Monday, February 17, 2025

Clip from a Recent Conversation. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.












Clip from a Recent Conversation.










Dear Reader,


The following excerpt, from one of my recent conversations, is offered here for your consideration [edited for typos/spelling, grammar, length, and clarity].







Conversation Partner: “It is so exciting -- the awesome people that Trump is getting confirmed for his cabinet!!  Today Kennedy…

Great times ahead!!!!”






M.D.: Yes, Trump’s cabinet picks are brilliant, and almost all have by now been confirmed by the U. S. Senate.


Trump is kicking Rockefeller butt, all over the planet, like nobody has ever kicked Rockefeller butt before!


Hence, the ‘F*ckafeller’ minions, and the ‘Rottenfellers’ themselves, are now peeing their adult diapers, also all over the planet.


This is a kind of bloodless revolution, in the form of a transition of power, to the new, Roosevelt-Faction-like Trump Faction of the capitalist ruling class, from the, losing, Rockefeller Faction of the capitalist ruling class.


And it seems that Trump is working to redress, and to reverse, the horrific consequences of the Rockefeller Faction’s coup d’état, in the ‘60s, in which Rockefeller-orchestrated hit-men murdered the leaders of the Roosevelt Faction -- President JFK, Robert Kennedy, Sr., Martin Luther King, Jr., ..., Medgar Evers,..., Dorothy Kilgallen, and many, many others – “decapitating”, and overthrowing, the Roosevelt Faction that had been in power since the Great Depression.


Trump is –

(1) releasing the illegally long-withheld/buried files on the first three assassinations listed above, which may prove the Rockefeller Faction’s ordering of those assassinations;


(2) closing the Rockefeller-Faction’s/Biden’s “open borders”, which, among many other benefits, will stem the downward pressure on U. S. wages of desperate illegal immigrants, willing to work for the lowest survivable wage imaginable, and will also stem their upward pressure on rents and home prices, and block the Rockefeller-“owned” drug cartels from debilitating/-killing more Americans, with Fentanyl, etc.;


(3) penalizing U. S. colleges and universities that impose Mengele-like COVID vaccine mandates on students;


(4) terminating the Rockefeller Faction’s reproduction suppressing “transgender” chemical and surgical genital mutilation and ‘neuterization’/sterilization of minors, without parental consent;


(5) shutting down US participation in the Paris “Climate” Accords [i.e., the Rockefeller Faction’s, “People Are Pollution”, ‘Humanocide Accords’];


(6) restoring U.S. women’s athletics against their Rockefeller Faction/Biden-destruction via invading “transgender” biological males;


(7) tariff-protecting new U. S. “infant” industries, trying to re-industrialize the United States, after the last ~ 60 years of Rockefeller-Faction-contrived de-industrialization of the U. S., and hence real-wages-reduction for the U. S. majority class;


(8) combating Rockefeller Faction/“Federal Reserve”/Biden[-hyper-in]flation, by ramping up U. S. energy production, to raise U. S. balance of payments energy income, and to raise U. S./global energy supply, to thereby also lower energy prices, and hence to lower the prices of almost all other goods, almost all of which require such energy for their production, and thus must incorporate energy prices into their output prices, thus reversing the Rockefeller-Faction-contrived hyperinflation, and putting a damper on the energy income, hence the military budgets, of nation-states like Russia and Iran, making them more prone to negotiate for peace;


(9) reigning-in the – formerly Rockefeller Faction/New York Council on Foreign Relations “owned” – U. S. Department of State, under Marco Rubio;


(10) reigning-in the formerly Rockefeller-Faction-“owned”, rogue CIA, under new DNI Tulsi Gabbard;


(11) reigning-in the Orwellian Department of Indoctrination, falsely called the “U. S. Department of Education” ever since its Rockefeller Faction takeover, whereby it relentlessly pushes, on the States, divide-and-conquer “critical race theory”, divide-and-conquer “DEI” indoctrination, anti-reproduction abortion-ism/homosexuality/“transgender”-ism/“people are pollution” ‘ecologism’, etc., etc., etc.;


(12) curbing of Rockefeller-Faction-orchestrated fraud, waste and abuse of U. S. taxpayer dollars, toward lowering U. S. majority-class income tax rates, to help ‘re-prosperize’ the U. S. majority class;


Etc., etc., etc.,…







For more information regarding the Seldonian insights, please see --













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights  specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books, published by the F.E.D. Press, see





























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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