Tuesday, May 24, 2022








Dear Reader,



The Rockefeller-“Eugenics”, “People Are Pollution” faction, the ruling, Rocke-Nazifaction of the U.S./U.K. ruling class, has gained a “bonanza” for decades in advancing their radically evil, "people are pollution", humanocidal, human population extermination agenda/pogrom, via the “abortion controversy’ –


1.  The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have, by “legalizing” abortion on demand, managed to arrange the murders of millions of babies in the U.S., contributing mightily to the now negative growth of the U.S. population, in what has been one of their most “successful” pogroms/programs of ‘Stealth Humanocide’ to-date.


2.  The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ have managed, by leveraging, ideologically, the deep dialectical contradiction immanent to the domain of human rights, as represented by the apparent radical antinomy of the “right to life” of the as-yet-unborn, soon-to-be-born citizen-to-be, versus the mothers’ human right to the disposition of her own body, to divide the majority class, to get us at each other’s throats over this issue, hoping that we will, in part thereby, via this massive distraction, not notice the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ “men behind the curtain”, plotting the global mass murder of ourselves and of our children, of “pro-life” and “pro-choice” citizens alike, until it is too late for us to stop them, in one of the most successful divide-and-conquer schemes in the Rocke-Nazi’s ultra-sordid history!


The time is now ripening for F.E.D. to offer a completion of the dialectic -- disguised and promoted as an irreconcilable antinomy [<-|->] by the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ mass media – of “Right to Choose” versus “Right to Life” --

qL <-|-> qC

moving on to [qL ~+~ qC] ~+~ qCL

-- with the dialectical synthesis category, qCL, embodied in the form of a draft ‘Reproductive Rights’ Amendment to the United States Constitution.


If the resolution of the deep divide within the majority class in the U.S. over the “abortion issue” is of interest to you, then keep a close eye on this space for the imminent publication, here, of this draft ‘Reproductive Rights’ Amendment, which is to be another key element in the proposed equitist political-economic democracy transformation of the U.S. Constitution, and in the ballots-based, rule-of-law based transition to the successor system to the present, ‘descendence-phase’ [state-]capitalist world-system.




















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