Wednesday, May 29, 2019

‘Protoic Rumblings’ of the Emergent ‘Citizens’ Birthright Equity’ Human Right.

Protoic Rumblingsof the Emergent CitizensBirthright Equity Human Right.

Dear Reader,

This blog has featured -- and we plan to continue to feature -- discussions of the three new forms of universal human rights and of universal human properties that we call ‘Citizen Externality Equity’, ‘Citizen Birthright Equity’, and ‘Citizen Stewardship Equity’, which, we hold, will be key to the transition to the higher, more democratic successor system to modern capitalism, forming the basis for a new, higher social relation of production, superseding ‘‘‘the capital relation’’’, and for Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.

Today, 5/29, what we call a protoic Rumblingof the emergent CitizensBirthright Equity universal human right was registered in and by the U.S. state of Vermont: “Vermont is celebrating 529 Day – a date intended to encourage college savings Opens a New Window.  via the 529 plan – by giving every baby born on Wednesday $100 in a 529 savings Opens a New Window.  account.”

link to the above-quoted news story:  

For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --

For ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:



Miguel Detonacciones,

Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Karl Seldon on Karl Marx Series, Part 2. Marx's Theory of “Self-Alienation”.

Karl Seldon on Karl Marx Series, Part 2.

Seldon on the Marxian Theory of “Self-Alienation”:

The Root Cause of Subjective Human Self-Alienation Under Capitalism,

The Social Relation of Production Social Praxis that [Continually Re-]Produces Affective and Objective Social Alienation in the Capitalist Epoch -- A ‘Psychohistorical-Materialist’ Analysis.

Dear Reader,

This new series -- “Karl Seldon on Karl Marx” -- is for the purpose of my presenting to you key excerpts from Karl Seldon’s discourses, among we of F.E.D., on the topic of the work of Karl Marx.  This series continues -- in this Part 2 -- with a clarification of Marx’s lifelong and mature ‘‘‘psychohistorical’’’ analysis of human “alienation” within the integument of “the capital relation”.

[Seldon:]  Contrary to the claims of some anti-Marxians, Marx never “abandoned” his view of the prevalence and centrality of the «problematique» of human-social alienation, both subjective and objective -- that first surfaced in his early writings of the 1840s -- all the way from those early writings to his most “mature” work on the immanent critique of the ideology-vitiated “science” of capitalist classical political economy, in the four [drafted] volumes of his «Das Kapital».”

“Instead, that theory of alienation became the very heart of his critique of political economy:  self-alienation is the very essence of “the capital-relation” [Marx].”

“The beating heart of “the capital-relation” is wage-labor.”

“Wage-labor is, precisely, self-selling -- self-alienation -- a comprehensive system of “universal prostitution” [Marx, Grundrisse], which is not restrictedly or primarily sexual prostitution, but is the prostitution of the total human person, the giving up of ‘individual sovereignty’ and of control of one’s own potentially creative life-activity, of ownership of one’s creations, and of the purpose and meaning of one’s very life, to an alien will, for the better part of one’s daily life, and for the better part of one’s entire lifetime, in exchange for mere survival -- for the wage wherewithal to live to work another day for that alien will, with, perhaps, enough wherewithal left over to feed, to clothe, and to educate one’s children, e.g., to take one’s place after one’s life has been “used-up” and thrown away.”

“Marx’s solution regarding the root cause, the economic basis -- or, rather, the social relation of production and social praxis basis -- of human social alienation in general, and the individual self-alienation that resides at its causal core in particular, is sprinkled and applied throughout his  middle and final “mature” works -- e.g., «Zur Kritik...» [A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy], and Capital:  A Critique of Political Economy.”

“The problem has been that Marx’s more subjectivist and ‘existentialoid’ mis-interpreters have not known how to read Marx’s frequent exhibitions of this solution in those works.”

“And, the ‘Leninoid’ would-be misleaders about Marx’s theories have sought to suppress all understanding of the role of Marx’s theory of alienation in his critique of capitalism, hoping that their readers will not notice their perpetuation of that alienation in their plans, and in their actualizations, of their perpetuation of wage-labor, in enslavement to the state -- to state-capital -- and in enslavement to their state-bureaucratic ruling class, in their proto-state-capitalist, Orwellian dictatorships.”

“Even pre-capitalist production for sale -- i.e., production of commodities -- is production for alienation, for the dis-owning of one’s products in return for money, producing products for ‘exchange-use’ -- rather than for ‘consumption use’ by their immediate producers -- and, while it marks progress for the development of the social-reproductive self-force of the human species, it also already engenders a social praxis which produces and reproduces problematic pre-capitalist forms of social alienation.”

