Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Campaign -- In Brief.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  On behalf of the Equitist Advocacy group, and of their ally, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica, I am continuing to conduct a campaign, across the internet, to call netizens' attentions to what we believe holds the solution to the present, and extremely perilous, impasse of our global civilization.

In addition to the lengthier text that I am employing in this campaign, and that I reported, here, via a generic version thereof, in an earlier blog-entry --

-- I am also using an abbreviated text, which I have posted to this blog-entry, below.

Please feel free to use your adaptations of either of these texts in your own campaigning!

Here's my wish to you for a revolutionary 2016!



"STATE-Capitalism is NOT the higher successor system to Capitalism.

State-Capitalism is the terminal state of Capitalism's descendant phase, the Orwellian terminal self-degeneration of global capitalist civilization, inevitably totalitarian and, not just genocidal, but 'humanocidal'.

For a detailed definition, including draft statutory and constitutional provisions, for the TRUE higher successor system to [State-]Capitalism, named 'Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY', or 'Equitism', see --

-- and the 'Capitalism's Fatal Flaw and the Way Forward' blog."

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