Sunday, April 24, 2022

RUSHING LIFE and the Social Alienation of Modern [i.e., of Capitalist] Humanity -- 'Time is [Relative] Surplus-Value'.


RUSHING LIFE -- 'Time is [Relative] Surplus-Value'.





Dear Reader,



So much of humanity today, of modern humanity, worldwide, appears to live in a chronic rush, chasing power, money, or mere survival.  No time to pause, to relax, to refresh, to reflect on one’s life -- a life not fully lived due to this very rush.

It is only, perhaps, during the ever-more-frequently recurring and worsening global depression-crises of global capitalism -- which are also crises of mass unemployment -- that workers have some time to reflect, albeit under the duress of the dire straits of their cratered incomes.  And their reflections may accumulate toward a growing global ‘delegitimation crisis’ of the capitalist system!

Many, many have remarked upon this phenomenon, of perpetual rushing, of being always “short of time”, of always being late, or nearly late -- of all of this frenzied activity yielding so little satisfaction.  

But these observers typically offer no explanation for this modern phenomenon, which seems to get worse all of the "time"; which seemed to have intensified across the course of the 19th, the 20th, and on into the 21st centuries.

Some cite the ambient saying that time is money.  

More apt would be to say that time is capital, or that “time is profit.

The deeper explanation of this “life” of rushing is in the depths of the nature of “the capital-relation/wage-labor-relation” [Marx] as the dominating “social relation of [societal-self-re-]production” [Marx] of modern society, defining the essence of its very ‘‘‘modernity’’’.


After the mid-to-late 1800s transition, in the geographical core of industrial capitalism, from the merely ‘‘‘formal subsumption of the labor-process by/under capital’’’ to the ‘‘‘real subsumption of the labor-process by/under capital’’’, with the relative waning of the pursuit of “absolute surplus-labor-time”, it is the maniacal drive for relative surplus labor-value that characterizes modern capitalism.


The ruling class, the capitalist class, is constantly pushing, rushing, "speeding-up" the wage working class for more relative surplus-labor-time extraction.


The mania for relative surplus-labor-time thus comes to shape the entirety of the descendence-phaseof the capitalist system, driving virtually the whole of society into a seemingly endless, but accelerating race -- onward to capitalisms law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall [Marx] demise.






























Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




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Saturday, April 23, 2022

“Global Warming” – Just Rockefeller Eugenics “Warmed Over”. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


Global Warming – Just Rockefeller Eugenics “Warmed Over”.






Dear Reader,



The “Global Warming” de-industrialization/-perpetual-austerity impoverishment pogrom/-program is just Rockefeller/Hitler Eugenics warmed over.


Their “Global Warming” austerity plan is the Rocke-Nazi’s main gambit for achieving their oft publicly-stated goal of 95% human population reduction, so as to “save the planet” [decoded: to save their coercive power from a globally-rising, educated, and democratization-demanding working-class “middle class”, and from the ‘technodepreciation’ that threatens their legacy loan capital and fixed capital due to the potentially rising technological innovativeness of that rising class].  For documentation of their publicly-stated humanocidal goals, see, for example –

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. (

-- an earlier post to this blog.


“Global Warming” Austerity is the Rocke-Nazi’s main strategy to “justify” and “legitimate”, and thereby, in part, to impose, a “Global Warming”/‘Carbon police-state’ – a totalitarian, household “carbon budget” imposing and enforcing dictatorship, by which they can ratchet down global human living standards, until the populace is weakened enough to – they hope – lose all resistance to their programmed mass extermination of humanity.


Their planned “Global Warming” Austerity is a ‘net-benefit-less’, and dreadfully, deadly ‘cost-ful’ pogrom for you – unless you are a Rocke-Nazi, or you are so brainwashed by their mass media anti-humanity propaganda machine that you now yourself think like a Rocke-Nazi [which is exactly what they want].





We recommend also perusing the blog-entries published by M. Milankovitch on this very topic, via –

"Global Warming" -- Just Ruling-Class "Eugenics" "Warmed Over"! (
































Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




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Friday, April 22, 2022

Regenerating the Marxian Movement, Globally.

 Regenerating the Marxian Movement, Globally.





Dear Reader,



The necessary starting-point for regenerating the Marxian movement, globally, is a disavowal and refutation of the dictatorial, totalitarian, state-capitalist ruling-class ideology of LENINISM, and of all of its toxic ideological spawn – TrotskyismStalinismMaoismCastroism, . . . IlismUnismPutinism, ad nauseam.