“But daily [re]production of your self for the purpose of daily self [re-]sale -- for daily wagéd [and salaried] labor -- is production and reproduction of self mainly for self-alienation, and is thus also the production and expanded reproduction of individual and social self-alienation itself; of self-disowning; of self-estrangement.”

“And this incessant, ‘essence-ial’ social practice of capitalism produces an alien social world, ‘a world of strangers’, a world devoid of true human community, devoid of real human-social solidarity, and devoid of non-monetary purpose and meaning, for most of its practitioners.”

“When we are too used to this world -- immersed in it, from birth -- we may lose sensitivity, lose the ability to discern these tragedies, unless or until certain healing and consciousness-inducing events engulf our lives and our social self-identities.”

“This social praxis produces, and continually expandedly reproduces, an alien world, a world of alienated objectifications, of [self-]objectifications designed and owned, not by the human selves that, together, socially, produce those [self-]objectifications; a world shaped per and owned by, not by the majority of human beings, but, instead, designed and owned by the “logic” of capital, by capital personified, by the ever-shrinking capitalist ruling class, an ever-tinier, ever-more-deranged minority of “Dr. Strangeloves”, characterized by ever-more-concentrated capital ownership, and pursuing an agenda which is increasingly alien to, and contrary to, the interests, the needs, the well-being of the majority, producing, class, opposed to the collective will of that majority, and utterly and lethally subversive of the democracy that capitalism championed in its ascendence phase.”

“The [socio-politico-]economic act of participating, per force, in the wage-labor/capital social relation of production, and in its social praxis, creates and daily recreates a social “base”, and a social “superstructure”, permeated throughout its entire depth and breadth and height, from top to bottom, by the historically-specific, capitalist brand of  social alienation.”

“The root of modern self-alienation is none other than self-selling, and self-selling is, precisely, wage-labor [and salaried labor].”

Wage-labor is the labor-side, the worker-side, the MAJORITY-side, of “the capital-relation” as predominant “social relation of production” [Marx].”

“Self-alienation, alienated [sold] life-time, alienated [sold] labor-time, alienated labor IS WHAT CAPITAL IS ALL ABOUT -- it is WHAT CAPITAL IS MADE OF.

For more information regarding these Seldonian and Marxian insights, please see --

For ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian and Marxian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:



Miguel Detonacciones,

Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

‘‘‘Equitism’’’ -- ‘‘‘Containing’’’ Capital-Equity via Higher Equity.

‘‘‘Equitism’’’ --

The «Aufheben»-‘‘‘Containment’’’ of Capital-Equity by Higher «Species» of Equity.

Dear Reader,

The checking-and-balancing of capitalisms deadly downsides -- the ‘socio-political-economic’ ‘‘‘containment’’’ of the “externality” inequities of the market failures of descendence-phase capitalism; of its rising ‘hyper-inequality’, and of its tendential degeneration of democratic institutions into Orwellian, totalitarian, humanocidal dictatorship, due to the plutocratic prostitution of those formerly democratic institutions, and due to the humanocidal desperation of the descendence-phase capitalist ruling class, facing accelerating and deepening rates of ‘techno-depreciation’ of their hyper-concentrated capital assets -- requires the popular establishment of new, higher «species» of social-political-economic equity as constitutionally-backed basic human rights, and as universal, all-citizens forms of “individual property”, owned personally by each and every citizen.

The three higher «species» of ‘generalized equity’ identified by the Equitist Advocacy group are designed to «aufheben»-‘‘‘contain’’’ the fatal inequities of Capital-equity as the sole socially-recognized and established form of equity in the following ways --

1. Citizen Externality Equity is designed to ‘‘‘contain’’’/economically “check-and-balance” Capital-equity ‘‘‘from within’’’, via popularly-elected, mandated, and recallable Boards of Public Directors vying, inside each local operating unit of, e.g., a polluting enterprise, whether capitalist or producers’-cooperative, with the Management Committee of that local operating unit, to reduce the annual production of pollution and/or other externalities by that enterprise, with recourse to popularly-elected, mandated, and recallable Justices, forming ‘Tribunals for Citizen Externality Equity’, deciding in case of deadlock in the negotiations between the publicly-elected Public Board and the governing ‘‘‘Private Board’’’ of each such enterprise.

