Dear Reader,
Marx’s Historically-Generic “Law” of human-social ‘meta-evolution’ – of the progression of human social formation(s); of the successive forms of human society; of the progression of ‘‘‘human social relations of human-social reproduction’’’ – was stated by him in the preface to his first major work on his dialectical, immanent critique of the ideology-vitiated science of capitalist “political economy”, published in 1859. In that Preface, he stated that “Law”, in part, as follows --
“The general conclusion at
which I arrived and which, once reached, became the guiding principle of my
studies can be summarized as follows. In
the social reproduction of their existence, humans inevitably enter into
definite relations, which are independent of their wills, namely social
relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development
of their material social forces of production. The totality of these relations
of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real
foundation, on which arises their legal and political superstructure…. At a certain stage in their development the
material forces of production in society come into conflict with
the existing relations of production, or – what is but a legal
expression for the same thing – with the property relations within which they
had been at work before. From forms
of development of the forces of production these relations turn
into their fetters. Then comes the era
of social revolution. …” [Compiled from several translations, ‘de-biased’ by replacing “men” with
“humans”, and with emphases added.].
After the self-dissolution of
paleolithic and neolithic “primitive communism”, and throughout the ensuing ‘meta-epoch’
of class societies, which we inhabit still, it is the ruling class of each successive
system of ‘‘‘social relations of societal self-reproduction’’’ which benefits
most from, and which therefore defends, that system of social relations.
Each such ruling class does
so both in its ‘ascendence phase’, while it, deliberately or not,
promotes the growth of the ‘‘‘social self-force of societal self-reproduction’’’,
and also during its ‘descendence-phase’, when that social relations system
begins to restrain, and, finally, to reverse, the growth
of that ‘‘‘societal self-reproductive self-force’’’.
That reversal leads, by
circuitous, ideological routes, to the overthrow, or to the “Dark Ages” collapse,
of that system of social relations, and to the eventual gathering-together of a
new system of social relations, congruent with renewed ‘quanto-qualitative’ growth
of the ‘societal self-reproductive self-force’ of humanity, and, thereby, with
the further growth of the ‘meta-Darwinian fitness’ of the human species.
That fitness is broadly proportional
to the rate of reproduction of ‘human socio-mass’, which consists of humans-made
artifacts-mass, as well as of human bio-mass.
The above summarizes the ‘historically
generic’ aspect of Marx’s “law” of human-social ‘meta-evolution’.
A “historically-specific”
aspect of Marx’s “law” – specific to the historical epoch of global
capitalism – is Marx’s “law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall”,
as set forth in the Grundrisse and in volume III of
«Das Kapital».
That “historically-specific
law” can be summarized as follows: growth of the social forces of production
devalues legacy fixed capital, and thereby lowers the rate of profit on capital
-- catastrophically so for the, ruling, owners of the largest, most
concentrated/consolidated/centralized accumulations of industrial capital-value,
and loan-capital-value.
During the ‘ascendence-phase’
of “the capital-relation” [Marx], the capital social relation of production,
with the increasing replacement of “absolute surplus-value” [Marx] with “relative
surplus-value” [Marx], via the increasing prevalence of productivity-escalating,
unit-labor-cost-diminishing fixed capital machine-based means of production,
the general rate of profit on capital may rise.
But as machinery
super-accumulates, and capital-value itself super-accumulates, in forms including
a rising economic value of fixed capital plant and equipment, and as the competitive
profit-incentives to capitalists to produce, and to deploy in competition, ever-more-productive machinery, and ever-more productively-produced machinery,
mount, the preponderance of fixed capital value in capitalists’ capital-value
accumulations makes them ever-increasingly vulnerable to technological obsolescence
The resulting, unamortized
but ‘techno-depreciated’, “morally-depreciated” [Marx] fixed capital must be,
e.g., physically scrapped, and, in their accounting systems, “charged-off” against
– subtracted from – gross profits, in each accounting period in which such
obsolescence renders some part of a given capitalist’s fixed capital uncompetitive in the prices that it can
deliver to market. That fixed capital
must also be replaced, at great cost -- while debt-service must still be paid on
the loans by which that scrapped capital equipment was purchased – e.g., via expensive new loans, also
demanding recurring debt-service payments, and thus further reducing periodic net
profits, by their debt-service expense.
As technological, productivity-progress
accelerates under competitive pressure, and under profitability incentives,
immanent to the capital-relation, a widespread secular fall in capitalists’
profit-rates will occur, as in the ~1870 to ~1890 “Great [Techno-]Deflation”.
The core of the capitalist
ruling class panics, studies Marx, Veblen, and others, and finally concocts an institutional
response, e.g., in the U.S., with the 1913 “Federal Reserve Act” and the 1913 “Federal
Income Tax Act”, as well as with World War I.
The ruling class strategy for
the “Federal Reserve” is to induce a barely-controlled exponential inflation,
that will continually reduce the real value of majority-class wages and
savings, thereby disempowering the, rising, majority class, and partially masking
the fall in profit-rates via the resulting fall in real wages costs to
capitalists, with the buying power of majority class wages and salaries and
savings never able to “catch up” with that “Fed”-imposed near-hyper-inflation.
