Saturday, December 28, 2024

Part 3.: DIALOGUE with a ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Deluded “Leftist”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.



Part 3.:




a Rocke-Nazi-Deluded Leftist.








Dear Reader,


Below is a transcript of the third part of a dialogue with an old-acquaintance “leftist” who recently engaged me with three questions.


This transcript has been edited, moderately, for clarity.


The leftist’s question #3 to me is pasted-in below my response to it.


My response is marked ‘M.D.3’.






My RESPONSE to your QUESTION #3.  I never was, and never could be, an unequivocal supporter of Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is the leader of a nascent new faction of the capitalist ruling class.  As such, when “push-comes-to-shove”, as in the Global “Great Depression” II that the other main faction, the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, are likely to try to impose, to thwart the present ascendancy of the Trump faction, Trump will be under pressure from other capitalists to put capitalist interests first, and to betray the U.S. majority class in the process.  Were he to fail to acquiesce to that pressure, they might depose him.


The U.S. capitalist class is a “class-for-itself”, a ‘self-beholding’, ‘aware-of-self-as-such’ class, with a highly developed anti-majority-class agenda in the case of its ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, and a nascent, majority-class-benefiting agenda on the part of the Trump faction.


The U.S. majority class is still merely a ‘class-IN-itself’ -- a ‘class FOR/beheld-by the capitalist ruling class’, but NOT a ‘class FOR/beheld-as-such-by itself’.  It has no independent institutions, or unified agenda.  Any tendency for any such to emerge is immediately eradicated, by both illegal, criminal means, and by “legal” means, by the ruling, ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction, with the help of their CIA and FBI secret police, and their “black ops”, their mafia, their “drug cartels”, etc. 


However, the twice election of Trump to the U.S. Presidency by the majority-class electorate reveals a nascent potential for a class-for-itself awakening within that majority class, a potential that represents an existential threat to the ‘Rocke-Nazis’.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction has been highly successful in “balkanizing” the majority class, e.g., via “identity politics”, dividing -- and conquering -- the majority class into, e.g., blacks versus whites, Indians versus “pale-faces”, gays versus straights,..., lesbian midget tugboat captains versus lesbian non-midget tugboat captains, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.


Thus, there are presently no viable majority-class candidates to support.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction of the capitalist ruling class is extremely hostile to the Trump faction, and is extremely threatened by the Trump faction, especially now that the Trump faction has won the White House twice, even after everything the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction and their ‘main sewer’ media have done to “kill-off” Trump and the Trump faction -- figuratively and, lately, literally as well -- for years on end by now.


The Trump faction is also extremely hostile to the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction.


The Trump faction is reviving something similar to the strategy/agenda of the ‘Roosevelt Faction’, which the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ liquidated in the late 1960s coup d'etat, which resulted in the decapitation of the heirs of the 1930s ‘Roosevelt Faction’ – the murders of Medgar Evers, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and also of many, many unsung other ‘Roosevelt Faction’ supporters, such as Dorothy Kilgallen, all of whom died “mysteriously” soon after, or just before, the Kennedy assassinations. 


The ‘Rock-Nazis’ have been in near total control of the U.S. and U.K. governments, and of all of their global empire ‘neo-colonies’, ever since, until very recently, with Trump’s elections, with “Brexit” in the U.K., and with the fall of the French and German ‘Global Warming Humanocide’ regimes in recent weeks.


The post-1913 ‘descendence phase’ of the capitalist global epoch has caused a deep split in the worldwide capitalist ruling class, a split far deeper than the split in the pre-U.S. colonial ruling class in the Revolutionary War against the “Great”-Britain Empire, or the split between the U.S. Southern slave-agriculture capitalists and the Northern mercantile, proto-industrial capitalists that eventuated in the U.S. Civil War -- e.g., because the ‘descendence-phase’ split in the capitalist ruling class is a GLOBAL one.


