Sunday, September 15, 2024

‘Rocke-Nazis’ Losing Their Edge? GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.





¡Rocke-NazisLosing Their Edge: Two Bungled Attempts in a Row!











Dear Reader,





¡It looks like “our” Rocke-Nazi rulers are losing their edge!


Two bungled attempts to assassinate their nemesis, Donald Trump, in a row.


It used to be a mere “snap of their their to “liquidate” any opposing leader, or President, who threatened to improve the lives of the people – of the majority class – and thus to thwart their humanocidal global plan.


The Rocke-Nazis are so reminiscent of their erstwhile foes, the state-bureaucratic rulers of the, bygone, [pseudo-]“Soviet” Union, who would brook no opposition; who sought immediately to “liquidate” anyone showing the slightest hint of opposition to their rule. 

So it is with the Rocke-Nazis now, in their frenzy to eliminate Donal Trump, and his entire faction – another faction of the capitalist ruling class, but one with vestiges of the ‘ascendence-phase’ of capitalism, and of the Roosevelt Faction, which the Rocke-Nazis thought that they had deleted from history by their 1960s coup detat, with their near-simultaneous assassinations of John Kennedy, of Martin Luther King, Jr., of Robert Kennedy – and of many, many others, today unmentioned, and unmentionable, in the Rocke-Nazis ‘main [sewer] stream’ mass media.


So the Rocke-Nazis, perhaps worrying that too many assassinations in recent history risked their exposure, tried other methods” to extirpate Trump.


They mobilized their [‘main sewer’] mass media to attack Trump virtually every second of every day, 24 x 7, for years on end.  They released their gain of function Fauci global pandemic, to trash the Trump miracle economy. 


But even that didn’t seem to work well enough, so they mobilized as much of their “owned” legal system as they could muster to attack Trump with, to coin a phrase, “Trumped-Up” charges, including charges for infractions for which two of their main whoresHilary Clinton and Joe Biden – each received hardly a slap on the wrist.


When that too didn’t slump Trump, the Rocke-Nazis resorted to their “tried and true”: assassination.


Well, assassination worked for John Kennedy, didn’t it?  And for Robert Kennedy?  And for Martin Luther King, Jr.?  And for Medgar Evers?  And for Princess Diana?  And for John Lennon?  And for countless other leaders, worldwide, who began to benefit the majority class, rather than the humanocidal plans of the Rocke-Nazis?


But now, with two bungled attempts already in at assassinating Trump, it looks like the Rocke-Nazis are getting “rusty” at this key “tool” of their “trade” [or of their ‘traid(torousness)’].


Nonetheless, I think that Trump would be smart to henceforth bring his own, private body-guard brigade with him to his public appearances, to “supplement” the “Secret Service”, who are showing all too many signs – as they did in the assassination of John Kennedy – of being, at least at their “leadership” levels, in cahoots with the Rocke-Nazis.


The Rocke-Nazis, increasingly losing control of their world, are like a cornered animal.  They are sure to strike out again!








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For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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