Wednesday, November 07, 2012

OPEN LETTER to Those Opposing State-Capitalist Dictatorship


Dear Reader,

The Equitist Advocacy Group has issued an open letter/leaflet to "Occupy Wall Street" and the Global People's Assemblies Movement, entitled "Diagnosis & Prescription".

Below is the [recently-revised] text of that open letter, as transcribed from the leaflet handed out at an "Occupy Wall Street" demonstration in which I participated.

Nice to see such a brief "Prescription" section, that is nevertheless so pregnant with so many profound social-revolutionary implications, No?




The Capitals-System No Longer Works, Even to the Extent It Once Did




The Global Failure of the Present System &
The Emergence of a Successor System

DIAGNOSIS:  The self-continuation of the capitals system predictably
concentrates predominant capital ownership, & therefore predominant
monetary power, & therefore predominant political power, in ever fewer
hands, thereby defeating 'political-only' constitutional checks-and-balances
intended to preserve representative popular democracy and civil liberty.

This concentration of money-power has concentrated real political
power in a handful of plutocratic, humanocidal crime-families -- power
that escapes all existing democratic-constitutional, merely-political
checks & balances -- as these plutocratic families prostitute the
executive, legislative, & judicial branches of government at all
levels to their "Big Money", & assassinate those leaders who they
cannot prostitute.

Example:  The international political machine of those serial mass
murderers, the "Eugenicist"-humanocidal Rockefeller Mega-Crime Family,
which conducts their global "invisible dictatorship", in part, via
Exxon-Mobil, J. P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman
Sachs, the Rockefeller Foundations, the Federal Reserve, the American
Medical Association, the Baptist Church, the New York Council on
Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, etc., etc.

These ruling plutocratic families later apply their concentrated
political-economic power to attack a growing threat to that power
inherent in the later competitive capitals-system itself:  that of an
accelerating technological obsolescence depreciation of their largest
capital assets.

"Techno-depreciation" destroys the capital-value of their capital plant and
equipment, & of its products, in industries they directly own [e.g.,
oil], & induces defaults on their banks' humongous loans for capital
plant & equipment to other industries' owners, whom they control, in
part, by  means of such debt.

The improved products/productivity that this
"techno-depreciation" process reflects betters life/reduces life-cost
for most of humanity, but is anathema to the "1%".

Example: The advent of zero-radioactivity fusion power generators
would soon essentially zero-out the capital-value of the Rockefeller
Exxon-Mobil corporation's global plant & equipment investments, & of
their product:  petroleum.

The Plutocracy's Reaction to the Above-Defined "Techno-Depreciation"
Threat to their Power

(1.) In the "periphery" of the core capital-based countries [US/UK/
Europe], the plutocracy moves to –

* Create the "Third World". They set up military/comprador
dictatorships throughout the not-yet-industrialized "periphery" -- in
Latin America, Asia, & Africa -- to suppress the technological
depreciation threat of lowest-wage/latest capital plant & equipment rapid
industrialization there [which "worked", until the post-WWII
industrialization-renaissance of Japan, then the recent resurgence of
China/Brazil/India. Japan's ongoing national depression, ever since
1989, via the plutocracy's "Bubble Engineering", starting in real estate,
was a "dress rehearsal" for the global asset bubble/collapse, also engineered
by the "Rocke-Nazis"/"Rothe-Nazis", & manifest since 2008].

* Impose a "Meta-Nazi" Regime there. This plutocracy imposes,
internationally, their "meta-dictatorship", based upon their
heterogeneous multiplicity of national military/local-oligarchy
servant-dictatorships in the thereby-impoverished nations of their resulting
"Third World", in Latin America, Africa & Asia.

* Propagate Genetically-Engineered, "Population Reduction" Designer
Diseases there
Example:  AIDS.

(2.) In the core capital-based countries [US/UK/Europe], the
plutocracy moves to –

* Impose an Income Tax as a new form of wages-reducing "surplus-value",
to make the working class, and the smaller, weaker capital-owners, pay
the military arms-supply & invasion/"intelligence"/secret police costs
of maintaining the "Meta-Nazi" regime in the "Third World" [Example:
U.S. 16th Constitutional Amendment, adopted in 1913].

* Impose "fiat money" central banking regimes [Example: The U.S.
"Federal Reserve", created in 1913].

* Impose "Permanent Inflation" via fiat currency central banks, to
make the working class and the small capital owners pay for the
ongoing "techno-depreciation" that the plutocratic "invisible
dictatorship" can't otherwise suppress.

Example: --


* Cripple / assassinate technological innovators.

Examples: Preston Tucker, John DeLorean, Philo Farnsworth, Dr. Eugene
Mallove, Dr. Robert Bussard, Steve Jobs.

* Massively fund "population reduction" ideologies/policies/
Examples:  Rockefeller/Nazi "Eugenics" [pre-WWII]; anti-science,
anti-technology, neo-Malthusian, pro-humanocide "people are pollution"
ideologies [today].

* Bring the "Third World" Home via plutocracy-captive government
policies of middle class impoverishment
Examples:  job-theft, home-
theft, pension-theft, planned Social Security/Medicare repeal,
destruction of access to higher education, medical costs
hyperinflation [Note:  It was John D. Rockefeller himself who
orchestrated the ascendancy of the American Medical Association, the
suppression of naturopathy, etc.], setting the stage to "bring home"
the "Third World" periphery-style open/visible dictatorships to the
"First World" core. Their Goal:  make life increasingly impossible for
the majority, including by making life increasingly unaffordable for
the majority.  Convert the E.U. nations, and the U.S., into "banana republics",
starting with Greece and Spain.

