Saturday, December 28, 2024

Part 3.: DIALOGUE with a ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Deluded “Leftist”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.



Part 3.:




a Rocke-Nazi-Deluded Leftist.








Dear Reader,


Below is a transcript of the third part of a dialogue with an old-acquaintance “leftist” who recently engaged me with three questions.


This transcript has been edited, moderately, for clarity.


The leftist’s question #3 to me is pasted-in below my response to it.


My response is marked ‘M.D.3’.






My RESPONSE to your QUESTION #3.  I never was, and never could be, an unequivocal supporter of Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is the leader of a nascent new faction of the capitalist ruling class.  As such, when “push-comes-to-shove”, as in the Global “Great Depression” II that the other main faction, the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, are likely to try to impose, to thwart the present ascendancy of the Trump faction, Trump will be under pressure from other capitalists to put capitalist interests first, and to betray the U.S. majority class in the process.  Were he to fail to acquiesce to that pressure, they might depose him.


The U.S. capitalist class is a “class-for-itself”, a ‘self-beholding’, ‘aware-of-self-as-such’ class, with a highly developed anti-majority-class agenda in the case of its ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, and a nascent, majority-class-benefiting agenda on the part of the Trump faction.


The U.S. majority class is still merely a ‘class-IN-itself’ -- a ‘class FOR/beheld-by the capitalist ruling class’, but NOT a ‘class FOR/beheld-as-such-by itself’.  It has no independent institutions, or unified agenda.  Any tendency for any such to emerge is immediately eradicated, by both illegal, criminal means, and by “legal” means, by the ruling, ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, with the help of their CIA and FBI secret police, and their “black ops”, their mafia, their “drug cartels”, etc. 


However, the twice election of Trump to the U.S. Presidency by the majority-class electorate reveals a nascent potential for a class-for-itself awakening within that majority class, a potential that represents an existential threat to the ‘Rocke-Nazis’.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction has been highly successful in “balkanizing” the majority class, e.g., via “identity politics”, dividing -- and conquering -- the majority class into, e.g., blacks versus whites, Indians versus “pale-faces”, gays versus straights,..., lesbian midget tugboat captains versus lesbian non-midget tugboat captains, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.


Thus, there are presently no viable majority-class candidates to support.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction of the capitalist ruling class is extremely hostile to the Trump faction, and is extremely threatened by the Trump faction, especially now that the Trump faction has won the White House twice, even after everything the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction and their ‘main sewer’ media have done to “kill-off” Trump and the Trump faction -- figuratively and, lately, literally as well -- for years on end by now.


The Trump faction is also extremely hostile to the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction.


The Trump faction is reviving something similar to the strategy/agenda of the ‘Roosevelt Faction’, which the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ liquidated in the late 1960s coup d'etat, which resulted in the decapitation of the heirs of the 1930s ‘Roosevelt Faction’ – the murders of Medgar Evers, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and also of many, many unsung other ‘Roosevelt Faction’ supporters, such as Dorothy Kilgallen, all of whom died “mysteriously” soon after, or just before, the Kennedy assassinations. 


The ‘Rock-Nazis’ have been in near total control of the U.S. and U.K. governments, and of all of their global empire ‘neo-colonies’, ever since, until very recently, with Trump’s elections, with “Brexit” in the U.K., and with the fall of the French and German ‘Global Warming Humanocide’ regimes in recent weeks.


The post-1913 ‘descendence phase’ of the capitalist global epoch has caused a deep split in the worldwide capitalist ruling class, a split far deeper than the split in the pre-U.S. colonial ruling class in the Revolutionary War against the “Great”-Britain Empire, or the split between the U.S. Southern slave-agriculture capitalists and the Northern mercantile, proto-industrial capitalists that eventuated in the U.S. Civil War -- e.g., because the ‘descendence-phase’ split in the capitalist ruling class is a GLOBAL one.


One faction of the ‘descendence-phase’ capitalist ruling class -- let's call it ‘The Rockefeller Faction’ -- is determined to suppress the rise of the global majority-class “middle class” of workers, enjoying rising wages, rising salaries and rising educational levels, as the rising “technical composition of industrial capital” [Marx] brings, in its train, a growth in the advancing-technology-based productivity of the working class, and in ‘the technical composition of labor’.


The main opposing faction to the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ – let’s call it the ‘Roosevelt Faction’ -- sees the rise of the majority class as net-beneficial, and as unstoppable, short of ‘trans-Hitlerian’ draconian measures that they reject as an all-lose proposition, and especially because they see themselves, with their vast educational, monetary-resources, and networks advantages, as able to hold power by providing, e.g., Presidential, leadership to the rising class, thereby securing ‘Roosevelt Faction’ power, and its perks, indefinitely.


