Part 1.:
a ‘Rocke-Nazi’-Deluded “Leftist”.
Dear Reader,
Below is a transcript of the
first part of a dialogue with an old-acquaintance “leftist” who recently
engaged me with three questions.
This transcript has been
edited, moderately, for clarity.
The leftist’s question to me
is pasted-in below my response to it.
My response is marked ‘M.D.1’.
[M.D.1]… In
general, unfortunately, your memories of my views are quite wrongheaded, and
mostly false, reflecting, not my actual views, but the "straw man"
views attributed to any who oppose the current “Party Line” -- often disguised
as “The Science”, that is incessantly put forward by the “main stream media” --
perhaps more accurately described as the “main sewer media”, or “sewer-main
media”, and not only the “private corporate” media, but also the media that the
majority class is forced to pay for in taxes, e.g., NPR [true-name: ‘National
Plutocracy Radio’], PBS [true-name: ‘Plutocracy Broadcasting [DIS]Service’],
CPB [true-name: ‘Corporation for Plutocracy Broadcasting’], etc.
I must say that you have
assimilated and memorized their “output” with great roteness, and, I’m also
sorry to say, you give evidence that your mind is entirely colonized by that “output”.
So I shall do my best to disabuse you of many of your notions about my views,
about real science, and about the dynamics of ‘descendence-phase’
You seem to have forgotten
anything you may have ever learned about Marx’s world-historic breakthroughs
regarding the structure, dynamics and trajectory of the capitalist
I will attempt to remind you
about some of those breakthroughs. I will do my best to shake you out of
your acquiescence in, and service to, the ‘humanocidal’, “People Are Pollution”
ideology that you presently espouse, and the global ‘humanocidal’ pogrom that
this ideology is designed to promote, to “justify”, and to bring about [see,
for example, the founder of a main “private” ‘main-sewer’ media company, CNN --
Ted Turner -- publicly calling for “95%” human population elimination.
This call is for a level of
mass murder far more horrific -- and far more extensive -- than even Hitler
ever dreamed of, as far as can be told. And Ted Turner is only but one of
a whole bevy of “Party Line” spokes-servants to have publicly called for this,
ultra-criminal, level of human population extermination. Rest assured
that these calls are not truly aimed at “Saving the Planet”;
they are aimed at “Saving the Power” of the present global oppressors of
My RESPONSE to your
QUESTION #1. Your point about “insolation”
-- sunlight passing into Earth’s atmosphere, and then being re-radiated mainly
at lower energy, lower-frequency wavelengths is correct to longstanding modern
science -- before the “Global Warming” Orthodoxy was so-coercively imposed --
as far as it goes.
But you implicitly assert an
assumption that is egregiously false. And that false assumption veers
your whole argument into deepening falsehood.
You tacitly assume that
Terran insolation is a constant. It is not.
In particular, it varies in
accord with three major partially-periodic insolation dynamics, collectively
named “The Milankovitch Cycles”. The most important of these “Cycles” is
a 100,000 year drop in insolation, followed by a ~7,000 to ~10,000 year rise in
insolation, that has been found, particularly in a famous paper, now largely
suppressed, to help drive the Pleistocene Ice Age/interglacial/Ice Age alternation,
with a Northern Hemisphere Ice Age, of mile-deep glaciers, shaving the
biosphere bald of plant and animal life, followed by brief interglacial
warmings, of ~7,000 years to ~10,000 years duration. A famous scientific
paper, before the “Global Warming” PartyLine/secular religion was imposed upon
scientists, identified the “Milankovitch Cycles” as the pace-maker of the Ice
I personally
witnessed a world-class climatologist being “cancelled”, by an alcoholic,
bulbous red-nosed general, in his office at the Pentagon -- when that general
told myself, and Dr. Irving Kaplan, that this world-class climatologist was
excluded from participation in a major, U.S.-government-funded, taxpayer-funded
climatological study, “because he refuses to go along with the consensus”.
That, enforced, “consensus”
was then a very new one. At that time, a major reversal had just
occurred. The CIA had only a little earlier leaked a report, quoting
major climatologists, holding that the present interglacial was coming to an
end, and that a new Ice Age was already in its early stages. The CIA
report described the massive droughts that this approaching Ice Age would
involve, especially for “Third World” countries like Egypt, imposing food
deficiencies and, later, famines on those countries, but less severe damage to
U.S. agriculture. The CIA report advocated the use of “food aid blackmail”
to coerce these “Third World” countries into alignment with “U.S.”
