Monday, October 17, 2016

Seldon’s Sayings Series #6, The Dual Opposing Effects of a Single Cause.

Seldon’s Sayings Series #6, The Dual Opposing Effects of a Single Cause.

Dear Reader,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, and writings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]. 

Such is the following --

Growth of social [re-]productive force resolves, locally, into increased productivity, e.g., as increased rate of output of a particular, [social-reproductively-]use-valuable product, per unit of human labor-time input.”

Globally, [social-re-]productive force growth resolves into an impulse increase in the ‘self-productivity’ of humanity [of ‘human socio-mass’].”

“Growth of social productive force, as a cause of human-societal change [change of social relations of social reproduction] has dual opposing effects; opposite, but unequal reactions.”

“One of these two joint effects -- increase in the magnitude of “relative surplus-value” [Marx] produced [as an increment of profitability], augments potential net return on capital invested; augments ‘capital[-value] productivity’.”

“The other of these two joint effects -- technological obsolescence depreciation, and/or decreased replacement cost depreciation, of the historical cost/original cost/sunk value of “invested” capital equipment, which are both instances of productive-force-increase-induced capital-equipment depreciation -- augments, in a competitive context, write-offs of part or all of the historical cost/value of so-depreciated capital equipment, write-offs that accrue to losses, and that net out against gross income gains, typically also, in part, induced by productive force increase [increased “relative surplus-value production”].”

“This second-mentioned effect is weaker than the first-mentioned effect, in terms of its impact on capital[-value] accumulation, in the earlier history of capitalist development. 

As you can imagine, the exposure to this depreciation effect is relatively small when workers use hand tools, rather than machines, in production.” 

“This dominance of the first effect over the second effect creates, shapes, and defines the ‘‘‘ascendance phase’’’ of the capital-relation-dominated epoch of human [pre-]history, and largely coincides with the epoch of the ‘‘‘formal subsumption of labor under capital’’’ [Marx].”

“The second effect becomes stronger than the first effect, in terms of its impact on capital[-value] accumulation, later in the history of capitalist development, as the core reaches of ruling-class owned concentrated industrial capital become dominated by heavy fixed capital plant and equipment -- by the accumulation of capital-value in the form of “fixed-capital” value.”

“This dominance of the second effect over the first effect, and the ruling class response to their growing perception of it -- which arrives far earlier in the core ruling class than does the perception of this effect among the working classes -- creates, shapes, and defines the ‘‘‘descendence phase’’’ of the capital-relation-dominated epoch of human [pre-]history, the phase which largely coincides with the ‘‘‘real subsumption of labor under capital’’’ [Marx].”

The “organic composition of capital” [Marx], and the related “technical composition of capital” [Marx] -- of the capital-value of, e.g., an “individual capital” [single enterprise], of an industry capitals-aggregate, or of the aggregate or total social capital of a nation-state, or of the world market totality -- can serve as proxies/approximate metrics for the degree of exposure of that capital or capitals-aggregate to productive-force-increase-induced depreciation.”

“The ‘‘‘descendence phase’’’ of capitalist civilization, of a civilization which is, at the very least, a ‘‘‘political-economy’’’, not just an “economy”, is not a matter of any merely mechanical breakdown in any economic-only dynamics of the capitals-system.” 

“That is a key reason why Marx’s critique of capitalist civilization is a “critique of political-economy”, not just a “critique of economy”, or of “economic mechanics”.” 

“The cause of capitalist ‘‘‘descendence’’’ is a pre-eminently psychohistorical cause.” 

“This cause is rooted in the collective, ideological reaction of the capitalist ruling class, as already constituting a ‘‘‘class-for-itself’’’, when and after the leadership of that ruling class comes to an -- ideologically warped -- awareness of the mortal threat that later, high and growing productive force capitalism poses to the continued rule of that ruling class.”

“Later productive force growth threatens to obliterate core, ruling-class owned capital itself.”

“Think of what fusion power would do to core ruling class petroleum capital.”