The ‘Roosevelt Faction’ strategy is to avert further global depressions, world wars, and potential majority-class revolutions, by legislating huge benefits to the majority class, e.g., by ‘detourning' the Rockefeller Faction’s 1913 Income Tax to benefit, not just ‘Rocke-Nazi servant-dictators’, hired by the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, using majority-class taxpayer dollars, to reverse/suppress ‘techno-depreciating’ industrialization in the periphery of the capitalist ‘geo-core’, but, instead, ‘detourning’ part of those income tax revenues to Social Security, National Unemployment Insurance, Gov’t.-financed Medical Care, the “G.I. Bill”, etc., etc., all at least potentially accruing to the massive benefit of the majority class, and thereby getting the majority class to vote them into Presidential and Gubernatorial power again and again and again [witness Franklin Roosevelt’s 4 consecutive terms as U.S. President].


The Trump Faction is now promising better jobs, and higher wages, to the U.S. majority class, by temporary tariff protections to make possible a re-industrialization the U.S. ‘Rust Continent’, and by exporting illegal, criminal immigrants -- and economically-desperate illegal immigrants who drive down U.S. wages by desperately accepting way-below-minimum-wage “compensation”, and who drive up housing costs -- rents, etc. -- and by “making healthy again” an American majority class that is already being mass-murdered by ‘Rocke-Nazi Stealth Humanocide’, using fatally-adulterated pseudo-foods, inducing diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc., etc., and lethal, ‘side-effects cascades-inducing’ pseudo-medicines, and including autism-inducing, dementia-inducing pseudo-vaccines, adulterated with, e.g., Mercury-containing “preservatives”, such as thiomersal, and immune-system-over-revving, auto-immune disease-inducing “adjuvants” [e.g., squalene].


Thus, for the moment, the Trump Faction is a far better alternative for the U.S. majority class, and for the rising majority-class worldwide, than is the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Faction.  


The Trump Faction in power promises to put a stop to “Global Warming” ‘Global Humanocide’ for at least the next four years. 


The Trump Faction also promises to stop the World-War III-risking attempts of the ‘Rocke-Nazi Faction’ to destroy the nuclear deterrent of Russia, and thereby to re-colonize Russia for ‘Global Warming Humanocide’, via the threat of NATO nuclear missiles in the Ukraine and in Russia’s other western-border, NATO-member neighbor-nation-states, and to also destroy the nuclear deterrent of China, via the threat of U.S. nuclear missiles in Taiwan, thereby to re-colonize also China, and to force the Chinese government to impose de-industrialization, ‘de-technologicalization’, and “Global Warming” ‘Humanocide’ on the Chinese people.



Instead of lip-service-supporting the ‘Rocke-Nazi Party Line’ all of the time, perhaps you could trouble yourself to work toward a ‘class-for-itself’ awakening within the U.S. majority class???



In the spirit of dialectical dialogue,







Question (3). When I talked with you back in 2017-2018 — you were a supporter of Donald Trump. I certainly was not. A lot has happened since then. Perhaps for you, things were clarified. Maybe your position was hardened, maybe you are wearing a MAGA hat….or maybe you smacked yourself on the forehead, shouting “Jeeeesh, what was I thinking???”

So….are you still a supporter of Donald Trump?





For many of theRocke-Nazisown spokes-servants many calls for global humanocide, see: Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.











Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!










Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




Free of Charge Download of Book PDF,%20DPCAIT_,_Part_1_,_%27THE_MISSING_BLUEPRINTS%27_,_begun_22JUL2022_Last_Updated_08AUG2023.pdf


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Friday, December 27, 2024

Part 2.: DIALOGUE with a ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Deluded “Leftist”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.



Part 2.:




a Rocke-Nazi-Deluded Leftist.








Dear Reader,


Below is a transcript of the second part of a dialogue with an old-acquaintance “leftist” who recently engaged me with three questions.


This transcript has been edited, moderately, for clarity.


The leftist’s question #2 to me is pasted-in below my response to it.


My response is marked ‘M.D.2’.





[M.D.2]… Response to Your Question #2.  Your “recollection” of my views on humanity and “Nature” could not be more erroneous.  My views are actually a thoroughgoing reversal of the views that you ascribe to me -- what you ascribed to me are “strawman” views, that the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ main-sewer, ideology-brainwashing media attribute to anyone who demurs from their – “People Are Pollution” – “Party Line”; views that constitute a kind of Christianoid ideology, but one also found, embarassingly for pseudo-Marxian “Marxist”-Leninists, who are deeply anti-Marxian, in fact, in Lukacs History and Class Consciousness, for example.


At least the views that you present regarding humanity and “Nature” represent a thin thread that still connects you, partially, to real Marxian theory, and to the real Marxian tradition, falsely claimed by the Leninist state-capitalist and proto-state-capitalist dictatorships, and by their ideologues.


Marx wrote, at the end of his Preface to the first German edition of Capital, volume I.: “...My standpoint [is that] from which the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history...”


Marx regularly wrote of what I call ‘exo-human Nature’ on planet Terra as the “natural basis” of all human societies.


Marx’s view of Nature, including of ‘‘‘human Nature’’’ -- the expanding human zone of Nature on this planet -- as part of a cosmological Nature that is THE dialectical TOTALITY, are reflected in his critical view of science.  In his 1844 manuscripts, he expresses this view as follows: [human] History itself is a real part of natural history, of the development of nature into mankind.  Natural science will one day incorporate the science of mankind, just as the science of mankind will incorporate natural science; there will be a single science.