The global Marxian movement for human liberation – for the political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY of the associated producers – has ZERO CREDIBILITY, and for all the right reasons, with those fighting, around the world, for qualitatively-expanded democracy and human freedom, as long as that movement allows itself to be associated with, and assimilated to, any such Leninist, state-capitalist, state-bureaucratic ruling class, police-state, mass-murderous pseudo-Marxian ideology.




















Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Urgency of ‘Citizen Externality Equity’.


The Urgency of Citizen Externality Equity.





Dear Reader,



Capitalism’s “externalities” can be deadly, whether private/joint-stock capital, or, as in this case, state capital, is the source of the accumulated, unpaid “external costs”, or, in this case, of “external costs” paid by children, at the price of their deaths.


Aberfan, South Wales, U.K., circa 1966 –

Killed were 144 human beings total, 116 of them children, due to neglect of the rule of law by the state-capitalist “National Coal Board” of the U.K.


The “National Coal Board” failed to enforce regulations. 

The Aberfan town’s coal waste “tip” was allowed, by the Coal Board, to exceed its regulatory height maximum limit of 20 ft., reaching five times that “maximum allowable” height, until, in rainy weather, that coal waste “tip” collapsed, in a gigantic sink hole propagation. 


Thereby, liquified coal waste was sent surging down into the midst of the town of Aberfan, especially into an elementary school there, full of children.


Queen Ubu never showed up to comfort the grieving town of survivors.

This kind of catastrophe continues to happen, globally, to this very day, and with rising frequency.




















Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




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Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Urgency of ‘Citizen Stewardship Equity’.


The Urgency of Citizen Stewardship Equity.





Dear Reader,



The implementation, in the U.S., and elsewhere as well, of the third pillar of Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY – which we have named Citizen Stewardship Equity -- is urgent, simply to sustain the reproduction of representative, political-only democracy, let alone to get beyond that bourgeois phase of democracy, into democracy’s next higher phase.


¿How is it that we can expect to maintain, to reproduce, a democratic electorate, and a culture/‘human phenome’ of even representative, political-only democracy, when the majority of citizens, waged and salaried workers, spend eight hours -- or more! – every week-day, in corporations and other businesses, or in government bureaus, in an environment and an existence ruled by the utter tyranny of bosses and head bureaucrats, risking termination every time they speak up, or even if their mood or their facial expression “rubs the boss wrong”?


Until far more of the majority of worker-citizens  practice democracy daily, on the job, in the economy, and not just in the ballot booth once every six months, once every year, or once every four years, then democracy will remain in deepening jeopardy, even apart form the ever-increasingly dictatorial schemes and machinations of the ‘descendence-phase’ ruling class’s ‘humanocidal’ ruling faction.
























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Saturday, April 09, 2022






Dear Reader,


The purpose of this post is to make plain to our readers some of the related reasons as to why the main “public-facing” members of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] – e.g., Karl Seldon, Hermes de Nemores, Aoristos Dyosphainthos, and Sophya St. Germain -- have chosen, and as to why the F.E.D. General Council has chosen, to publish their writings pseudonymously.


Some of our key reasons for this choice are addressed in the C.E./B.U.E. 2007 book ANONYMITY: A Secret History of English Literature, by John Mullan.


In particular, Chapter 2 of that book, entitled “Modesty”, especially in its account of the reasons for choosing pseudonymity of the author whose pseudonym was “Lewis Carroll”, and whose birth name was C. L. Dodgson, is germane to our reasons for so choosing.

About his pseudonymity, “Lewis Carroll” wrote in a letter [Mullan, p. 41]: “I use a name, not my own, for writing under, for the one sole object, of avoiding personal publicity: that I may be able to come and go, unnoticed, to all public places.” 


Such mobility maintenance is also a key concern of ours.  And we do not want people who we do not know knowing enough about us to identify us in public, or to recognize our names on mail boxes, in forms and documents, etc.


In another letter, “Lewis Carroll” wrote: “…people seem to assume that everybody likes notoriety, and scarcely [believe] me when I say I dislike it particularly.  My constant aim is to remain, personally, unknown to the world.”, and “I don’t want to be known [personally], except by [personal] friends.” [Mullan, pp. 42; 44].


Somewhat differently from the motivation for pseudonymity of “Lewis Carroll”, we wish to avert what Guy Debord might have called the ‘personal spectacle’. 


When the media seize hold of one’s image, the media’s hold on that image may be wielded against one’s reality, in an attempt to control and manipulate the real person, and/or to thwart the real efforts of that real person.