The ruling class strategy for
the Federal Income Tax was decidedly not
to provide Unemployment Insurance and Social Security and Medicare/-Medicaid to
the majority class. Those reforms were
the later accomplishment of an enemy faction of the capitalist ruling class – of
the ‘Roosevelt Faction’ – in the context of the ‘hyper-de-legitimation’ of the
other main ruling-class faction – the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ – due to the Fed-induced “Great Depression”.
The ruling class strategy for
the Federal Income Tax was
to force the majority class, and the lower capitalist class, to pay for the ‘Rockefeller
Faction’s’ new military dictatorships, which they imposed all across the
periphery of the capitalist core – the core consisting of “Great” Britain,
France, and the USA – that the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ used to suppress and to reverse capitalist industrialization in that periphery, thus, at length, creating
the “Third World”.
The ‘Rockefeller Faction’, contrived,
thereby, to suppress and reverse “the growth of the social forces of production”
there, and, thereby, to block or blunt competition in the world market from the
countries there – e.g., Japan, China, India, South Africa, Russia, Italy, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, etc., etc. – so as to prevent or blunt the
competitive ‘‘‘techno-depreciation’’’ obliteration of the capital-value of the
‘Rockefeller Faction’s’ VAST legacy of obsolete fixed capital plant and equipment
assets, that would otherwise be due to those lower-wage nations’
fielding of the most advanced, most-productive capital plant and equipment from the
inception of their industrialization.
But, at length, those
military dictatorships began to falter, fail, and fall, increasingly, e.g., in Japan,
in Taiwan, in Korea, in India, in South Africa, in Italy, in Spain, in
Portugal, in Argentina, in Brazil, in Mexico, etc.
Thereby, industrialization,
and, with it, accelerated growth – in the “net” – of the world market, global
social forces of production, began to burgeon, from those nation-states.
And population growth – due to
the ‘Rockefeller Faction’s’ former suppression of “The Demographic Transition”
throughout their “Third World”, via their dictatorships’ suppression of
economic development there, also burgeoned.
With the rise of new majority
classes – working classes – up into “middle class” standards of living, particularly
in the nation-states of the “BRICS”, and with the rising education of those
majority classes, due to the rise in the ‘technical composition of labor’
there, corresponding to the rise in the “technical composition of capital”
[Marx] there, the hopes of the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ of the capitalist ruling
class to save their capital, and their profit-rates, and thus to save their
socio-political power, together with all of its hyper-perverted
“perks”, from accelerating growth of the social-reproductive forces, collapsed.
It was inevitable that the ruling
capitalists, in their descendence-phase-inducing global war on the global
social forces of social reproduction, would eventually attack social
reproduction itself, and, with that, would make war on the very core of the social-reproductive
forces, the human population itself.
Thus, after the collapse of the Stalinist version of proto-state-capitalism in Russia and Eastern Europe, with the concomitant collapse in the ruling capitalists’ need to showcase “Western” living standards versus “Eastern”, to help win their “Cold War”, those capitalists massively funded pseudo-ecological, pro-negative economic growth ideological attacks on global majority-class living standards, as well as ‘‘‘neo-Malthusian’’’, pro-negative population growth, “PEOPLE ARE POLLUTION” ideologies, that then began to be propagated in earnest by the ‘descendence-phase’ capitalist ruling class ruling faction, which we have named ‘The Rocke-Nazi Faction’, together with a ‘Global Warming Austerity’ global pogrom, planned by them to achieve “95%” global human population extermination.
For evidence of this, including
bald, semi-public statements calling for, e.g., “95%” global human population
elimination, by the Rocke-Nazis’
own spokes-servants, see: Capitalism's
Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims
Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.
The – anti-progress – “progress”
of the productive-forces-obliterating, de-industrializing,
majority-class-impoverishing ‘Global Warming Global Pogrom’ to-date, has, at
length, begun to provoke the resurgence of a rival faction of the capitalist
ruling-class, fueled by the fury of the immiserated, ‘Stealth Humanocide’ hyper-victimized
majority class; a kind of resurrection of the ‘Rockefeller-Faction’-suppressed ‘Roosevelt
In the U.S., this has
manifested in the twice-election to the Presidency of the leader of the,
pro-productive-forces, ‘Trump Faction’ of the U.S. capitalist class, much to
the hyper-panic of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Faction.
It has led also to the temporary
ascendancy of the ‘Brexit Faction’ in the U.K., and, most recently, to the collapse of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-controlled,
‘Global Warming Austerity’ regimes in Germany and France, etc.
¿Will Terran humanity be successful in overthrowing the ‘Rocke-Nazi’, ‘Global Warming Austerity’, human-exterminationist global pogrom, saving both Terran humanity and the rest of the Terran ‘bio-noosphere’ from ‘Milankovitchian New Ice Age’ extinction?
It is up to YOU.
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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