“The New/Final Dark Age tendency of late, ‘‘‘descendence phase’’’ capitalism is a psychohistorical tendency, driven by late-capitalist, anti-productive-forces ideologies, and pursued by the ruling class by means that majorly include politics.”

“The psychohistorical reaction of the core capitalist ruling class to their alarmed awareness of the social reproductive force increase causation of the economic threat to their capital, and, thus, to their socio-political power, induces that ruling class to create the horrific ideologies -- e.g., “eugenics”, fascism, and ‘humanocidal’, “People Are Pollution” ‘‘‘exterminationism’’’ -- and creates the horrific societal consequences -- vicious Police States, World Depressions, World Wars, mounting Genocides, both overt and ‘‘‘stealth’’’ -- that constitute the ‘‘‘descendence phase’’’ of the capitalist epoch full-blown, as we have already seen, and, with even greater horrors to come, UNLESS OR UNTIL A REVOLUTIONARY WORLD WORKING CLASS REALIZES WHAT IS HAPPENING TO IT, AND INTERVENES IN ITS OWN DEFENSE.”

The common objective of all of these ruling-class-engineered ideologies, created to delude and to disarm the working class, and of the strategies behind these ideologies, is to cripple and then to reverse the historic growth of the human-social forces of production, including, especially, to reverse the core reality of all of those forces of production:  the growth of human population itself.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as illustrated books by the F.E.D. Press, see --



















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!












Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Mystery of the Lindbergh Kidnapping. -- GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.

Dear Reader,

This blog-entry is to share our solution to a long-unsolved mystery of pre-WWII U. S. history -- that of the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh child.

It is a methodological principle of F.E.D. ‘psychohistorical materialism’, to probe those events which breach the ruling class ruling faction’s organization of appearances -- “anomalous” events, events which break out of the usual control, by that ruling class ruling faction, and, consequently, which the ruling class mass media, their intellectual prostitutes, and their hired liars, cannot explain, without risking revelations that would, potentially, undermine their rule.

If, by extension of an existing psychohistorical theory -- one already arrived at, by other, independent lines of evidence; one that potentially explains what is really going on in [recent] human history -- one can discover a potential “solution” to such an unsolved [psycho]historical mystery, then that result constitutes further potential corroboration of that existing psychohistorical theory. 

Moreover, details of the potential solution of that [psycho]historical mystery may lead to the discernment of possible improvements to that existing psychohistorical theory -- in this case, a Marxian psychohistorical theory regarding a potentially embarassing and revealing incident within the strategy and tactics of the ‘descendence phase’ capitalist ruling class ruling faction.

Part of the “existing psychohistorical theory” that is extended, in this case, to potentially solve the mystery of the Lindbergh kidnapping, is partially elaborated in the following earlier post to this blog -- .



The 'Rockefeller Crime[s-Against-Humanity] Family', and the Rockefeller Foundation, funded eugenics, including, especially, in America, and in Germany, where it morphed into Hitler's eugenics concentration/extermination camps, etc. 

The Rockefellers, fearing a potential alliance between Germany and Russia that could overthrow the Rockefellers' 1930s-emerging world dictatorship, had assigned Hitler to attack Russia and Eastern Europe, and to enslave and exterminate the Slavic peoples ["Generalplan Ost", and "Operation Barbarossa"].  The Rockefellers intended this to lead to the mutual destruction, or, at least, to the profound weakening, of both Germany and Russia.

The Rockefeller plutocracy no longer talks openly about eugenics, ever since Hitler turned against them --  as signaled in Hitler’s 1939 “Peace Pact” with Stalin -- whereafter Hitler endeavored to wrest world domination away from the Rockefellers, into his own hands, instead of continuing to be their ‘Servant-Dictator.  With Hitler thus become Rockefeller enemy number one, for the wrong reasons -- as well as enemy number one of all decent human beings, world wide, for the right reasons -- Hitler's defeat led to the post-WWII world wide public revelation of Hitler’s eugenics camps [and other] horrors.  

