watch Institute
Lindesfarne Association
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Survival International
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Natural Resources Defense Council
Community Nutrition Institute
Rockefeller Family
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
John Muir Institute
World Wildlife Fund
Rockefeller Family
National Wildlife Foundation
Rockefeller Family
Environmental Action Foundation
Rockefeller Family
Southwest Research and Information Center
Rockefeller Family
Conservation Institute
Public Land Institute
Rockefeller Family
Environmental Law Institute
Rockefeller Family
Population Council
Ford Foundation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Ford Foundation
Alaskan Native Foundation
Atlantic Richfield
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Ford Foundation
Native American Rights Fund
Ford Foundation
Environmental Defense Fund
Ford Foundation
New England Natural Resources Center
Ford Foundation
Wisconsin Center for Public Policy
Ford Foundation
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
Ford Foundation
Washington University Center for Biology of Natural
Ford Foundation
Consumer Energy Foundation of America
Ford Foundation
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Ford Foundation
Survival International
Ford Foundation
Center for Law and Social Policy
Atlantic Richfield
Conservation Foundation
Atlantic Richfield
Aspen Institute
Ford Foundation
Conservation Foundation
Ford Foundation
Hawaiian Coalition for Native Claims
Ford Foundation
World Wildlife Fund
Ford Foundation
Alaskan Native Foundation
Ford Foundation
Aspen Institute
Atlantic Richfield
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
Ford Foundation
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Atlantic Richfield
Environmental Defense Fund
Atlantic Richfield
Center for Law and Social Policy
Ford Foundation
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Atlantic Richfield
Hawaiian Coalition for Native Claims
Atlantic Richfield
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ford Foundation
Youth Project
Ford Foundation
Consumer Energy Foundation of America
Atlantic Richfield
Institute for Democratic Socialism
Ford Foundation
Source: Julian Simon,
Population Matters:
People, Resources, Environment & Immigration,
Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1993, pp. 513-515.
For more about this, see also --
I thought that it might be helpful in conclusion --
one image being “worth a thousand words” -- if I summed-up, for you, the
overall warning and import of these “DOTS” in a single ‘anti-logo’, which I
call ‘the humanity mowers’,
and, for reasons that should, by now, via the foregoing “DOTS”, and also by
this very image itself, be obvious to you, ‘The Rocke-Nazis’ --
For more
information regarding these
Marxian and Seldonian insights,
please see:
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of ‘dialectical art’ -- see:
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of
Public Liaison.
‘Equitist Political-ECONOMIC
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