In The German Ideology, written together with Engels on the eve of the European, continent-wide uprisings of 1848, the two held that We know only a single science, the science of history.  One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of mankind.  The two sides are, however, inseparable. 


In all of my work, I have followed and extended these Marxian views.


As I see it, humanity – ‘‘‘human Nature’’’ -- is in no way radically separable from, or transcendent of, the rest of Nature.


We are a self-continuation of Nature, born from out of pre-human Nature, created by pre-human Nature, and part of a gargantuan ‘meta-genealogy’ that spans the to-us-known history of our visible universe.  The ontological category that is the Terran human[oid] species -- probably to be classed with other “human[oid]” species likely to exist on some of the burgeoning myriad of planets that we are recently discovering -- was “begat” by/from out of pre-human “animal societies”, that were themselves, earlier “begat” by “asocial” ‘multi-eukaryotic-cellular’ animals, and, from there, all the way back, via “begating” by prior “begatting”, to the first known ontological category of physical units, the universal ‘<<arche'>>-category’.  Each of these “begattings” was a dialectical process, i.e., an <<aufheben>> process -- a process combining determinate “self-negation”, ‘qualo-fractal-scale’ “self-elevation”, and double-“self-conservation”, both inside and outside the ‘neo-<<monads>>’ of each, successive, progressive, neo-ontology.


If we dispense with our hypothesis that so-called “Dark Energy” is the deepest now-accessible <<arche'>> ontological category of our cosmos, and that “Dark Matter” is its first ‘contra-category’, born of the ‘self-<<aufheben>>’ of “Dark Energy” -- because they are both still so little “known” to us presently -- and if we take, as our <<arche'>>, instead, the later-arisen ontological category of pre-atomic “particles”, then this ‘meta-genealogy’, for just its ‘self-hybrid’ cosmo-ontological categories, is as follows.  [By ‘‘‘self-involution’’’, apart from its mathematical connotations, I mean the ‘self-in-folding’, ‘‘‘self-re-entering’’’, self-internalization, self-incorporation, or ‘self-meta-<<monad>>-ization’ that generates each new kind of ‘self-hybrid’ <<monads>> from the immediately-previous kind of ‘self-hybrid’ <<monads>> --


atoms are the neo-ontological product of our stipulated first self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of “particles”;


molecules are the neo-ontological product of the second self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of atoms;


prokaryotic living cells are the neo-ontological product of the 3rd self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of molecules [the leap from molecules to living cells is a big one, that could be sub-divided into, e.g., mere ‘‘‘mers’’’, “poly-mers”; ‘poly-poly-mers’, etc.];


eukaryotic living cells are the neo-ontological product of the 4th self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of prokaryotes;


asocial multi-eukaryotic-cellular organisms are product of the 5th self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of eukaryotes;


social organisms are the neo-ontological product of the 6th self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of the ‘meta-biota’ [i.e., that of asocial ‘multi-eukaryotic-cellular’ organisms];


human, meta-social’, societies are the neo-ontological product of the 7th self-<<aufheben>> self-involution, that of merely-social [meta^0-social] organisms.


So. humanities are, directly, the neo-ontological fruition of the 7th ‘self-<<aufheben>> self-involution’ in the dialectic of Nature.


Humanities are a dialectical, self-<<aufheben>>, self-involutionary, neo-ontic product of pre-human Nature.


[I have posted, above, several illustrations which may help to clarify the view of ‘the dialectic of Nature’ outline above, as well as other points stated in this response].



However, not despite, but because human societies are in continuity with the rest of Nature, and because they contain/internalize all of the previous formations of Nature, they may not be “superior to” the rest of Nature in every dimension of potential comparison. 


However, human societies do potentiate certain advanced capabilities that are absent in to-us-known pre-human Nature/contemporary exo-human Nature, just as every advancing stage in the self-<<aufheben>> self-involution of natural formations produces neo-ontological, progressed, natural formations that have behavioral capabilities and “degrees of freedom” -- or, indeed, ‘dimensions of freedom’ -- that were/are absent in all earlier natural formations, and especially in those natural formations which are relevant because presently still extant.


For example, not dinosaurs, not birds, not salmon fish, not wolves, not sequoia trees, etc., but only humans have the technological potential to save the Terran biosphere from globally-lethal bombardments by ‘exoliths’ -- by gigantic asteroids, by gigantic meteors, by gigantic comets, etc. -- and only humans have the technological potential, given sufficient advancement in “the social forces of [societal-self-re-]production”, to save the Terran biosphere by averting the global devastation of the next Pleistocene/Recent Milankovitchian Ice Age, and recurrence of “Snowball Earth”.


Humans are NOT -- as you so falsely say in your verbatim recital of ‘Rocke-Nazi’, “People Are Pollution”, omni-genocidal ‘human anti-humanism’ – “the worst disaster in the history of the world”.