There had, by then, very
recently, been a rather sudden shift, from an official, Washington
anticipation of “Global Cooling”, prelude to re-glaciation, to “Global
Evidently “the powers that be”
had decided that a “Global Warming” Party Line was more conducive to
stigmatizing advanced technology and real human progress [“growth of the social
forces of production” -- Marx], and to bringing about their planned “95% human
population reduction”, than their earlier “Global Cooling”/”Food Blackmail”
Our lives, and the entirety
of known human civilization on Earth, are located in an interglacial that has
lasted, highly-anomalously, for ~18,000 years already. Some of the
Pleistocene glaciations have been clocked at far less than 10,000 years, per
papers published in “peer-reviewed” scientific journals – before, “Party Line”,
“BIG”, For-Sale “Science”, or ‘Lie-ence’, replaced real science, and
ostracized/defunded/cancelled any scientists who so much as questioned the “Global
Warming” Orthodoxy.
The ~100,000 year glaciations
constitute an horrific self-destruction of the
Terran biosphere, imposed by pre-human Nature upon itself,
without any contribution by -- then non-existent -- human beings, starting from
long before that Terran Nature gave birth to its ‘human-Nature-al’
It appears likely to me that
human return, as gaseous CO2, of carbon, tied up in solid forms by the
pre-human biosphere, in “fossil” forms, including by the human burning of wood,
of peat, and, later, of coal, of petroleum, and of natural gas, has delayed the
otherwise by now ~8000 year-old catastrophe of a new Ice Age, saving the Terran
biosphere from further and, this time, perhaps terminal, Ice Age
self-destruction: That’s right -- so far, this humanity has saved
the biosphere from self-destruction.
A look at the attached Terran
climate-history diagram, based upon a series of major, massive data-gathering
projects and publications of real science -- now largely suppressed/-unmentionable
for scientists who do not wish to be “cancelled” -- will show you that,
presently, the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [black curve],
and the level of global mean atmospheric temperature [blue curve] are both near
all-time lows for the Terran biosphere, all the way back to the Cambrian.
Consultation of Earth History
sources will show you that, every time atmospheric temperature and carbon
dioxide levels have been this low, or even less low [e.g., during the
Pleistocene], the Earth has experienced the devastation of massive, mile-deep
glaciers, scouring whatever of the biosphere was extant at the time. This
diagram does not even touch on the earlier, repeated “Snowball Earth” episodes,
which covered our whole planet with Ice. Note, in that diagram, for
example, the level of the blue and black curves during the “Carbo-Permian Ice
Age”, ~ 300 million years ago.
There are several egregious “Big
Lies” -- far bigger than any of the “Big Lies” tried by Hitler and Goebbels --
that seem to have devoured your mind alive -- and that need to be dispelled
from it if it is to accrue to the side of humanity, rather than to that of ‘humanocide’.
“Global Warming” BIG LIE
#1. “Carbon Dioxide is a
Deadly Pollutant”. The ‘spokes-whores’ of the Party-Line chant, ad
nauseam, a mantram of “Carbon Pollution”. In truth, Carbon Dioxide is
the primary nutrient of almost the totality of the Terran
biosphere. Photosynthesis, the basis of most of the Terran biosphere,
depends on the atmospheric presence of a sufficient concentration of CO2.
Many of today’s plants grow more rapidly, more luxuriantly and more productively,
e.g., in greenhouse atmospheres, enriched with much higher concentrations of
CO2 than those extant “outdoors”. The “primary productivity” of the
Terran biosphere declines precipitously as atmospheric CO2 concentrations
decline, and present CO2 concentrations are already sub-optimal for plant
species that first arose in a Terran atmosphere much richer in CO2 than today’s.
For the good of the Terran biosphere, atmospheric CO2 today is already in short
“Global Warming” BIG
LIE #2. “Global Warming” causes Drought. The truth is
actually the reverse. Atmospheric global warming would raise the
temperature of the surface waters of oceans and large lakes. Warmer
surface waters have a higher rate of evaporation. An atmosphere that
thereby absorbs more moisture is prone to greater intensities, durations, and
volumes of water-precipitation, in various forms, including over continental
land-masses. Greater precipitation leads, not to
drought and desertification, but to RE-TROPICALIZATION,
and to the re-extension of equatorial-latitude rain forests back “up” into the
temperate zones of latitude, e.g., in the Northern Hemisphere.
