Dear Reader,
A decisive majority of the
electorate of the United States of America has, in effect, flushed the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-‘‘‘owned’’’,
‘Global Warming Austerity’, ‘‘‘Humanocidal’’’ government of Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris down the toilet of history, into the sewer of history where they
so deservedly belong!
But it is not just the U.S. electorate
that has begun to see through, and to passionately reject, the Rocke-Nazi’s “People
Are Pollution”, exterminationist ideology, and plan.
All around the Northern
Hemisphere of our planet, ‘Rocke-Nazi’-‘‘‘owned’’’, ‘Global Warming Austerity’,
‘humanocidal’/“People Are Pollution” governments are collapsing, or facing the
wrath of their majority-class electorates – in Canada, in the U.K., in France,
and in Germany, to name the most prominent.
In the U.S., a
pro-productive-forces, pro-progress, anti- to the Rocke-Nazi faction, new faction of the capitalist
ruling class, the Trump faction of the capitalist ruling class, has been chosen to lead it by the U.S.
majority class, supported by ‘ascendence-phase revivalist’,
pro-productive-forces tech CEOs like Elon Musk, and its election was, today,
certified by the U.S. Congress.
In Canada, also today, the
Justin Trudeau ‘Rocke-Nazi’-owned government was forced to flush itself
down the toilet of history. The
Trudeau ‘humanocidalists’ had attempted to destroy the booming Canadian fossil
fuels industry, and was about to foist a “Carbon Tax”/ “Cap” on energy supply,
driving up energy prices for the Canadian majority class – a ‘proto-humanocidal’
policy that was met with a swift and massive backlash from the Canadian people.
The ‘Rocke-Nazi’ humanocidal
plan, in all of these countries, is, of course, to drive monthly energy utility
prices “through the roof” by destroying energy supply, thereby forcing millions of
majority class citizens into homelessness when they cannot afford to pay those monthly
energy utility, etc., bills, then to kidnap, under “emergency” martial law powers, those millions of homeless people into “protective custody camps”, morphing quickly into concentration/extermination
camps, maybe without gas chambers this time – maybe with just a new, ‘Fauci-esque’,
‘designer disease’ “plandemic” to “finish off the job”.
For evidence of the ‘humanocidal’
intent that is so -- even-publicly -- pervasive among the ultra-criminal ‘Rocke-Nazi’
ruling class faction, and its ‘spokes-servants’, including their bald, semi-public
statements calling for, e.g., “95%” global human population extermination, see:
Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: 'Rocke-Nazi' Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims
Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.
In the U.K., massively-signed
petitions are circling, against the U.K.’s new, pseudo-“Labor” government, which
is creating a rising-censorship police state, with imprisonments of U.K.
Citizens who “have the wrong opinions”.
In France, the Macron, ‘Rocke-Nazi’-owned,
“Global Warming Austerity”, humanocidal government has also collapsed – via the
first no-confidence vote in France in 60 years -- facing the fury of the French
majority class over his imposition of an anti-energy, ‘Global Warming Austerity’
budget-by-decree, without any vote by the French Parliament, and facing the rising
popularity of Marine Le Pen’s “National Rally” party.
Marine Le Pen’s Party is
characterized, by the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-owned, ‘main sewer media’, as “extreme right
wing”, “Neo-Nazi”, etc., etc., But what
the French people are voting for, ever since their ‘Yellow-Vest’ uprisings, in voting for “National Rally” candidates, is
for prosperity, i.e., for a pro-productive forces, pro-progress, anti-“People
Are Pollution” movement to throw the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ out.
In Germany, the Scholz government, left with only the, mis-named, “Social Democratic” Party and the – ‘Soylent’ – Greens in support of it, has also collapsed.
Germany, under the Scholz regime, continued to drop in population, gutted its energy supply – not only fossil fuels, but even its non-CO2-emitting nuclear fission power plants – and drove majority-class energy prices “through the roof”.
New German elections are scheduled for 23 February 2025, with the pro-productive forces, pro-progress “Alternative for Germany” Party -- also Labelled “Neo-Nazi” and “extreme right populist” by the Rocke-Nazi ‘‘‘owned’’’ media -- set to gain the most seats in the national legislature.
The Rocke-Nazis are peeing their pants!
There is now, again, a chance for the majority class of humanity, globally, to defeat the Rocke-Nazi global- humanocide pogrom, and to rise up into a future of Global Renaissance, Global Prosperity, Global Progress, Global Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, and human flourishing.
The Rocke-Nazis are right now gnashing their teeth, and trying to decide whether to try, again, to assassinate President-elect Trump, or to unleash a new ‘designer disease’ global pandemic, to destroy the economy indirectly, or to launch a new ‘Global Great Depression III’, to destroy any economic prosperity directly -- or whether to do all three at once.
It is up to the majority class to communicate, now, to the Rocke-Nazis, that enough of us are now “wise to their game” as to make any of these global crimes -- or all of them together -- far too risky to the survival of the ‘Rocke-Nazis’, even as an overthrown former ruling class ruling faction.
It is up to YOU.
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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your comments on this blog-entry below!
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