2.  Citizen Birthright Equity is designed to ‘‘‘contain’’’/economically “check-and-balance” Capital-equity ‘‘‘from without’’’, by limiting the degree of desperation, hence of vulnerability to exploitation, of workers.  It limits the degree of exploitation of wage-workers that Capital-equity can get away with, since, if exploitative abusiveness increases beyond a definite degree, many workers will choose to live from their Citizen Birthright EquityTrust Funds, rather than submit to that degree of abuse, or worse.

3.  Citizen Stewardship Equity is designed to ‘‘‘contain’’’/economically “check-and-balance” Capital-equity in direct competition therewith, by competitively and ‘marketistically’ limiting the excesses of capitalist oligopolies, etc., by surrounding Capital-equity enterprises with market competition from ‘socialized producers’ cooperatives’, giving workers an alternative to ‘‘‘wage-slavery’’’ or ‘salary-slavery’ to the owners of Capital-equity, by way of the constitutional right to form democratically-managed, competing, at-risk ‘citizen stewardship collectives’, which, if their business plans qualify in the eyes of a competing, at-risk ‘Social Bank citizen stewardship cooperative’, are granted the means of production, etc., required to actualize those business plans, in return for a social rent paid on those means of production, etc., e.g., among its other purposes, to encourage economy in the use of such means of production.

Constitutionally and actually instituting these three higher «species» of [inclusive] social equity to the, originally lone, Capital-equity [exclusive social equity] «species», would mean ‘‘‘correcting’’’ the capitalist system for the abuses inherent in the increasingly economically unchecked power of the ever-shrinking, ever-more-capital-concentrated and capital-wealthy capitalist ruling class plutocracy, which wealth that plutocracy uses to prostitute all three branches of political government, thus destroying the constitutional political checks-and-balances that held sway somewhat during the ascendence-phase of the capitalist system.

A popular movement strong enough to constitutionally and actually institute these three higher «species» of social equity would thereby also tend to generate a popular, potentially non-violent, rule-of-law transition to a new prevailing social relation of production: ‘«gene»-ralized equity’ itself.

The constitutional establishment of these three new, additional, incremental «species» of social equity -- supplementary to and extending the existing social equity «species», of Capital-equity -- is designed to ‘complete the «genos»’ of social equity, by actualizing these three other «species» of ‘socio-political-economic equity/fairness/justice, beyond the Capital-equity first/«arché» «species» of Social Equity-in-«Gene»-ral.

For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --

For ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:



Miguel Detonacciones,

Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Einstein’s “Unified Field Theory” -- Technologies Possibly Deriving Therefrom.

Einstein’s “Unitary Field Theory” --

Technologies Possibly Implied by a Successful Completion Thereof.

Dear Reader,

Albert Einstein, whose work anticipated, and often predicted, so many phenomena that were only observed or confirmed long after his life time, spent the major part of his later years working on a “Unitary Field Theory”.  This was a theory that, extending Maxwell’s field theory unification programme that led to the unification of magnetism and electricity, was intended to reveal an undergirding unity of the fundamental “force” manifestations of Nature, starting with a unification of electromagnetism and gravity.
Standard accounts of Einstein’s unitary field theory, including the many papers published on that theory by Einstein, simply say that the theory “failed”.  Little discussion of the substance of that theory can be found in the standard accounts, nor are the criteria defining such “failure” specified.  It is hard to believe that Einstein’s “unitary field theory” was entirely a failure; that it contained no worthwhile insights or partial successes, or that today's myriad and untested "string" theories assimilated all that was of value in Einstein's work on unification.
For this reason, I have decided to publish, here, the text below, authored by one of our readers, whose conjectures and speculations might possibly point to an explanation for this wholesale neglect of Einstein’s most mature work.

For more information regarding, the Seldonian insights usually featured here, please see --

For ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:



Miguel Detonacciones,

Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.

There were three key movements in the symphony of Albert Einstein’s life’s work, in a performance the breadth of which, many belief, might never be equaled:  The Special Theory of Relativity, the General Theory of Relativity, and “Unitary Field Theory”, also known as “Unified Field Theory”.

In the latter, Einstein sought to reveal the hidden unity of the two main fields of “force” recognized as such by physics at the time of Einstein’s work -- the Universal Electromagnetic Field, and/with the Universal Gravitational, or Gravitic [Asimov], Field”, in somewhat the way that James Clerk Maxwell had earlier discovered field equations which revealed the previously hidden unity of Electricity and Magnetism, and the ‘Electro-Magnetic’ nature of light radiations, both those visible and those invisible to the human senses.

The standard view is that Einstein’s “Unitary Field Theory” didn’t work.  Einstein published systems of equations attempting to formulate the hidden unity of Gravity and Electromagnetism.  But they “failed”.