The very word  eugenics” then became anathema, among all decent human beings world wide.

After WWII, the Rockefellers had to switch to their "People Are Pollution" perversion of the grass roots anti-pollution movement as cover for their continued pursuit of  eugenics global 'humanocide'. 

The Rockefellers had set up other eugenics ‘servant-dictatorships’ all over the world, outside of both the U. S. and Germany, in the 1930s -- e.g., the Franco, Salazar, Mussolini, Horthy, Hirohito and Tojo 'servant-dictatorships'.

During the prelude to WWII, the Rockefellers had also been grooming eugenicist Charles Lindbergh to become their U.S. ‘servant-dictator’, after their planned overthrow of the Roosevelt presidency -- and had therefore also been cultivating his vast U.S. [and world-wide] celebrity and popularity -- up until he fathered a “genetically defective” son.  

The latter event disqualified the eugenicist, Lindbergh, in the eyes of the Rockefellers, from representing the Rockefellers’ “good genes” ideology as to who should rule, and who should die.  

Lindbergh had his “genetically defective” son kidnapped and murdered in March 1932, hoping, thereby, to suppress press coverage of his son’s “genetic defect”, and to get back into the “good graces” of the Rockefellers, so as to once again be their choice for their U.S. ‘servant-dictator’, after their overthrow of the Roosevelt regime.

But because of Lindbergh’s child’s eugenics-disqualifying “genetic defects”, the Rockefeller plutocracy turned away from Lindbergh as their candidate U. S. ‘servant-dictator’, despite Lindbergh’s [criminal] efforts to the contrary.

Instead, the Rockefeller plutocracy eventually approached Marine General Smedley Butler to lead their overthrow of the Roosevelt regime, and to become their U. S. fascist military [servant-]dictator.

Unfortunately for the Rockefeller plutocracy, Butler went public about their request to him, and forced that plutocracy to go into overdrive in cover-up mode BIG TIME. [See Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White HouseThe Shocking TRUE Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR, New York:  Sky Horse Publishing, Inc., 2007].

Soon -- because of Hitler’s ‘franken-dictator’ turn against the Rockefeller plutocracy -- that plutocracy had to put up with the Roosevelt regime anyway, needing that popular regime to mobilize the people of the U. S. to save the Rockefeller plutocracy from their frankenstein-like monster, Hitler.

In Summary:  Lindbergh wanted his son eliminated before that child’s “genetic defect(s)” became too well known publicly, in the hopes of retaining the Rockefeller mantle as their U. S. ‘servant-dictator-to-be’, despite Lindbergh’s eugenics defects, as revealed by Lindbergh's son's disabilities.

Evidence of Lindbergh's involvement in the kidnapping of his own child is presented in the following PBS NOVA episode [original air date 31 July 2013; from time-index ~37:35 to time-index ~44:17] -- -- and in a major book on the kidnapping by Rutgers historian Lloyd Gardner [Lloyd Gardner, The Case That Never Dies:  The Lindbergh Kidnapping].






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Monday, October 10, 2016

Reply to a Reader Regarding the Upcoming U. S. General Election. -- GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.

Dear Reader,

Below is an excerpt from my reply to a reader regarding the upcoming U. S. General Election.

The views expressed are my own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the  Equitist Advocacy group or of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica.



GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES -- Regarding the Upcoming General Election -- my present expectation is that Hillary Clinton will win that election. 

The best case scenario that I believe to be possible would be that Clinton is checked and balanced in her ability to carry out the 'Rocke-Nazi' plan for 'Global Warming Austerity' -- > $2,000. per month energy utility bills for most of America, resulting in bankruptcy of the U.S. social safety net, and FEMA "protective custody" camps [Eugenics Camps, i.e., concentration/extermination camps] for the resulting surge of homeless Americans, etc, etc. -- by a majority Republican House and/or Senate.