(3.) OverallEngineer a Global Depression to enable a Global
Totalitarian, Humanocidal Meta

* 1930s -- Global Great Depression I.:  The Rockefeller/Morgan/
Rothschild plutocracy created the 1930s Global Great Depression via
their technology of "Capital Asset Bubble Engineering", imposed their
totalitarian, genocidal servant-dictatorships in Spain [Franco],
Portugal [Salazar], Italy [Mussolini], Hungary [Horthy], Argentina
[Castillo/Peron], Japan [Hirohito/Tojo], China [Chiang Kai Shek],
Russia [Stalin], and Germany [Hitler], & attempted a military coup in
the U.S. [under General Schmedly D. Butler].

Hitler's "Franken-Dictator" turn against that plutocracy, aiming to "take their place"
of global dictatorship for himself, aborted this, their first attempt
at a global "meta-Nazi" meta-dictatorship. "Second World", Stalinist/
Maoist state-capitalist totalitarian/genocidal dictatorships in Russia
and China, vying with the "Rocke-Nazis"/"Rothe-Nazis" for world
dictatorship after WWII, blocked any "Rocke-Nazi"/"Rothe-Nazi" Great
Depression 2nd try, until after 1989.

* The Present -- Global Great Depression II.:  Rockefeller banks -- J.
P. Morgan Chase/Citibank/Bank of America/Goldman Sachs – concocted
fictitious capital derivatives, fraudulently foisted as "high return/
low risk" assets, aided by capital asset rating agency fraudulent
triple-A ratings of these "assets", duping other banks world-wide to
fork over their liquid actual capital to buy these mortgage-backed

These "assets'" values/returns were then collapsed,
using the usual "bubble-engineering" tech., crashing stock markets
world-wide; rendering millions of workers job-less, home-less, 401(k)-
less, & pension-less; plunging capital reserve ratios of duped buyer-
banks to insolvency levels.

Central banks & governments in US/UK/Europe responded, per plan,
transferring this private bank/corporation fictitious capital debt to taxpayers,
handing trillions of worker-taxpayer dollars to these criminal/dupe banks &
other corporations.

This converted a private debt crisis into a public, sovereign debt crisis
in the US/UK/Europe, to "justify" repeal of pensions/social safety
nets [U.S. Examples:  planned Social Security/Medicare "reform"], & to
impose hyper-contractionary "austerity" against the working class,
with escalation of education & medical costs, etc., in the US, UK,
Iceland, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, etc.

Such "austerity" induces drastically deepened global economic collapse,
now targeted by the plutocracy for ~ 2013, via the "fiscal cliff" & the EU "debt crisis",
to impose state-capitalist, totalitarian rule, & catastrophic "population reduction",
against all working classes, once the plutocracy consolidates their global "meta-dictatorship".

Worldwide police-state, state-capitalist dictatorships, dealing out
humanocide to the working/"middle" class globally, is now the only way
that the "Rocke-Nazi"/"Rothe-Nazi" plutocrats can see to preserve their
global power against middle-class/democracy expansion & accelerating
technological progress.

The time has come for "We the people" to end the
plutocracy's power, globally, before they "end" us!

The only power that can save our lives now is our own collective power.


* International boycotts of the products & "services" of national and of global
corporations who prostitute government policies.

* Equitarian Constitutional Reform / Equitarian Non-Violent Social
-- Constitutional establishment, via global ```populist'''
up-rising, of new, Universal Citizen Equity Human Rights, creating ECONOMIC
checks-&-balances, to resuscitate the existing, political-only checks-
&-balances, vitiated by concentrated economic power:

1. Citizen Externality Equity Rights – Popularly-elected Boards of
Public Directors in all localities, constraining the production of
pollution, etc., "externalities" by enterprise local operating units'
private boards of directors / management committees.  Popularly-elected
Associations of Public Directors at the local, regional, national, &,
eventually, continental & global levels democratically reshape
the human geography of global human society.

2. Citizen Birthright Equity Rights – A Social Trust Fund for each
newborn Citizen, by right of birth, to [help] defray lifetime costs of
education, re-training, health care, unemployment, housing, etc., with
legislated expenditure rules/constraints against potential "moral hazard".

3. Citizen Stewardship Equity Rights – Competing, Citizen self-organized,
socialized producers' cooperatives, rated as having both qualifying business
plans & democratic internal self-management, on a one steward, one-vote basis,
by a likewise democratically self-managed, Stewardship Equity "social bank",
are granted, by that qualifying "social bank", in return for a monthly "social rent",
payable to the National Office of the Custodian of Social Property, stewardship,
but not local ownership, of the plant and equipment assets needed to launch their
cooperative enterprises, & to conduct their social-bank-endorsed business plans,
with two income streams for each stewardship cooperative member:  an equal share
in net profits of each stewardship cooperative for each of its members, & a job-based,
skills-based, labor-market-competitive salary for each of its members/stewards.

By:  The Equitist Advocacy Group.

See draft Constitutional Amendments at"

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