Elon Musk Targets
the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Created, ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Owned “Federal” Reserve for ABOLITION.
Dear Reader,
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ imposed the “Federal Reserve” central bank upon America in 1913, as one of their first establishments of new institutions to implement their ‘descendence phase capitalism’, after becoming, paradoxically, ‘Capitalist Anti-Capitalists’, after realizing, during the circa 1870 to 1890 “Great Techno-Deflation”, that the accelerating growth of ‘the human-social self-force of human-societal self-re-production’ – the acceleration of industrial productivity growth, dropping unit-costs and unit-prices of industrially-produced goods, anchored in rapidly technologically-progressing fixed capital plant and equipment – would, without these counter-measures, bankrupt them, and overthrow their dictatorship, and, with that, all of their, e.g., Jeffrey-Epstein-style "perks". Heterodox political economist Geert Rueten described the productive-force-growth-induced fall in profit-rates, and the inflation-based ruling class "solution" thereto, in the following terms: “To the extent that technical change accelerates, price competition precludes the full amortization of investments. In contrast with the common opinion that both technical change and competition are key characteristics of the capitalist system, they are incompatible, at least when technical change accelerates. Such acceleration then gives rise to forms of concurrence – abstinence from price competition, price leaderships, cartels. … Concurrence is a major determinant of the inflationary form of the accumulation of capital. Because it is in their interest, banks tend to accommodate the concurrent price settings of enterprises and so to accommodate a socialisation of private losses that would be due to the devaluation of capital in the case of price competition. Price inflation also puts enterprises in a relatively advantageous position vis-à-vis labour.” [Geert Reuten, “The Incompatibility of Prolonged Technical Change and Competition: Concurrence and the Socialisation of Entrepreneurial Losses through Inflation”.].
Their “Federal Reserve” was
instituted so as to impose a continual lowering of majority-class standards of
living – starting with their real wages and salaries, and with
the purchasing-power value of majority-class savings – as a way to sabotage the
potentially-growing economic power, hence political power, of the majority class, in a way such that
their incomes and real savings could never catch-up, by dint of their resulting
cumulative impoverishment by Federal
Reserve-induced exponential inflation,
and to help disguise the falling rate of industrial profitability due to ‘techno-depreciation’
write-offs of obsoleted, unamortized fixed capital plant and equipment, subtracted out of gross industrial profits.
Since 1913, the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, using their “Federal Reserve”, have imposed a ‘slow-motion Weimar’ hyperinflation on the
American people: see the graph posted
This graph stops at ~2005. Apparently, Oregon State University “cancelled” the professor who originally posted it on his OSU web-page before he could update it. ¡Yet another example of the continual services of institutions of "higher education" to the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ !
But, just consider how ‘Rocke-Nazi’
agent Biden used ‘Rocke-Nazi’
agent Fauci’s COVID ‘covert designer-disease’
as an excuse to shut down production, far more severely than medically justified, shutting down American majority class jobs
and businesses, and thereby collapsing supply, and then, to “compensate” his millions
of majority-class victims, who he had forcibly “dis-employed”, had the “Federal Reserve” print reams
of money. Biden then handed that money out
to his majority class victims, to explode demand, thereby guaranteeing
accelerated inflation – supply down + demand up à prices WAY up. By that data alone, you can infer that this
exponential inflation curve has hugely further escalated since 2005.
Elon Musk’s unerring instincts have now led him to call for the dis-establishment of the, so-called, “Federal Reserve” –
– one of ‘Rocke-Nazi’s main weapons against the
majority class, now that, with the Trump faction of the capitalist ruling class
returning to political power, and pursuing an accelerated re-growth of the
social forces of production, the majority class has elected a force for
economic and cultural regeneration, including for a re-escalation of their own incomes.
All that the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have to offer to the majority class is a program/pogrom of gradual but accelerating “population reduction”, e.g., via further ‘Stealth Humanocide’, and ‘Global Warming Austerity’ –
for evidence, including
semi-public statements by the Rocke-Nazis’ own mouthpieces of their 'humanocidal' intent, please
see: Capitalism's
Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims
Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.
– which they hope to "accomplish" including by escalating
monthly household energy bills, inducing massive waves of majority class
homelessness, suicide, and “protective
custody” FEMA
concentration camp internment, plus ever new ‘designer disease’ pandemics, with the
viruses injected especially into those FEMA camps.
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ are already “dress
rehearsing” this pogrom,
e.g., in their “One-Party States”
along the West Coast of the North American continent, where the ‘Rocke-Nazi whore democrap party’ [they who "crap" on the demos -- on the people], which
retains zero resemblance to the Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt’s anti-Rocke-Nazi ruling-class faction,
has gained unchallenged, near-dictatorial control – California, Oregon and
Washington – whose key cities are already plagued with burgeoning homeless
encampments, burgeoning crime, and public defecation on the public sidewalks by the
It is high time to take up
Elon Musk’s call, and ¡¡¡“ABOLISH THE FED”!!!
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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