“Global Cooling”, on
the contrary, leads to cooler surface waters, therefore to less water
evaporation from them, hence also to less precipitation, and to droughts,
followed by desertifications, e.g., in the Northern temperate zone. Real
scientists, reconstructing the climates of the Pleistocene Ice Ages, have found
that those Ice Ages were regularly preceded by droughts and desertifications,
including leading to massive grassland fires and forest fires. The Sahara
desert was a fruiten plain before the spate of recent Ice Ages desertified it.
Note that the U.S. West and
Mid-West are now an area of extensive and increasing drought, as is much of the
rest of the planet. Party-Line-aligned “Global Warming” Liars chant
ceaselessly that this drought is caused by “Global Warming”. But this
would be true only if there were plenty of -- increasing
-- rates of precipitation, but the atmosphere was so warm that it sucked the
increased wetness right out of the land again, right after it precipitated.
Global drought due to lack of precipitation, as we are
suffering now, is a sign of Global Cooling, not of “Global Warming”.
Again, you seem to have
forgotten anything you ever learned about the world-historic Marxian immanent
critique of global capitalism.
You seem to have forgotten
that, indeed in every epoch of class society, “the ruling ideas are the ideas
of the ruling class”. You seem to have forgotten that the society that we
live in is a class society, with a ruling class,
that owns or controls the “main sewer” mass media, and that also owns or
controls “Big Science”, because it controls the funding of science -- not just “private”,
corporate funding, but public funding as well, e.g., funding by the “National
Science [‘Lie-ence’] Foundation”, because that ruling class controls the U.S.
Federal Government. Scientists are abjectly dependent on that
funding. They must conform to whatever – ‘Lysenko-oid’ – “consensus” is
imposed as the “Party Line” of and by that ruling class ruling faction --
today, what I call the ‘Rocke-Nazi ruling faction’ -- or be driven out of the “scientific
community” by that ruling faction, e.g., via its intellectual-prostitute
A “science” in which
contrary-to-“consensus” hypotheses are not allowed to be published or
investigated, is not science -- it is some kind of secular religion; an “ideology”
in Marx’s sense!
You also seem to have
forgotten the very crux of Marx’s immanent critique of the self-globalizing
capitalist system -- what Marx named “the law of the tendency of the rate of
profit to fall” -- the “law” that predicts how modern global human history has
been shaped, at least since the ~1870 to ~1890 “Great [Techno-]Deflation”, by
the reaction of the ruling faction of the capitalist ruling class to that “law”,
which turned the, e.g., “Hundred Years Peace” ascendence-phase
of relative-surplus-value-based, industrial capital-based capitalism into its
This turn into the ‘descendence-phase’
was institutionalized in the 1913 “Federal” Reserve Act, and in the 1913
Federal Income Tax imposition -- an income tax instituted, not
for any benefits to the majority class, but to make that majority class pay for
the U.S./U.K.-ruling-class-servant military dictatorships that
suppressed/reversed the growth of the industrial productive forces in the
periphery surrounding the geographical core of industrial capitalism, creating
the “Third World” thereby -- and that this ruling faction further “advanced”
via World War I, to prevent rapidly-advancing industrial capitalism, in Germany
especially, from ‘techno-depreciating’, and, thereby, destroying the
world-market profit-rates of, the products and the industrial means of
production of the U.K., of France, and of the U.S. ruling capitalists.
I have attached some graphs
and quotes that should be instructive for you regarding Marx’s “law” of
capitalism’s self-induced demise.
The real purpose -- the
purpose of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction -- in imposing their “Global Warming”,
“People Are Pollution” ideology/-religion, is, as CNN-founder and ‘Rocke-Nazi
spokes-whore’ Ted Turner put it, “95% global human population reduction” -- a
global, not “genocide” of any particular ethnic group,
a la their erstwhile Hitler ‘servant-dictatorship’, turned ‘Franken-Dictatorship’,
but, instead a global, omni-ethnic ‘humanocide’.
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have been
waging a global war on the productive forces -- on the ‘social self-force of
human-societal expanded social self-reproduction’, the measure of the ‘meta-Darwinian’
collective fitness of the human species -- at least since the 1870s. It
was inevitable that that war, at first targeting capitalist industrialization,
would move from targeting means of production into targeting the very heart of
the “productive forces”, the human, majority-class population itself.
“Global Warming Austerity” is
designed to escalate energy prices, by restricting energy supply, to the point
where millions of majority-class Americans, Canadians, Brits, Germans, French
citizens, etc., worldwide, will be unable to pay their mounting,
hyper-inflating monthly household energy utility bills -- starting at ~$2000.00
per month, and escalating exponentially from there. This will create a
massive global wave of homelessness -- already being ‘dress-rehearsed’, e.g.,
in California, with the homeless defecating on the public sidewalks, etc.
