Monday, August 23, 2021

Why I am a MarxIAN.

Why I am a MarxIAN.




Dear Reader,




I recently posted the following response to a Quora question: Why are you [a] Marxist?



I would NOT say that I am a “MarxIST, because the pseudo-Marxian, criminal and mass-murdering Leninist/Stalinist dictators falsely call themselves “MarxISTS”.


Marx also famously stated — once he saw where people calling themselves “MarxISTS” were headed — that If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.


But I do describe myself as a Marxian, because I see in Marx’s theory a world-historical breakthrough in human-social self-understanding, in social science, and in the theory of human social evolution/revolution, as well as in the envisioning of a higher successor system to the present, catastrophically-failing [state-]capitalist system.


Indeed, I seek to contribute to carrying-forward the unfinished work of Marx, and to the extention of that work, in a way which ‘‘‘assimilates all of the wealth of subsequent human-social development”’.


The dimensions of Marx’s work that I see as most needing carrying-forward and extention include —

(1) Making Marx’s dialectical methods of present system presentation, and of system-history reconstruction and ‘pre-construction’/future-prediction, accessible “to the common reader”, as Marx repeatedly stated that he hoped to do;


(2) scientifically hypothesizing the character of the predicted successor system to capitalism, including as neither anarchist/neo-primitivist/localist, or STATE-capitalist, but as a grassroots Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.


(3) Developing the, self-reflexive, Marxian theory of Marxian theory itself, including a Marxian account of why Marxian theory emerged in human history where and when it did, and theory as to why Marxian theory, in the semi-periphery of the capitalist world system, degenerated into MarxIST ideology, e.g., into the Lenino-Stalinoid/Trotskyoid ideologies attempting, so fatuously, to legitimate proto-state-capitalist and outright state-capitalist [e.g., contemporary China], state-bureaucratic ruling-class, mass-murderous, police-state tyrannies as “socialism in one country” or even as “communism”.

This includes also the impact of Marxian theory on the capitalist ruling class, on their own, self-deluded self-image and ideology, and on their ideology-engineering psy-ops to ideologically imprison and “divide-and-conquer” the majority class.


(4) Concretizing the “law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall” beyond the abstract core algebra of S’/((C/V) + 1), and into the full context of the World Market/Competition of Capitals, where it manifests as resulting from the charging-off, subtracted from gross-profits, of the capital-value depreciation of fixed capital plant and equipment, NOT due to “wear and tear depreciation” of that fixed capital, but due to its “moral depreciation” [Marx] — its competitive incompetence due to technological obsolescence depreciation against the more advanced, greater in productive force/-productivity capital plant and equipment of, especially, upstart new-entrant competitors, including in the semi-periphery of the capitalist world system, and what the capitalist geographical core ruling class turned into the “Third World”.

This law is the key to modern history, especially since the beginning of the ‘descendence phase’ of the capitalist world system, circa 1900 C.E.

The reaction of the capitalist ruling class to their discovery of this law -- in their experience of the ~1870 to 1890 "Great Deflation", and via the writings of Marx, Veblen, etc. -- is the key clue to the “mystery” of the “Thanos”-like horrors that they have imposed, in the 20th century, and are still imposing, to ever-worsening degree, in the 21st century to-date, e.g., their perversion of the grass-roots anti-pollution, anti-externalities movement, into a People Are Pollutionpseudo-movement, to help “justify” the mass murders that they have already carried out, and the even vaster, humanocidal mass murders that they are planning – and that they are already implementing, in stealth mode, even as I write these words.





For more information regarding these insights, please see --






For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these insights -- specimens of dialectical art -- see:
















Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.





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