The Ice Ages, and their undertow toward a resumption of “Snowball Earth” -- both caused by the dynamics of PRE-human Nature, e.g., by the photosynthetic biosphere’s tendency to deplete atmospheric CO2, and to sequester that CO2 as “fossil fuels" -- ARE the worst catastrophes for the Terran biosphere in the history of planet Terra!




Observing your thought-processes via what you wrote in your question-commentaries, I note that your ‘<<psyche'>>-ology’ appears to have retrogressed back into a kind of Kantian dualism.  You seem to think that anybody who rejects the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling-class ruling-faction Party-Line, of “People Are Pollution”, ‘humanocidal’, ‘human anti-humanism’, must therefore, ipso facto, belong to the only possible other view, that of the “strawman” of pseudo-Christianoid human “separatism” and “transcendentalism”.


In my experience there is -- perhaps always -- a <<tertium quid>>, a “third thing”, that escapes both terms of a given contradiction, opposition, “radical” [e.g., Kantianoid] dualism, antinomy, paralogism, or paradox -- often there are not just one, but many more, alternatives to both terms of such dualisms, even a progression of such alternatives, representing various possible ‘dialectical syntheses’ of the contending conditions or opinions.


Just because I reject your ‘humanocidal’ anti-humanism, does not mean that I support rampant capitalist destruction of the “natural basis” [Marx] of human society.  Rampant pollution, etc., “externalities” -- or “external cost” “market-failures” -- are an artefact of the capitalist obsession and mania for profit at any human-social/natural cost.  Thus, I support the democratic, social mitigation, reduction, and “internalization”, of such “external costs”.


However, one, if a person of morality and good will, does not want the management of such “externalities” under the control of the ruling, ‘Rocke-Nazi’ oligarchy, for, if they run “pollution-control”, etc., a pseudo-pollution control will result, that that oligarchy will use to attack the livelihoods, and the very lives, of the majority class; to roll-back the growth of the social forces of production, whose continuing growth is the real key to human liberation, to de-industrialize and impoverish the economy, and its wages-levels, and to, as they have often stated, “collapse industrial civilization”.


Instead of external regulatory bureaucracies charged with “pollution-control”, but actually “captured” by the capitalists that they are charged with regulating, and with the national state of which they are a part controlled by the, ‘humanocidal’, ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction of the capitalist ruling class, one wants grassroots, political-economic-democratic regulation.  


That is why the new constitutional principle, human right, and collective property right of ‘Citizen’s Externality Equity’ plays such a central role in the detailed proposal for the ‘‘‘Equitist’’’ System, of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY that is contained in the book entitled Marxs Missing Blueprints

Here is a link to the full, 151-page PDF of that book, so that, if you are interested, you can check out the draft constitutional amendments and statues designed to institute ‘Citizen's Externality Equity’ -- 

Edition 1., DPCAIT_,_Part_1_,_'THE_MISSING_BLUEPRINTS'_,_begun_22JUL2022_Last_Updated_08AUG2023



For many of theRocke-Nazisown spokes-servants’  many calls for global humanocide, see: Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.



Yours in the spirit of dialectical dialogue,







So here are my questions —> . . .

Question (2). This question may seem a little vague or “philosophical” — but I think it is actually based in science, but still kind of open to interpretation. Basically, you seemed to think that human beings, humanity, our species as homo sapiens, are different, above, beyond, separate from, superior to, transcendent to, what we call “Nature”. I would disagree. But what do we mean by “Nature”? To me, nature is not just the biosphere, the many living forms of life which we share this world with — though it is obviously those — but also includes the “nature” of the workings of the universe itself. The cosmos is nature. So, in our human terms, nature would include our planet, the atoms, electrons, all the nuclear particles, the whole “chemical chart of the elements”, our gravitational field, our local star and its nuclear fusion, the galaxy, photons and electromagnetic fields, the cells in your body, the way your brain is operating right now as you read this, the ways your body works, how it is your heart is beating, how your nervous system is firing and communicating with your muscles, your skeletal structure, and your brain, and the interlocking processes of oxygen and carbon exchanged between us and the plant life around us, the fact that we can talk via patterns of air movement that can be transmitted via our auditory systems and decoded by brain functions, these are all nature-based functions…  all aspects of nature. It would also include the evolutionary processes that brought our species into this human form, and evolved to this point, as part of a vast interweaving of biological, geological, chemical, atmospheric processes and developments that indicate a richness and complexity, that is essentially infinite, that we are totally intwined with. So I would say, rather than us existing “separate” from “Nature” we are rather one of its expressions. In a sense, to slice and dice in a particular way, we are the Earth, we are an expression of the earth, we are the earth that has become living, mobile, thinking, tool-making. But this earthiness can also be expanded — we are also the sun. We are the stars — that is where are elements come from, that is the energy that fills your body right now. We are this energy given a kind of form, embodiment, expression, life. What are we supposed to be separate from and and superior to? Ourselves? I am not trying to be poetic or idealist, but very concrete, totally scientific.

