Monday, November 04, 2024

Trump’s Tariffs Plan and Economic Regeneration. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.







Trump’s Tariffs Plan and Economic Regeneration.







Dear Reader,


The Rocke-Nazi’s planned de-industrialization, impoverishment, and eventual “95%” extermination of the American and global majority class is already far along toward its final, full implementation --

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


Donald Trump has a plan to reverse this degeneration of the United States, and to catalyze a regeneration of the American economy, with regenerative benefits also for the rest of the world.


First off, we should consider the whole context of Trump’s economic policy plans, and of the imminent U.S. national election.


At this stage of, only very incipient awakening of the U.S. majority class, that class is not capable of forming independent policy and leadership -- policy and leadership independent of those of the, deeply split and internally warring, capitalist ruling class.


That majority class has, alas, only to choose between the two main, warring factions of the capitalist ruling class for its national governmental leadership.


Trump leads a new, nascent faction within that capitalist ruling class.  Trump’s strategy, like that of the Roosevelt Faction, liquidated in the 1960s by the other, now ruling faction -- the Rocke-Nazi Faction -- is to win majority class votes, enough to keep his faction in office, by policy actions which visibly benefit the majority class.  


That majority class, under the rule of the Rocke-Nazis, since their ~1960s coup d'etat against the Roosevelt Faction Kennedy Administration, has been subjected to a withering attack on their wages, their savings, their education, and their standard of living overall, both by explicit Rocke-Nazi policy actions, e.g., those “excused” by the “Global Warming”/“People Are Pollution” ideology, and by Rocke-Nazi ‘Stealth Eugenics’ and ‘Stealth Humanocide’, in the form of the mass murder of majority class babies by abortion, and via toxic and life-shortening pseudo-foods, pseudo-medicines, and pseudo-vaccines, as well as by pandemic, genomically-engineered ‘designer diseases’ -- AIDS, Covid, etc.  


Naturally, the awakening majority class voted for Trump’s first Presidency in droves, and elected him, to the shock and chagrin of the Rocke-Nazis.


In response, the Rocke-Nazis have tried, with everything in their arsenal, starting with years of 24 x 7 attacks on Trump by the Rocke-Nazi-‘“owned”’ ‘main sewer media’, and then by weaponization of the Rocke-Nazis prostitute legal system, to persecute Trump via myriads of – “Trumped-up” -- criminal charges and libel lawsuits, attacking freedom of speech -- his, and ours -- and, lately, with multiple attempted murders of Trump.  They have finally resorted to their usual, but increasingly risky method: the, backfired, assassination attempts against Trump, with the, usual, complicity of the “Secret Service”.


Trump has authoritarian and dictatorial tendencies, but his main thrust is to re-industrialize the U.S., bringing back high-wage industrial jobs for the majority class, and profits for his anti-‘Rocke-Nazi, pro-science and pro-technological-progress capitalist-industrialist backers. 


But, if push comes to shove, e.g., in a “Great Recession” – which the Rocke-Nazis will try to impose if Trump wins the Presidency again -- Trump will tend to sacrifice the interests of the majority class to the interests, e.g., to the profits, of his pro-progress capitalist class supporters.


However, the best option that the U.S. majority class has as of now is to vote Trump back into the White House.


All that the Rocke-Nazis have to offer the majority class is a program/pogrom of gradual but accelerating “population reduction”, e.g., via ‘Global Warming Austerity’ –


for evidence, please see: Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


-- including via escalating monthly household energy bills, inducing massive waves of majority class homelessness, suicide, and “protective custody” FEMA concentration camp internment, and ever new ‘designer disease’ pandemics, injected especially into those FEMA camps.


Trumps advocacy of tariffs -- against other nations that are, e.g., “dumping” their state-subsidized industrial commodities output into the U.S. market, to thwart potential competition from the incipient re-industrialization of the U.S. already underway, and to block the tidal wave of U.S. re-industrialization that can come under Trump -- is crucial to enabling U.S. re-industrialization to go forward. 


Such tariffs will win millions of dollars of annual revenue for the U.S. government, out of the deep pockets of foreign companies that have abused the open-ness of the U.S. national market, one of the biggest national markets in the world -- thus also reducing the burden of still-rising income taxes on majority-class living standards.  Thus, Trump has promised to rescind income taxes on tips, on overtime wages, and on Social Security income.


Initially, tariffs may induce upturns in consumer commodity prices for the U.S. majority class.  But the genius of tariff protections for national industries is that these higher price increases tend not to stick.  The higher profits earned by the initial ‘re-industries’ will attract additional new U.S. entrants, competing for a share in those heightened industrial profits.  The competition from new entrants, and the productivity-enhancing innovations that this competition will incentivize and drive, will likely bring U.S. consumer goods prices back down in short order, as well as provide more and more high-wage jobs for the majority class, initiating ‘an upward-whorling virtuous helix’ of economic growth with widening circles of majority class prosperity. 


The profitability of these new/re-born U.S. industries will soon face a falling tendency due to rates of innovation that exceed the rate of “wear-and-tear depreciation” amortization of fixed capital plant and equipment investments, as ‘techno-depreciated’, technologically-obsolete capital plant and equipment value is subtracted from periodic gross profits.


I don’t know whether or not Trump has any awareness of this inherent capital-profitability challenge, let alone any ideas as to how that challenge can be managed and mitigated, but he did implement accelerated depreciation/expensing in the tax policies of his last Presidential administration.














































Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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