In the U.S., this massive
wave of homelessness will be met with “protective custody”, in FEMA camps, that
will soon, under martial law, morph into FEMA concentration/extermination
camps. Just a few new ‘designer diseases’, released into these FEMA
camps, will “do the job”. Ted Turner's “95% human population reduction”
-- global ‘humanocide’ -- will be within reached, to be replaced by a
low-population, low-productive-force, neo-crypto-feudal “order”, with the
former ‘Rocke-Nazis’, the ‘capitalist anti-capitalists’, and ‘human
anti-humanists’, as the new ruling “aristocracy”.
The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ media
project new, “[soylent-]green”, “clean”, low-energy-density power-sources, to
replace their dismantled, outlawed fossil fuel and nuclear energy
sources. But this is just another Hitlerian-Goebbelsian “Big Lie”.
The Federal Government, etc., servants of the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ ruling faction are
hard at work, dismantling hydroelectric dams worldwide, as recently, in the
U.S., e.g., in Oregon and California. The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ regrettable Greta
has called for the dismantling of wind power turbines, “because they are built
on former indigenous lands”. ALL LANDS can be claimed to be “former indigenous
If you would like to read
the, blood-curdling, semi-public calls for global ‘humanocide’,
by a whole panoply of ‘Rocke-Nazi spokes-servants’, I have compiled many of
them, and can easily supply them to you.
How does it feel to realize that you are supporting the most gargantuan mass murder of human beings -- men, women, and children -- ever attempted in the entire known history of Terran humanity???
So here are my questions —>
Question (1). Back then you claimed that global warming is not happening,
and certainly not happening as caused by human activities. The center-piece of
these human activities is of course fossil fuel use, (carbon and methane), and
its escape into the atmosphere — and the chemistry and physics work out that
sunlight can pass through the atmosphere as electromagnetic waves, but when
re-radiated back from the earth cannot pass through the carbonized atmosphere
because of the energy's altered wavelength, and thus cannot so readily escape
back out into space. Thus things heat up, which also means a potential for more
energized action, and more swings into heat-waves, storms, droughts, flooding. The atmosphere is not just heating but kind of charging up. Plus other human
causes effecting climate would include deforestation, forms of
mass-agriculture, waste management (and non-management), land use,
transportation, and energy production, etc. And then there are many “positive”
feedback loops — where warming can cause effects that then add to more warming,
setting up a runaway situation. Your position, if I recall correctly, was that
all these processes/-activities, especially those involving fossil fuels, are
irrelevant and have nothing to do with climate change. You thought that
worrying about “global warming” is in error, and that climatologists, and other
kinds of scientists, are totally wrong, and that actually the only kind of
climate change we are experiencing is a global cooling. We are getting colder,
not warmer. But a statistical look at the climate would indicate a warming, as
in, heat records being constantly broken. And all the weather events that are
increasing in severity. This does not mean there cannot also be cooling — as
when ocean currents and weather patterns can get altered — thus leading to
changes in the jet stream, a distortion of Arctic weather and ocean flow and so
on. And so there can be a potential for extreme cold in places, ironically
brought on by the “global warming.” I seem to look around and see myriads
of scientists, of all kinds, trying to understand the effects, trends,
repercussions of what is called “global warming” — like changes in animal
migrations, sea level change, glacier melting, weather patterns, species
extinction, oceanic carbon saturation, forest changes — including stress on trees
and vegetation, etc etc. It is like climate change itself is becoming a science
— which billions of points of interaction throughout the global living
systems..……. But you said it is all an error, or one might even say, “a hoax.” Is this still your position? And also I would add…my views are not based on
some kind of static earth idea, that everything is “normal” the way our climate
seems now — but rather that the earth has gone through many massive changes,
cycles, events, and patterns that can go on for thousands, millions of years,
like the ice-ages for example. And that these events obviously have many causes
other than our current fossil fuel et al use. But knowing that the earth can
take on such “extreme” states does not mean that humans cannot be actually
causing climate change now. And knowing that the global climate system, even on
its own, can be “tipped” into conditions that would make human life unlivable,
it seems to me this should make us more concern, not less. We may be messing
with something that is way way way beyond our control, all the while being a
major causative agent of the unfolding crisis — a crisis that, for many people,
and other more-than-human species, is already a catastrophe.
But what do you now think?
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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