I would not be surprised, although I presently do not have evidence that such is the case, if the Einstein Unitary Field Theory Equations did, at least partially, “work”, and “work” well enough to imply the possibility of technological applications -- the possibility of an ‘electro-magneto-gravitic’ technology.

The U. S. government already had its eye on Einstein.  A famous, approximate equation, arising in his first ‘symphonic movement’, the Special Theory of Relativity, implied the possibility of nuclear weapons, and Einstein’s letter to Roosevelt on that subject had, at least in part, triggered the gigantic and hyper-consequential Manhattan Project.  J. Edgar Hoover and the INS were endeavoring to deport Einstein because of Einstein’s “socialist” views.  The illustrious Kurt Gödel, Einstein’s buddy at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, had discovered an exact special solution to the system of ten “simultaneous” nonlinear partial differential equations that formulate, in pre-tensor mathematical language, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity -- a solution that described paths through space-time that could be interpreted as representing a kind of “time travel”.  There is ample evidence that Gödel complained often that he, too, was under government surveillance, ever since that discovery, a complaint “officially” dismissed as “paranoia”.  It is now known that Gödel’s mail was intercepted and opened, his phone tapped, and his home invaded by the U.S. secret police.  The same treatment was afforded to Einstein.

Again, I would not be surprised -- though, again, I presently have no evidence that such is the case -- if the Government had therefore, because of its technological, including military, applications, slapped a “top secret” sticker on all of Einstein’s further work on Unitary Field Theory, withdrawing that work from further “public science” elaboration and publication, and if Einstein acquiesced in that sequestration of his Unitary Field Theory, e.g., to avoid deportation, to keep that work from falling into Stalinist hands, etc.

It in conceivable, to my mind, that engineering work on the technological applications of that Unitary Field Theory, and, perhaps, of improved such theories, continued, in secret, under some kind of clandestine government project, in some ways akin to the Manhattan Project. 

It is also conceivable to me that this further work has led to ‘electro-magneto-gravitic field machines’, capable of utilizing electromagnetic energy -- e.g., electrical currents -- to generate, or “translate” into, gravitational energy, possibly including into negative gravitational “forces” -- anti-gravity “forces”, such as would be felt by bodies of “anti-matter” in a gravitational field generated by “matter” per the Dirac theory -- that could be harnessed in the form a propulsion system.  It is thus also possible, in my mind, that the U. S. military has already constructed a fleet of inter-planetary anti-gravity-propulsion spacecraft, although I presently know of no evidence that such is, in fact, the case, despite many claims to that effect from questionable sources.

Recently, a world class physicist, now deceased, has claimed to have achieved Einstein’s Unitary Field Theory -- and with a bonus that Einstein may never have anticipated!

The physicists name is Mendel Sachs, and his work has been all but ignored by the physics community, which may be just the typical treatment accorded to new scientific theories, or which might possibly reflect a government gag-order.

In the Preface to his 1982 book General Relativity and Matter, Sachs writes of his resulting 16 field equations, incorporating and extending the 10 field equations of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity --

“ ... The latter are 16 rather than 10 field relations at each space-time point.  ...”

“It is shown that this 16-component ... field incorporates the equivalent of the 10-component field of Einstein’s original ... formulation and a 6-component field that solves field equations of the form of Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism.” ...

“The matter field equations themselves are first order nonlinear differential-integral equations that approach the form of [linear] quantum mechanics as a linear approximation.  Thus, the formal...structure of quantum mechanics appears in this theory of elementary matter only as a linear (low energy) approximation for a general formalism that is based on the axioms of general relativity, rather than the quantum theory.”

[COMMENT.  This is the “bonus” I mentioned above:  Einstein himself had, inadvertently, launched the “Quantum Revolution” in physics, with his 1905 paper about “the photo-electric effect”, for which Einstein later won a Nobel Prize, and which formed part of Einstein’s work in that “miraculous year” in which he also published his Special Theory of Relativity.  But Einstein remained at war with the, still-prevailing, linear, probabilistic, acausal formulation of Quantum Mechanics for the rest of his life].

“Summing up, the general approach to general relativity theory that is developed in this monograph, which is strictly in accordance with Einstein’s views of a unified field theory, leads to a unification of the force manifestations of matter (thus far in terms of gravitation and electromagnetism) and its inertial manifestations.  Such a unification is derived in this monograph in terms of a set of self-consistent, inter-dependent field equations.”  [pp. xvii-xviii].

Later books by Mendel Sachs on this theory include Quantum Mechanics from General Relativity [1986], Relativity in Our Time [1993],  Quantum Mechanics and Gravity [2004].