And also there is a follow up to this question…If you see humans as somehow ontologically separate from nature, that, one the one hand, sounds kind of biblical — as in humans are a special creation by a monotheistic God that handed the planet over to us to do with as we wish. Hierarchy gives to a lesser hierarchy, which is given dominion. There is the world of animals, trees, forests, etc. — and then there are humans, a separate and special creation. And this world is ours. God gave us this land. On the other hand this world-view fits in with capitalist ideology of production, consumption, exploitation, and alienation (and again hierarchy)— the earth is ours to exploit, extract, use and abuse, pollute, degrade, destroy — because it is in 'our’ interest to do so (and this interest is defined by the requirements of the economic system, that is, class interests and the needs of capital accumulation). The earth is defined as a great fund of “resources” - that has no “purpose” of existence except for our benefit, our exploitation (again, this “our” being defined viv-a-vis capitalism). This leads to at least a couple issues. The planet, the biosphere, its geology, etc become the source of extraction, and the dumping ground of waste — no matter what the ultimate costs and repercussions. No matter how much environmental awareness there might be, there is always the strong tendency to overcome resistance. The God of Capital must be appeased. The results of these processes can be seen all over the planet, including species extinction, top soil degradation, polluted oceans — including “dead zones" —  toxicity, waste, poisoning, environment destruction, etc etc. While there are certainly people and organizations trying to push back against this onslaught, my point is that part of the problem is the ideology that sees humans as separate and superior. We do so at our own peril, and the peril of all the myriads of species that we are abusing, killing, exploiting,  — and to the peril of all the interlocking life systems that we are disrupting and destroying. The Euro-American march, the march of “civilization”, across the North American continent, can now be understood as possibly the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world. But now, so much more of the world is being degraded, deformed, destroyed. How can this not rebound onto us? It already is!

And also…positively…. by our alienation and self-appointed superiority we are perhaps missing a felt connection, a richness of experience, and a mixture of science and wonder that is potentially here right now. There are so many facets of this “nature-thing!” But that is another side of this question, and I am going on way too long now...

So, I just was going to ask the question —> Do you still see human beings as separate, superior, transcendent, and automatically entitled to exploit nature?  "Still"??? -- I have NEVER seen human beings in the way that you state.


. . .










Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Part 1.: DIALOGUE with a ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Deluded “Leftist”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.



Part 1.:




a Rocke-Nazi-Deluded Leftist.








Dear Reader,


Below is a transcript of the first part of a dialogue with an old-acquaintance “leftist” who recently engaged me with three questions.


This transcript has been edited, moderately, for clarity.


The leftist’s question to me is pasted-in below my response to it.


My response is marked ‘M.D.1’.





[M.D.1]… In general, unfortunately, your memories of my views are quite wrongheaded, and mostly false, reflecting, not my actual views, but the "straw man" views attributed to any who oppose the current “Party Line” -- often disguised as “The Science”, that is incessantly put forward by the “main stream media” -- perhaps more accurately described as the “main sewer media”, or “sewer-main media”, and not only the “private corporate” media, but also the media that the majority class is forced to pay for in taxes, e.g., NPR [true-name: ‘National Plutocracy Radio’], PBS [true-name: ‘Plutocracy Broadcasting [DIS]Service’], CPB [true-name: ‘Corporation for Plutocracy Broadcasting’], etc.  


I must say that you have assimilated and memorized their “output” with great roteness, and, I’m also sorry to say, you give evidence that your mind is entirely colonized by that “output”.  So I shall do my best to disabuse you of many of your notions about my views, about real science, and about the dynamics of ‘descendence-phase’ capitalism.  


You seem to have forgotten anything you may have ever learned about Marx’s world-historic breakthroughs regarding the structure, dynamics and trajectory of the capitalist system. 


I will attempt to remind you about some of those breakthroughs.  I will do my best to shake you out of your acquiescence in, and service to, the ‘humanocidal’, “People Are Pollution” ideology that you presently espouse, and the global ‘humanocidal’ pogrom that this ideology is designed to promote, to “justify”, and to bring about [see, for example, the founder of a main “private” ‘main-sewer’ media company, CNN -- Ted Turner -- publicly calling for “95%” human population elimination. 

This call is for a level of mass murder far more horrific -- and far more extensive -- than even Hitler ever dreamed of, as far as can be told.  And Ted Turner is only but one of a whole bevy of “Party Line” spokes-servants to have publicly called for this, ultra-criminal, level of human population extermination.  Rest assured that these calls are not truly aimed at “Saving the Planet”; they are aimed at “Saving the Power” of the present global oppressors of humanity].



My RESPONSE to your QUESTION #1.  Your point about “insolation” -- sunlight passing into Earth’s atmosphere, and then being re-radiated mainly at lower energy, lower-frequency wavelengths is correct to longstanding modern science -- before the “Global Warming” Orthodoxy was so-coercively imposed -- as far as it goes.  


But you implicitly assert an assumption that is egregiously false.  And that false assumption veers your whole argument into deepening falsehood.


You tacitly assume that Terran insolation is a constant.  It is not.  


