Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Part 08: Marxian Theory Series. Marxian Algebra.







Part 08: Marxian Theory Series.



Marxian Algebra.











Dear Reader,


It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Encyclopedia Dialectica definitions of the key themes of Seldonian Theory.


The 8th text in this such series is posted below [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].












Seldon –


Karl Marx developed, for the exposition of his dialectical, immanent critique of the ideology-vitiated science of classical bourgeois political economy, a remarkable algebra, to convey his discoveries, which he deployed in the volumes of his world-historic treatise, «Das Kapital», to aid in the human comprehension of the human social praxis which IS capitalism, which comprehension was the aim of [t]his work.  The fuller import of this ‘Marxian Algebra’ oft goes unrecognized and unappreciated, still even today.”


“The texted illustrative diagrams posted above are meant to help readers to recall the essentials of this ‘Marxian Algebra’.”


“Thus, Marx’s “Cs” and “Ms” are algebraic variables that represent, all at once, (1) different quantities of economic values; (2) different qualities of economic values, i.e., packaged in the more concrete forms of either Commodities or Monies; (3) different human personifications of economic values – human agents, human subjects, enacting and re-enacting these value-characters; (4) economic value-relations; value “social relations of production”, all inside the “present” capitalist system, first, albeit mostly inadvertently, growing the “social forces of production”, and then, later in the “present” capitalist epoch, enfettering and even contracting those “social forces of production”.”


“Marx’s symbols ‘¾’, as in Marx’s –

C ¾ C’;

C ¾ M ¾ C’;

M ¾ C ¾ M’, and;

M ¾ M’


– represent human acts of exchange or of interchange; social acts of mutually-advantageous use-value quality and/or exchange-value quantity ‘exchange-value exchange’; exchanges of exchange-values between human agents who both need, or both desire, to change the form of their exchange-valuable properties, each’s form with the form owned by the other.”


“Because Marx’s algebraic symbols – C, M, C’, M’, L, MP, and P, etc. – and his ‘‘‘parsing’’’ of their economic values into c, v, s, s’, etc., and into their “dimensionless” [value unit of measure ‘degree 0’] ‘r[el]atios’, (s/v), (c/v), and s’/(c+v), etc., still represent the praxis of human social individuals in their acts of reproduction of the capital social relation of production; social acts of ‘exchange-value exchange’ and its consequences, many of which were not well-noted until the work of Marx – because of all of the above – Marx’s ‘Value Algebra’; his ‘social relations of [social re-]production Algebra’, or ‘exchange-value-based human social intercourse Algebra’, is also a ‘human Praxis Algebra’.”


In summary: C and M, etc., represent us – represent capitalist human subjects, capitalist “social individuals” [Marx], acting, mostly unwittingly, so to serve as agents of the capitalist «energeia» and «entelecheia»; acting as “personifications” [Marx] of human “social relations of production” [Marx] – of the “Commodity-relation” [Marx], of the “Money-relation” [Marx], and, integrating and ‘«aufheben»-ating’ both, of the “Capital-relation” [Marx].” 


“But these ‘qualo-quantitative’ Algebraic symbols also represent human-social objects, economic value-objects, physical objects upon which capitalist humanity collectively and individually projects its semi-conscious construct of economic value, and which our practice, if scrutinized with sufficient intensity, reveals itself as revolving around the “abstract labor-time presently socially necessary to reproduce” those objects “of value”; objects also “holding” a certain definite quantity of economic value; of that “presently socially-necessary abstract labor-time”, although, as algebraic variables, these symbols do not reveal any specific quantity of that value.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --















For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see































Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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