Tuesday, July 30, 2024

LENINIST “DIALECTICS” – Attempted ‘Physicalization’ of “Abstract Negation”.












Attempted ‘Physicalization’

of “Abstract Negation”.










Dear Reader,





Lenin’s – and Leninists’ – so-called “dialectics” are actually, in practice, an attempted, no longer conceptual, but physical “abstract negation” of all opposition, as its attempted total obliteration “into nothingness”, e.g., by means of the most merciless mass murder, in accord with the ‘descendence-phase’ capitalist «mentalité».


No human being left with the slightest shred of human decency can subscribe to this, attempted, ‘physicalization’ of, “abstract negation”


Leninism is, in general, a ‘descendence-phase’ capitalist ideology – capitalist ideology in its national state-capitalist form, its state-bureaucratic dictatorship form, its state-bureaucratic ruling-class form.


Leninism has shadows and semblances of ‘ascendence-phase’ capitalism, in that it enforces a rapid growth of the industrial productive forces, especially in the area of heavy industry.


But the motive of the state bureaucracy in imposing this industrialization, is not the amelioration of working class privation and impoverishment.  The motive for that industrialization is the rapid construction of a “military-industrial complex” sufficient to deter invasion and overthrow of that state-bureaucratic ruling class by external, capitalist-imperialist nation-states' ruling classes.  And this rapid industrialization is accomplished via the sacrifice, the hyper-exploitation, and the hyper-immiseration of the working class, including by means of slave labor.


Leninist 'proto-state-capitalism' is a new pathway of what Marx called the “primitive accumulation”, or “original accumulation”, of [proto-]industrial capital.  

In its violence and its impoverishment of the national working class, Leninist “primitive accumulation” is highly analogous to, and ‘re-horrifying’ of, the “primitive accumulation of capital” in England that Marx describes in Part VIII, the final part of his magnum opus treatise, Capital, volume I, and of early British industrial capitalism, as described by Frederick Engels in his 1845 book The Condition of the Working Class in England.


W. L. Reese briefly, if mutedly, captured the essence of Leninist pseudo-dialectics as follows:

“Lenin supported a more severe dialectic dedicated to the destruction of the thesis by whatever means.”

[W. L. Reese, Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Eastern and Western Thought, Humanities Press, New Jersey, 1980, p. 130].


Leninist “dialectic” is a mechanical, brutal, ‘synthesis-less’ “dialectic” – that is, it is no dialectic at all, and is desperately in need of its own truly-dialectical negation.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --











For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see






















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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