Thursday, June 30, 2022

‘Rocke-Nazis' Reeling.

Rocke-Nazis’ Reeling:  Their Key '''Humanocidal''' Pogrom Quashed by a Supreme Court No Longer Their Whore!




Dear Reader,



The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Faction, or ‘Rockefeller Faction’, of the – tellingly split – ‘Descendence-Phase’ U.S. capitalist ruling class, ‘debuted’ in power in the 19th Century, accompanied by their promotion of their ultra-vicious ideologies of Malthusianism, “Social Darwinism”, and “Eugenics”. 


‘Planned Parenthood’ – which would be more truthfully named ‘Planned NON-Parenthood’ -- was organized by Rockefeller agents, with the explicit aim of Stealth Genocide against African-Americans in particular.


The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ faction lost power to the opposing Faction in this historic, ‘Descendence-Phase’ split, the ‘Roosevelt Faction’, during the 1930s Great Depression, and when the Rocke-Nazi’s ‘servant-dictatorship’, the Hitler, Nazi, “Eugenics” regime, turned itself into a ‘Franken-Dictatorship’, with respect to their erstwhile ‘Rocke-Nazi’ masters, turning against, and planning to liquidate, the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, as became evident in 1939 with the [mutually hyper-insincere] Hitler-Stalin pact, by which the Hitler regime sought to temporarily pacify its Eastern flank, directly disobeying their orders  – the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ had assigned their Hitler regime to attack Russia above all else – so that the Hitler regime could first attack West instead, targeting the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ in the British 'aristocrapacy', etc. -- including the young, Nazi-saluting [see below] 'aristocrap' later-to-become the U.K.'s 'Queen Ubu', and the world's wealthiest welfare mother  -- for immediate elimination. 


The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ therefore needed the Roosevelt regime – which they had, before 1939, targeted for overthrow, as General Smedley Butler, so embarrassingly for them, publicly revealed -- to rally the U. S. working class to die for them, in defeating the Nazi monster regime which the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ had spawned, but which now threatened them with their global overthrow and extermination.


The ’Rocke-Nazi’ Faction regained power from the ‘Roosevelt faction’ in the late 1960s, via their coup d’état, in which they decapitated the leadership of the Roosevelt Faction, by arranging for, in quick succession, the assassinations of U. S. President John Kennedy, leading Presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Roosevelt Faction has since been moribund, increasingly subservient to the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ “successful” subjugation of the U. S. “Democrat” Party to the Rockefeller-engineered and Rockefeller-funded ‘Descendence-Phase’ ‘humanocidal’ ideologies of ‘People Are Pollution ecologism’ and “environmentalism”, and their plans for a, ‘humanocidal’, ‘Global Warming Austerity’.


For more about this, see, in this blog –

Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. ( 

-- and, for example --


The Republican Party had also been captured by the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, offering, as an “alternative” to the “Democrat’s” ‘humanocidal’ policies, the equally ‘humanocidal’ dismantling of the Roosevelt Faction’s social safety net of Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, etc., etc.


The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ reveled: Let the people decide which way we will murder the people – that’s “democracy”!


But, then, the slow-boiling fury of the U. S. working class middle class, after decades of ‘Rocke-Nazi’ destruction of their wages and their savings [e.g., through the Rockefeller’s Federal Reserve’s continual inflation], of their jobs, of their communities [reduced to ghost-towns, as their jobs were shipped-off, under U. S. government incentives, to China, etc.], and of their living standards – of their entire way of life – burst forth into open revolt in their election of Donald Trump – and of the nascent ‘Trump Faction’ of the U. S. capitalist ruling class -- to U. S. Executive power.


The ’Rocke-Nazis’ had lost control of the U. S. Presidency!


The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ thereby also lost control of the Supreme Court -- formerly their abject whore -- through President Trump’s appointments of replacements for departing/departed Supreme Court Justices.


This led, at length, just a few days ago, to the overthrow of perhaps the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ most “cherished” of their many population plummeting pogroms of Stealth Humanocide: the Supreme Court’s Roe-v.-Wade regime, which “legalized” the murder of millions of babies through decades of abortion on demand.


The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ are now reeling -- livid and raving about myriad risky, unconstitutional and illegal routes to reversing this, their greatest defeat since their extermination of the Kennedy family heirs to the post-WWII leadership of the ‘Roosevelt Faction’, an opposing Faction partially reborn, albeit in macabre form, in the nascent ‘Trump Faction’ of the U. S. capitalist ruling class.


The ’Rocke-Nazi’-owned mass media rave about packing the Court, impeaching the Court, overruling the Court via Unconstitutional Dictatorial Decrees [“Executive Orders”], assassinating Justices, etc., etc., ad nauseam.


But the fact remains that the motivations of the Justices who overthrew Roe-v.-Wade also contain darker elements which are not entirely “Life”-oriented, to say the least. 


Those Justices are, in part, responding to, and/or participating in, a movement for a jihadi-like “Christian”, “fundamentalist” theocratic state-capitalist totalitarianism, whose ideology has captured much influence within a U. S. working class “dumbed down” by decades of Rockefeller “educational” tampering with public school curricula, etc., including by their global “Eugenics” agent, the Rockefeller Arch-Whore Bill Gates -- a working class lacking any deeper analysis of the true causation of the concerted and mounting attacks upon their lives ever since the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ coup against Kennedys, heirs to the leadership of the ‘Roosevelt Faction’.


This Supreme Court, in the same week in which they overthrew the Roe-v.-Wade mass murder regime, also attacked the constitutional rule-of-law in the U. S., by undermining the separation of church and state enshrined in the U. S. Bill of Rights, e.g., by requiring taxpayers, who may not be “Christians”, to have their tax payments hijacked to fund “Christian” schools, dedicated to indoctrinating their students with their theocratic ideology, a dictatorial ideology that the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ can therefore easily co-opt to their own ends.


Part of the way to redress this ‘flatland’ mere ‘pendulation’, ever back and forth, between two equally evil “alternatives” – thesis to antithesis back to thesis back to antithesis… -- and to end the gigantic “divide-and-conquer” asset that the abortion conundrum has handed the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ for many decades – is to offer a dialectical synthesis solution to this longstanding societal impasse.


Because: the “Right to Life” versus “Right to Choose” conflict instances a genuine propositional contradiction within the system of human rights, which, to be resolved, we hold, requires a genuinely dialectical solution.


The timing is nearly ripe for Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica to offer its dialectical synthesis solution to this ‘abortion antinomy’, in the form of our proposed ‘Reproductive Human Rights’ amendment to the U. S. Constitution.


Stay tuned!























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Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.












[Former] U.K. 'Kink' Edward and Wife Warmly Greeting their Hitler-Monster, before he turned 'Franken-Dictator'.

[Former] U.K. 'Kink' Edward Nazi-Saluting with Hitler Officers.
















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