In particular, it varies in accord with three major partially-periodic insolation dynamics, collectively named “The Milankovitch Cycles”.  The most important of these “Cycles” is a 100,000 year drop in insolation, followed by a ~7,000 to ~10,000 year rise in insolation, that has been found, particularly in a famous paper, now largely suppressed, to help drive the Pleistocene Ice Age/interglacial/Ice Age alternation, with a Northern Hemisphere Ice Age, of mile-deep glaciers, shaving the biosphere bald of plant and animal life, followed by brief interglacial warmings, of ~7,000 years to ~10,000 years duration.  A famous scientific paper, before the “Global Warming” PartyLine/secular religion was imposed upon scientists, identified the “Milankovitch Cycles” as the pace-maker of the Ice Ages.  


I personally witnessed a world-class climatologist being “cancelled”, by an alcoholic, bulbous red-nosed general, in his office at the Pentagon -- when that general told myself, and Dr. Irving Kaplan, that this world-class climatologist was excluded from participation in a major, U.S.-government-funded, taxpayer-funded climatological study, “because he refuses to go along with the consensus”.


That, enforced, “consensus” was then a very new one.  At that time, a major reversal had just occurred.  The CIA had only a little earlier leaked a report, quoting major climatologists, holding that the present interglacial was coming to an end, and that a new Ice Age was already in its early stages.  The CIA report described the massive droughts that this approaching Ice Age would involve, especially for “Third World” countries like Egypt, imposing food deficiencies and, later, famines on those countries, but less severe damage to U.S. agriculture.  The CIA report advocated the use of “food aid blackmail” to coerce these “Third World” countries into alignment with “U.S.” policies. 


There had, by then, very recently, been a rather sudden shift, from an official, Washington anticipation of “Global Cooling”, prelude to re-glaciation, to “Global Warming”. 


Evidently “the powers that be” had decided that a “Global Warming” Party Line was more conducive to stigmatizing advanced technology and real human progress [“growth of the social forces of production” -- Marx], and to bringing about their planned “95% human population reduction”, than their earlier “Global Cooling”/”Food Blackmail” enthusiasm.    


Our lives, and the entirety of known human civilization on Earth, are located in an interglacial that has lasted, highly-anomalously, for  ~18,000 years already.  Some of the Pleistocene glaciations have been clocked at far less than 10,000 years, per papers published in “peer-reviewed” scientific journals – before, “Party Line”, “BIG”, For-Sale “Science”, or ‘Lie-ence’, replaced real science, and ostracized/defunded/cancelled any scientists who so much as questioned the “Global Warming” Orthodoxy.  


The ~100,000 year glaciations constitute an horrific self-destruction of the Terran biosphere, imposed by pre-human Nature upon itself, without any contribution by -- then non-existent -- human beings, starting from long before that Terran Nature gave birth to its ‘human-Nature-al’ species. 


It appears likely to me that human return, as gaseous CO2, of carbon, tied up in solid forms by the pre-human biosphere, in “fossil” forms, including by the human burning of wood, of peat, and, later, of coal, of petroleum, and of natural gas, has delayed the otherwise by now ~8000 year-old catastrophe of a new Ice Age, saving the Terran biosphere from further and, this time, perhaps terminal, Ice Age self-destruction: That’s right -- so far, this humanity has saved the biosphere from self-destruction.     


A look at the attached Terran climate-history diagram, based upon a series of major, massive data-gathering projects and publications of real science -- now largely suppressed/-unmentionable for scientists who do not wish to be “cancelled” -- will show you that, presently, the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [black curve], and the level of global mean atmospheric temperature [blue curve] are both near all-time lows for the Terran biosphere, all the way back to the Cambrian. 


Consultation of Earth History sources will show you that, every time atmospheric temperature and carbon dioxide levels have been this low, or even less low [e.g., during the Pleistocene], the Earth has experienced the devastation of massive, mile-deep glaciers, scouring whatever of the biosphere was extant at the time.  This diagram does not even touch on the earlier, repeated “Snowball Earth” episodes, which covered our whole planet with Ice.  Note, in that diagram, for example, the level of the blue and black curves during the “Carbo-Permian Ice Age”, ~ 300 million years ago.


There are several egregious “Big Lies” -- far bigger than any of the “Big Lies” tried by Hitler and Goebbels -- that seem to have devoured your mind alive -- and that need to be dispelled from it if it is to accrue to the side of humanity, rather than to that of ‘humanocide’.


“Global Warming” BIG LIE #1.  “Carbon Dioxide is a Deadly Pollutant”.  The spokes-whores of the Party-Line chant, ad nauseam, a mantram of “Carbon Pollution”.  In truth, Carbon Dioxide is the primary nutrient of almost the totality of the Terran biosphere.  Photosynthesis, the basis of most of the Terran biosphere, depends on the atmospheric presence of a sufficient concentration of CO2.  Many of today’s plants grow more rapidly, more luxuriantly and more productively, e.g., in greenhouse atmospheres, enriched with much higher concentrations of CO2 than those extant “outdoors”.  The “primary productivity” of the Terran biosphere declines precipitously as atmospheric CO2 concentrations decline, and present CO2 concentrations are already sub-optimal for plant species that first arose in a Terran atmosphere much richer in CO2 than today’s.  For the good of the Terran biosphere, atmospheric CO2 today is already in short supply.


