Dear Reader,
¡¡¡The ‘Rocke-Nazi’-whore, Soylent-Green, ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ ‘Democrap’ Party
is pro-crime, and pro-criminal!!!
[Definition: A ‘Democrap’
is an elected politician who poops on the people.].
not just talking about the democrap regimes on the U.S. West
Coast, running and ruining the states of Washington, Oregon, and California, e.g.,
in cities like Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. Those three cities are contending for the Guiness World Record for pooping on the sidewalk, and receiving
fertilizer company offers to set up guano mining in their city streets.
Nor am I just talking
about the rampant escalation of violent crime rates there. E.g., in Seattle, the heroin addicts, lately
attracted there in droves, are re-naming the city “Free-Attle” –
per a resident I know there, whose house has been robbed three times in a row,
with no help from the “defunded” local police, and whose lawn is covered with used heroin
needles – so easy is it for those addicts to “freely” rob homes to fund their
No: today,
I’m mainly talking about illegal immigration crime, which the
democraps are aiding, abetting, and championing!
Legal immigration into
the United States is to be welcomed.
President Trump himself has recently so affirmed.
if a group of Citizens holds that U.S. immigration laws now on the books are,
e.g., too restrictive as to which migrants and/or how many migrants they
legalize and let in, then they are most welcome to petition Congress and to
campaign for their preferred changes to U.S. immigration law. That’s how “the rule of law” works in a democracy.
that “rule of law” requires that the laws, including the immigration laws, now
on the books, be enforced – for exactly as long as they remain on the books.
who enter U.S. territory illegally are already committing a crime against the
people of the United States – are already criminals – even if they are not
criminal gang members, Fentanyl drug traffickers, and/or human traffickers,
e.g., sex slave traffickers, etc., etc.
crapping once again on the demos, on the people of the United States,
are advocating -- and, under recent democrap Presidents, have implemented,
to the tune of an estimated 11,000,000 illegal enterings into the U.S. –
non-enforcement, and flagrant violation,
of U.S. immigration laws.
¡¡¡The democraps’ “Sanctuary Cities” are cities that are giving sanctuary
to criminals. They are “sanctifying”
democraps are attacking the rule of law.
democraps who support these “sanctuaries”, and who support illegal
immigration, are, thereby, PRO-CRIME and PRO-CRIMINAL.
a key realization has to do with why the democraps have become such
flagrant supporters of crime and of criminals.
Democrap Party is a party run by ‘Rocke-Nazi’ humanocidal whores.
The Democrap Party long ago – soon after the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ coup d’état in which the ‘Rocke-Nazi Faction’ of the capitalist ruling class finished off the leadership of their rival capitalist ruling class faction, the ‘Roosevelt Faction’, via the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ murders of President John F. Kennedy, of Robert F. Kennedy Sr., of Martin Luther King, Jr., and of many, many others – ceased to be the Party of the ‘Roosevelt Faction’; the pro-labor party; the pro-majority-class party.
the Rocke-Nazis’ planned pogrom,
their stated planned extermination
of “95%” of humanity, the “open borders” policies of their ‘Bi-Dumb
Double-Dumb’ "Presidency", as of other recent democrap Presidencies in the U.S.,
is a key component.
“open border” policy is crucial to their further “softening up” of the U.S.
majority class for the kill.
The illegal in-flooding of millions of desperate migrants, fleeing countries whose ‘Rocke-Nazi’-owned ‘servant-dictators’ have made life unlivable for them where they were born, and therefore ready to accept almost any pittance of a wage, and any hellish working conditions, means that wages are thereby “bid down” for all working class Americans, while rents and home-ownership costs are “bid up” by those millions of ‘Rocke-Nazi’-impoverished illegal immigrants, even if they can only afford to live two dozen persons plus per apartment.
President Trump is now blockading the Rocke-Nazis’ “open border”, and the rest of their planned pogrom, by his multi-front attack on the foundations of ‘Rocke-Nazi’ institutional power – on the [formerly] Rockefeller-owned [via their “New York Council on Foreign Relations’] U.S. Dept. of State, on the Rockefeller created & owned CIA, on the early Rocke-Nazis’-instituted, and ‘Rocke-Nazi’ privately owned "Federal Reserve", on the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-instituted Federal Income Tax and IRS, on the ‘Rocke-Nazi’-compromised FBI and ‘Injustice Dept.’, and on the to-be-pogrom-orchestrating Federal Emergency Management Administration [FEMA].
And the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ -- and their Democrap Party humanocidal, “People Are Pollution” whores -- are livid with rage against him, and against the U.S. majority class electorate, that "basket of deplorables", who elected him by a wave of support that was, this time, “Too Big to Rig”, so that the ‘Rocke-Nazis’ are also peeing their adult diapers, many, many times per day.
The ‘Rocke-Nazis’ will do anything they can to dis-empower the U.S. majority class, to keep the U.S. working class from
getting ahead – by attacking any rise in wages with Rocke-Nazi-owned Federal
Reserve induced inflation and recession, by flooding the U.S. with low-wage
acceptors, and by thereby also creating price-escalating housing shortages for the majority class.
are key preparatory steps on the Rocke-Nazis’ way to “Global Warming” humanocide,
by cutting energy supply -- via shutting down coal-burning power-plants,
petroleum burning power-plants, natural-gas burning power-plants, nuclear
PLANTS, SOLAR CELL FARMS, ETC., ETC., because they are all “bad for fish”, and/or
“trespass upon indigenous lands” [i.e., upon any and all lands] –
so that energy prices will skyrocket,
imposing on Americans, as already upon Europeans, monthly energy utility bills
that are unpayable given prevailing, inflation-deflated wages- levels,
so that millions of thereby-made-homeless Americans, under an emergency martial law, can be herded
into FEMA “protective custody camps”, quickly morphing into [Rocke-]Nazi,
designer-disease plandemic propagating, concentration/extermination camps.
read the ‘Rocke-Nazi’ principals’ and ‘spokes-whores’ semi-public declarations
of their planned “95%” ‘humanocide’ of the human race, please see –
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian insights, please see --
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of ‘dialectical art’ – as well as dialectically-illustrated books
published by
the F.E.D. Press, see –
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Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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