Globalization is also Global Proletarianization -- GLOBAL
Dear Reader,
In this blog-entry, below, I remark upon a little-noted
aspect of “globalization” -- little noted especially among those participating
in the so-called “anti-globalization” movement.
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian insights, please see --
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books by the F.E.D. Press, see --
Miguel Detonacciones,
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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HYPOTHESES. Capitalist
“globalization” is also global proletarianization.
And proletarianization -- the imposition of wage-labor-based
self-selling, self-alienation, wage-labor prostitution -- never has been a
pretty process.
But, even in its global ‘descendence phase’*, capitalism inherently, all but inexorably
moves to spread its World Market, ever more extensively and ever more
intensively, across the globe, to the very last patch of “landed property”.
An ineluctable aspect of that ‘capital-relation
globalization’, is the globalization of the ‘wage-labor relation’, the spread
of proletarianization, e.g., by the conversion of former rural and agricultural
independent producer populations into urban proletarians, and by the rise of a global “middle”/working class as a
The global social revolution that
‘descendence phase’ capitalism itself
makes a survival necessity for the global majority of humanity is all but impossible
to conceive without the formation of a majority proletarian class worldwide.
¿Will this globally rising,
globally-universal class, this becoming-majority class, of wage and salaried
producers, this world-wide working class, come to perceive, then to conceive,
and then to act upon, its own common interest, the universal interest of the
human species, in re-growing the social forces of production, in establishing
prosperity for all, popular democracy for all, rule of law for all, human
rights for all; in producing the global renaissance of humanity -- necessarily overcoming,
in the process, all of the
the Balkanizing
of “people are pollution”
etc., etc.,
nauseam, that
ruling class is so
ferociously fabricating to
divide and
misguide them
? “Time will tell”.
As much as that ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction of the global
capitalist ruling class would like to have perpetuated their “Third World” depredation and
deprecation of the majority of humanity in perpetuity, they have failed to do so. In desperate haste, they are falling all over themselves to concoct new
micro-enthnicist, micro-religionist, micro-racist, etc.,
ideologies, seeking, ‘‘‘Swiftly’’’, to marshal those proletarians whom they have been able to
“successfully” delude, into massacring each other over, e.g., which end of the hard-boiled egg one
“must”, “morally”, open first.
Their own capitalist system has betrayed them once again -- this
time, not just by their crisis of falling profitability due to ‘technodepreciation’, but by their crisis of global
Industrialization and wage-working-class expansion is, of
course, by now well underway -- in China, in India, in South Africa, in Brazil,
and “even” in Russia again, as well as elsewhere in the [former] semi-periphery;
in their
becoming-former “Third World”.
The ‘Rocke-Nazi’
ruling faction of the global capitalist ruling class is now beyond-desperate
-- even more so now that their global rule is under challenge by a nascent, and
working-class-allied, Trump “populist” faction of the capitalist ruling class,
and by working-class-allied populist movements throughout the global capitalist
are rushing
their plans for an attempted character-assassination of Trump, and of the Trump
faction, now to be fueled by the accusations-only, no-due-process-of-law
firings and resignations of many of their failed prostitute-politicians and “presstitutes” -- who
failed to wield their positions of privilege in the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ media and governmental establishments to stop
the Trump movement -- on charges of sexual misconduct, hoping to mount, by their media, a wave of
precedent that will topple Trump on similar charges.
are escalating their attacks, via all kinds of ‘stealth-humanocidal weaponry’, on the livelihoods
and the very lives of the U.S. working/middle class -- although the Trump
pro-profitability/re-industrialization program for the lower layers of the U.S.
industrial capitalist class is increasingly interfering with their plans -- and
they are preparing,
e.g., their
latest “GMO”, ‘genomically re-engineered’, aerosol-vectored ‘designer diseases’, like their Eric-Pianka-promoted aerosol-spread Ebola virus, to quickly dispatch Russia,
China, India, Africa, Latin America, etc., once they have [they hope] liquidated the Trump faction, and totally
triumphed against U.S. popular democracy, and ‘totalitarianized’, and begun FEMA-camp extermination of, the
rest of the remnant U.S. working/middle class.
Otherwise, all of their humanocidal machinations in the U.S. would simply hand over global
rule to a new Chinese, and/or Russian, and/or Indian, etc., [state-]capitalist ruling class.
But now --more than at any other time since the global fall of Stalinist state-capitalism,
circa 1989 C.E./B.U.E. -- the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ humanocidal plans are in growing
*[By ‘the descendence phase’ of the global
capitalist system, we mean the phase which begins with a
secular, long ‘techno-deflation’, when core ruling class industrial fixed
capital investment, if continually exposed to competition
from new entrants and new technologies worldwide, and especially from the
upstart capitalist semi-periphery, has become unprofitable; has entered into negative profitability,
due to the very growth of the social forces of production that is driven by the
capital social-relation-of-production itself, by capital[ist]’s quest for
relative surplus-value; i.e., due to social-productive-force-growth-induced
depreciation, ‘technodepreciation’.
This manifests in rising write-offs, against gross profits,
of, typically, the entire historical/original value of “morally depreciated”,
obsolescence-depreciated but not yet amortized portions of that core ruling
class fixed capital, such that the value written off against gross profits
episodically exceeds, in monetary magnitude, for individual capitalist firms, that gross profit itself.
We mean the phase that continues with
the reaction
of the core capitalist ruling class to and against this, their mortal
predicament, and the continuing global program/global pogrom to which it has given rise.
I.e., this phase continues with that ruling class’s enfetterment of the
further growth of the productive forces, and eventually, their action to reverse that historic
includes the imposition of "Federal Reserve" style central banks worldwide, the
taxing of working-class wages-incomes to finance this enfetterment, including
the recruiting, arming and imposition of anti-industrialization,
de-industrializing comprador military dictatorships throughout the
semi-periphery -- the ruling-class
formation of the “Third World”.
also includes the fomentation of World Market ‘Designer Depressions’ and
ensuing mass murderous World Wars and Eugenics-excused genocides, the
promulgation, financing and propagation of the Eugenics ideology pro-forced-sterilization/pro-abortion/pro-“euthanasia”
ideologies, and, later, of its re-named variants -- the “limits to growth”,
pro-zero-population-growth [pro-negative-population-growth],
and pro-zero-economic-growth [pro-negative-economic-growth]
ideologies, “small is beautiful” ideologies, “people-are-pollution”
environmentalism / ‘ecologism’ ideologies, “neo-primitivist” ideologies, and
the presently prevalent “global warming”-excused perpetual global austerity ideology, plus
the inducement of “divide-and-conquer” enthnicist, religionist, racist, etc.,
[un]civil strife and mass-murderous
civil wars throughout the
semi-periphery, leading to mass
migration mass death and the
‘re-Nazi-fication’ of the advanced capitalist core polities
inundated by these desperate
mass migrations, and via the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling class’s arms cartels, etc.,
plus ‘Stealth Humanocide’ drug wars, sex-slavery cartels,
genomically-engineered, “GMO” ‘designer diseases’, autism-inducing ‘pseudo-vaccines’,
dementia-inducing and obesity/diabetes-inducing ‘pseudo-foods’, Rockefeller-AMA
opioid prescriptions hyper-escalation-induced heroin/fentanyl addiction surge/overdose
mass death, and
side-effects-cascading, lethal pharmaceutical ‘pseudo-medicines’, etc., etc.,