 “Global Warming” BIG LIE #2“Global Warming” causes Drought.  The truth is actually the reverse.  Atmospheric global warming would raise the temperature of the surface waters of oceans and large lakes.  Warmer surface waters have a higher rate of evaporation.  An atmosphere that thereby absorbs more moisture is prone to greater intensities, durations, and volumes of water-precipitation, in various forms, including over continental land-masses.  Greater precipitation leads, not to drought and desertification, but to RE-TROPICALIZATION, and to the re-extension of equatorial-latitude rain forests back “up” into the temperate zones of latitude, e.g., in the Northern Hemisphere. 


 “Global Cooling”, on the contrary, leads to cooler surface waters, therefore to less water evaporation from them, hence also to less precipitation, and to droughts, followed by desertifications, e.g., in the Northern temperate zone.  Real scientists, reconstructing the climates of the Pleistocene Ice Ages, have found that those Ice Ages were regularly preceded by droughts and desertifications, including leading to massive grassland fires and forest fires.  The Sahara desert was a fruiten plain before the spate of recent Ice Ages desertified it.


Note that the U.S. West and Mid-West are now an area of extensive and increasing drought, as is much of the rest of the planet.  Party-Line-aligned “Global Warming” Liars chant ceaselessly that this drought is caused by “Global Warming”.  But this would be true only if there were plenty of -- increasing -- rates of precipitation, but the atmosphere was so warm that it sucked the increased wetness right out of the land again, right after it precipitated.  Global drought due to lack of precipitation, as we are suffering now, is a sign of Global Cooling, not of “Global Warming”.


Again, you seem to have forgotten anything you ever learned about the world-historic Marxian immanent critique of global capitalism.


You seem to have forgotten that, indeed in every epoch of class society, “the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class”.  You seem to have forgotten that the society that we live in is a class society, with a ruling class, that owns or controls the “main sewer” mass media, and that also owns or controls “Big Science”, because it controls the funding of science -- not just “private”, corporate funding, but public funding as well, e.g., funding by the “National Science [‘Lie-ence’] Foundation”, because that ruling class controls the U.S. Federal Government.  Scientists are abjectly dependent on that funding.  They must conform to whatever – ‘Lysenko-oid’ – “consensus” is imposed as the “Party Line” of and by that ruling class ruling faction -- today, what I call the ‘Rocke-Nazi ruling faction’ -- or be driven out of the “scientific community” by that ruling faction, e.g., via its intellectual-prostitute agents.


A “science” in which contrary-to-“consensus” hypotheses are not allowed to be published or investigated, is not science -- it is some kind of secular religion; an “ideology” in Marx’s sense!


You also seem to have forgotten the very crux of Marx’s immanent critique of the self-globalizing capitalist system -- what Marx named “the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall” -- the “law” that predicts how modern global human history has been shaped, at least since the ~1870 to ~1890 “Great [Techno-]Deflation”, by the reaction of the ruling faction of the capitalist ruling class to that “law”, which turned the, e.g., “Hundred Years Peace” ascendence-phase of relative-surplus-value-based, industrial capital-based capitalism into its descendence-phase. 


This turn into the ‘descendence-phase’ was institutionalized in the 1913 “Federal” Reserve Act, and in the 1913 Federal Income Tax imposition -- an income tax instituted, not for any benefits to the majority class, but to make that majority class pay for the U.S./U.K.-ruling-class-servant military dictatorships that suppressed/reversed the growth of the industrial productive forces in the periphery surrounding the geographical core of industrial capitalism, creating the “Third World” thereby -- and that this ruling faction further “advanced” via World War I, to prevent rapidly-advancing industrial capitalism, in Germany especially, from ‘techno-depreciating’, and, thereby, destroying the world-market profit-rates of, the products and the industrial means of production of the U.K., of France, and of the U.S. ruling capitalists.


I have attached some graphs and quotes that should be instructive for you regarding Marx’s “law” of capitalism’s self-induced demise.



The real purpose -- the purpose of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction -- in imposing their “Global Warming”, “People Are Pollution” ideology/-religion, is, as CNN-founder and ‘Rocke-Nazi spokes-whore’ Ted Turner put it, “95% global human population reduction” -- a global, not “genocide” of any particular ethnic group, a la their erstwhile Hitler ‘servant-dictatorship’, turned ‘Franken-Dictatorship’, but, instead a global, omni-ethnic humanocide.


The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have been waging a global war on the productive forces -- on the ‘social self-force of human-societal expanded social self-reproduction’, the measure of the ‘meta-Darwinian’ collective fitness of the human species -- at least since the 1870s.  It was inevitable that that war, at first targeting capitalist industrialization, would move from targeting means of production into targeting the very heart of the “productive forces”, the human, majority-class population itself.