Clinton may try to rule by decree ["Executive Orders"], to de facto repeal the Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution/Bill Of Rights ["The Right To Bear Arms"], and to pack the Supreme Court with Rockefeller-Whore "Eugenicists", like herself, but Republican majorities in the House and/or Senate could block at least part of her 'Rocke-Nazi' pogrom/program.

However, the Republican party may be in disarray, and may even splinter, after a Trump defeat.


You can imagine the storm of "finger-pointing" that would break out within the Republican party after such a defeat!

That may be exactly what the Rockefellers want -- to now disable their Republican party, so that the 'Rocke-Nazis' can go all out, via their Democrat party, to implement 'Global Warming Austerity', and get the no longer so Rockefeller-useful Republican party out of the way.


[a service-provider actually recently suggested to me a theory that this is the purpose of Trump's candidacy -- that Trump and the Clinton's are old friends, and that their children are friends, and that Trump agreed to run to make sure that Hillary will win, by constantly shooting himself in the foot, jamming both of his feet into his mouth, and engaging in other self-defeating behaviors, but that, to Trump's and the Clintons' surprise, Trump's destructive actions -- that would have long since been lethal to any other/previous candidate for the Presidency -- haven't worked, until the latest one, the video-audio of his 2005 vicious remarks about women and about his assaults upon them.

Such a theory, while hard to believe, would rationally explain a lot of the 'psychohistorical phenomena' of the Trump campaign].


In short, I believe that the best hope for humanity is that the Trump populist movement -- and the Bernie Sanders populist movement -- will slow down Hilary Clinton's implementation of the Rockefeller police-state state-capitalist dictatorship/'humanocide' plan --

The ruling class is on notice that a growing percentage of the population is in a populist rage against them -- that "the pitchforks are coming".  Our best hope for the present is that this induces enough fear in the plutocracy to hold them back in their implementation of their ultra-evil plans.

There is always a danger, of course, that the 'Rocke-Nazis' will decide that the lavishly-provisioned, radiation-shielded, closed-ventillation underground cities that they are building for themselves -- using taxpayer dollars, of course, to "accommodate" plutocrats who pay no taxes -- are "comfy enough", and, in their frustration, opt for a quick way to achieve their "People Are Pollution" goal of "95% population reduction":  e.g., to start a nuclear war, via escalation vis-a-vis North Korea, and/or vis-a-vis China/South China Sea, and/or vis-a-vis Russia/Assad/Iran/Ukraine, etc., etc.
The 'Rocke-Nazis' know that their intensifying weakening of the U.S. majority population -- 

via vast un- and under- employment, and via wages/salaries underpayment, via autism/adulterated vaccines, via Alzheimer's disease, via new 'designer diseases' like their GMO-AIDS and GMO-Zika viruses, and via their Opioid prescriptions mass massacre of Americans, via their side-effects-cascades-engineered "[pseudo-]medicines"/pharmaceuticals, their food pollution, their food adulteration, the summary murder of unarmed African American citizens, and of other American Citizens, by "Eugenics"-indoctrinated police, and all of the after-effects of their engineered "Great Recession" 'designer depression' [e.g., the epidemic of psychological depression, pharmaceutical drugging, and the surge in suicides resulting from all of this], mutilation of U.S. soldiers [sent to invade other countries], e.g., by IEDs, and via U.S. soldiers' forced participation in 'Stealth Humanocide', "Eugenics" atrocities ["collateral damage", or, as Assange calls it, "collateral murder"], resulting in a PTSD epidemic, pharmaceutical drugging of ex-soldiers, and a surge in [ex-]soldier suicide rates as a consequence of all of this, etc., etc. 

-- will eventually weaken the military potential of the U.S.


The U.S ruling class plutocrats are not about to hand world domination over to the state-capitalist police-state dictatorship state-bureaucratic ruling class of China, so they have to have a plan in place to remove China as a threat to them -- e.g., either by a "designer disease" pandemic, focused in China [aerosol-vectored GMO-Ebola?][remember the "SARS" dress rehearsal?], or by Chinese-currency-value-collapse 'bubble-engineering', or by nuclear war, etc., etc.