One faction of the ‘descendence-phase’ capitalist ruling class -- let's call it ‘The Rockefeller Faction’ -- is determined to suppress the rise of the global majority-class “middle class” of workers, enjoying rising wages, rising salaries and rising educational levels, as the rising “technical composition of industrial capital” [Marx] brings, in its train, a growth in the advancing-technology-based productivity of the working class, and in ‘the technical composition of labor’.


The main opposing faction to the ‘Rockefeller Faction’ – let’s call it the ‘Roosevelt Faction’ -- sees the rise of the majority class as net-beneficial, and as unstoppable, short of ‘trans-Hitlerian’ draconian measures that they reject as an all-lose proposition, and especially because they see themselves, with their vast educational, monetary-resources, and networks advantages, as able to hold power by providing, e.g., Presidential, leadership to the rising class, thereby securing ‘Roosevelt Faction’ power, and its perks, indefinitely.


The ‘Roosevelt Faction’ strategy is to avert further global depressions, world wars, and potential majority-class revolutions, by legislating huge benefits to the majority class, e.g., by ‘detourning' the Rockefeller Faction’s 1913 Income Tax to benefit, not just ‘Rocke-Nazi servant-dictators’, hired by the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, using majority-class taxpayer dollars, to reverse/suppress ‘techno-depreciating’ industrialization in the periphery of the capitalist ‘geo-core’, but, instead, ‘detourning’ part of those income tax revenues to Social Security, National Unemployment Insurance, Gov’t.-financed Medical Care, the “G.I. Bill”, etc., etc., all at least potentially accruing to the massive benefit of the majority class, and thereby getting the majority class to vote them into Presidential and Gubernatorial power again and again and again [witness Franklin Roosevelt’s 4 consecutive terms as U.S. President].


The Trump Faction is now promising better jobs, and higher wages, to the U.S. majority class, by temporary tariff protections to make possible a re-industrialization the U.S. ‘Rust Continent’, and by exporting illegal, criminal immigrants -- and economically-desperate illegal immigrants who drive down U.S. wages by desperately accepting way-below-minimum-wage “compensation”, and who drive up housing costs -- rents, etc. -- and by “making healthy again” an American majority class that is already being mass-murdered by ‘Rocke-Nazi Stealth Humanocide’, using fatally-adulterated pseudo-foods, inducing diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc., etc., and lethal, ‘side-effects cascades-inducing’ pseudo-medicines, and including autism-inducing, dementia-inducing pseudo-vaccines, adulterated with, e.g., Mercury-containing “preservatives”, such as thiomersal, and immune-system-over-revving, auto-immune disease-inducing “adjuvants” [e.g., squalene].


Thus, for the moment, the Trump Faction is a far better alternative for the U.S. majority class, and for the rising majority-class worldwide, than is the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Faction.  


The Trump Faction in power promises to put a stop to “Global Warming” ‘Global Humanocide’ for at least the next four years. 


The Trump Faction also promises to stop the World-War III-risking attempts of the ‘Rocke-Nazi Faction’ to destroy the nuclear deterrent of Russia, and thereby to re-colonize Russia for ‘Global Warming Humanocide’, via the threat of NATO nuclear missiles in the Ukraine and in Russia’s other western-border, NATO-member neighbor-nation-states, and to also destroy the nuclear deterrent of China, via the threat of U.S. nuclear missiles in Taiwan, thereby to re-colonize also China, and to force the Chinese government to impose de-industrialization, ‘de-technologicalization’, and “Global Warming” ‘Humanocide’ on the Chinese people.



Instead of lip-service-supporting the ‘Rocke-Nazi Party Line’ all of the time, perhaps you could trouble yourself to work toward a ‘class-for-itself’ awakening within the U.S. majority class???



In the spirit of dialectical dialogue,







Question (3). When I talked with you back in 2017-2018 — you were a supporter of Donald Trump. I certainly was not. A lot has happened since then. Perhaps for you, things were clarified. Maybe your position was hardened, maybe you are wearing a MAGA hat….or maybe you smacked yourself on the forehead, shouting “Jeeeesh, what was I thinking???”

So….are you still a supporter of Donald Trump?





For many of theRocke-Nazisown spokes-servants many calls for global humanocide, see: Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.











Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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