“Global Warming Austerity” is designed to escalate energy prices, by restricting energy supply, to the point where millions of majority-class Americans, Canadians, Brits, Germans, French citizens, etc., worldwide, will be unable to pay their mounting, hyper-inflating monthly household energy utility bills -- starting at ~$2000.00 per month, and escalating exponentially from there.  This will create a massive global wave of homelessness -- already being ‘dress-rehearsed’, e.g., in California, with the homeless defecating on the public sidewalks, etc. 


In the U.S., this massive wave of homelessness will be met with “protective custody”, in FEMA camps, that will soon, under martial law, morph into FEMA concentration/extermination camps.  Just a few new ‘designer diseases’, released into these FEMA camps, will “do the job”.  Ted Turner's “95% human population reduction” -- global ‘humanocide’ -- will be within reached, to be replaced by a low-population, low-productive-force, neo-crypto-feudal “order”, with the former ‘Rocke-Nazis’, the ‘capitalist anti-capitalists’, and ‘human anti-humanists’, as the new ruling “aristocracy”.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ media project new, “[soylent-]green”, “clean”, low-energy-density power-sources, to replace their dismantled, outlawed fossil fuel and nuclear energy sources.  But this is just another Hitlerian-Goebbelsian “Big Lie”.  The Federal Government, etc., servants of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction are hard at work, dismantling hydroelectric dams worldwide, as recently, in the U.S., e.g., in Oregon and California.  The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ regrettable Greta has called for the dismantling of wind power turbines, “because they are built on former indigenous lands”.  ALL LANDS can be claimed to be “former indigenous lands”.


If you would like to read the, blood-curdling, semi-public calls for global ‘humanocide’, by a whole panoply of ‘Rocke-Nazi spokes-servants’, I have compiled many of them, and can easily supply them to you.


How does it feel to realize that you are supporting the most gargantuan mass murder of human beings -- men, women, and children -- ever attempted in the entire known history of Terran humanity???

[Leftist Interlocutor]: ...And now to my questions. These are based on a conversation we had via telephone, oh, way back in 2017-2018 or so.  We were not in agreement on several issues, and there were three such issues that stuck in my mind.  In fact, based on these I more or less decided that us talking anymore was pretty much pointless.  ...  Since it has been a while I cannot remember the exact wording of your positions, so the way I state my questions might not reflect your precise meanings.  Basically I am just curious if I understand what you were saying and/or if your positions have changed, given the last seven or eight year’s worth of new information, experience, or potential change of outlook.

So here are my questions —>

Question (1).  Back then you claimed that global warming is not happening, and certainly not happening as caused by human activities.  The center-piece of these human activities is of course fossil fuel use, (carbon and methane), and its escape into the atmosphere — and the chemistry and physics work out that sunlight can pass through the atmosphere as electromagnetic waves, but when re-radiated back from the earth cannot pass through the carbonized atmosphere because of the energy's altered wavelength, and thus cannot so readily escape back out into space.  Thus things heat up, which also means a potential for more energized action, and more swings into heat-waves, storms, droughts, flooding.  The atmosphere is not just heating but kind of charging up.  Plus other human causes effecting climate would include deforestation, forms of mass-agriculture, waste management (and non-management), land use, transportation, and energy production, etc.  And then there are many “positive” feedback loops — where warming can cause effects that then add to more warming, setting up a runaway situation.  Your position, if I recall correctly, was that all these processes/-activities, especially those involving fossil fuels, are irrelevant and have nothing to do with climate change. You thought that worrying about “global warming” is in error, and that climatologists, and other kinds of scientists, are totally wrong, and that actually the only kind of climate change we are experiencing is a global cooling.  We are getting colder, not warmer.  But a statistical look at the climate would indicate a warming, as in, heat records being constantly broken.  And all the weather events that are increasing in severity.  This does not mean there cannot also be cooling — as when ocean currents and weather patterns can get altered — thus leading to changes in the jet stream, a distortion of Arctic weather and ocean flow and so on.  And so there can be a potential for extreme cold in places, ironically brought on by the “global warming.”  I seem to look around and see myriads of scientists, of all kinds, trying to understand the effects, trends, repercussions of what is called “global warming” — like changes in animal migrations, sea level change, glacier melting, weather patterns, species extinction, oceanic carbon saturation, forest changes — including stress on trees and vegetation, etc etc.  It is like climate change itself is becoming a science — which billions of points of interaction throughout the global living systems..……. But you said it is all an error, or one might even say, “a hoax.”  Is this still your position?  And also I would add…my views are not based on some kind of static earth idea, that everything is “normal” the way our climate seems now — but rather that the earth has gone through many massive changes, cycles, events, and patterns that can go on for thousands, millions of years, like the ice-ages for example.  And that these events obviously have many causes other than our current fossil fuel et al use.  But knowing that the earth can take on such “extreme” states does not mean that humans cannot be actually causing climate change now.  And knowing that the global climate system, even on its own, can be “tipped” into conditions that would make human life unlivable, it seems to me this should make us more concern, not less.  We may be messing with something that is way way way beyond our control, all the while being a major causative agent of the unfolding crisis — a crisis that, for many people, and other more-than-human species, is already a catastrophe.

But what do you now think?








































Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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