Thursday, September 01, 2022

UPDATE: ‘CITIZEN PRIVACY RIGHTS’— Proposed Amendment 29 to the U. S. Constitution. – STOP the Incipient ‘Rocke-Nazi’ Dictatorship! GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.


UPDATE:CITIZEN PRIVACY RIGHTS’— Proposed Amendment 29 to the U. S. Constitution.


STOP the IncipientRocke-Nazi Dictatorship!  







Dear Reader,


The ruling, ‘Rocke-Nazi’, ‘human anti-humanist’, exterminationist faction of the capitalist ruling class has set up the digital infrastructure for a totalitarian police state in the United States.


As revealed by courageous individuals like Edward Snowden, at great risk to themselves, the Rocke-Nazi’-owned U. S. Government has now, for many years, been recording your every phone-call, text message, email message, credit card transaction, debit card transaction, bank transactions-in-general, and your library books and CDs borrowings, the image of car license plate while you drive, the image of your face when you are out in public, etc., etc., and has developed Orwellian police-state technologies for the audio and video stealth surveillance of you and your family in your home, e.g., via your large-screen TV, and for the stealth surveillance of every key stroke you make on your home computer, etc., etc.


[For background on this ruling faction, and their ultra-criminal plans, see, for example –


Capitalism's Fatal Flaw, and the Way Forward: Plutocracy Publicly Proclaims Planned Planetary Population Plummeting. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES. (].


The JPG text, posted below, presents a second draft of our proposed ‘Citizen Privacy Rights’ Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, proposed as Article of Amendment # 29. 

COMMENTARY on Draft Right to Privacy Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.

         A robust right to privacy, while abundantly justified on general ethical, moral, and human rights grounds, will also be necessary if citizens are to mount a campaign to reverse the slide into Orwellian police-state totalitarianism that is increasingly evident in the U.S. [as well as worldwide], by means of attaining the higher civilizational level of Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.


         This amendment instantiates the concept of a Political-ECONOMIC Constitution, because it recognizes that the threat to liberty comes, today, not only from government, but, and even more so, from both private and “public” corporations that have in so many ways outgrown and dwarfed governments; economic organizations that have even managed to “buy out” governments, via lobbying and other forms of legalized bribery, obviating political-only checks-and-balances.  Thus, this amendment does not address only checks on government infringements of liberty, leaving constraints on, e.g., infringements of liberty by economic entities to statute law.  This amendment addresses threats to liberty by both “political” and “economic” organizational entities.


         Many U.S. Citizens today dismiss concern over the mounting hyper-surveillance of their lives -- of every phone call, of every credit/debit card purchase, of every email, not to mention the growing presence of [e.g., “facial recognition”] digital video cameras and audio recorders in public space and even in private homes via new consumer electronics devices -- saying “I don’t care what they know about me; I have nothing to hide”.  Those citizens underestimate the potential of governmental and of private organizations to gather “dirt” on them, that, if disclosed, could destroy their jobs, their family relationships, and/or their friendships, and that can thus be used to “blackmail” them to commit acts on behalf of governmental, or of private, organizations that they would not otherwise condone or commit.  This amendment would also inhibit the “character assassination” and “cancellation” of non-consenting private individuals by the corporate media.


This amendment will be bad news for government spies, for mail, e-mail, and cold call telephone marketers, spammers, and fraudsters, for blackmailers, for private detective agencies, for tabloid scandal-sheets, for paparazzi, for credit bureaus, and for others who have, for decades, heaped increasing abuse upon the public -- upon defenseless individuals.  It is bad news also for marketers who inundate individual citizens with “targeted” and “tailored” ads -- “tailored” through detailed covert surveillance data on individual citizens.  The media, per this amendment, may still legally report on organizational conduct, on the public activities of public officials, of public policy advocates, and of corporate officers, but not on their private and personal lives, and not on unindicted and non-consenting individuals within those organizations.  This amendment does not outlaw personal data collection and retention regarding private citizens.  However, entities wishing to lawfully collect and/or retain such information must have the detailed, acceptably-compensated, and time-limited consent of the individuals to whom that personal information pertains, in writing, prior to the commencement of any collection and/or retention of such information.  Collection of information on persons with U.S. Presence who are not U.S. Citizens is not restricted by this amendment.








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Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
























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